Public Beta - Discussion

  • Here's my first verdict on the new Kemper Fuzz:

    I can say without a doubt, that the Kemper Fuzz is in my opinion the best digital fuzz effect every implemented in a digital guitar rig that I have seen to this date and I tried quite a few already (like pedals from Source Audio, plugins, etc.). I think this is actually the first time that I get the same clipping character like on my analog fuzz pedals. On top, the Kemper Fuzz is really versatile once you understand the function and interaction of all parameters (do yourself a favor and read the 8.1 manual). I did have small expectations beforehand because so far digital fuzz effects have always been underwhelming, so I am happy to report that this update totally delivered!

    However, there is one major thing that is important to get the best out of this effect - and this is to crank the volume parameter up. I really found this to be crucial to get a real fuzz feeling with the Kemper Fuzz and it really opens up the tone. Try it!

    Unfortunately Kemper decided for all presets (same goes for the Kemper Drive) to leave the volume neutral at 0. Imo increasing the volume helps both the Kemper Drive & Fuzz to really come alive and deliver the sweet sweet sound you've been looking for. I think this said volume boost should absolutely be stock in most presets as some might overlook that. Unfortunately we can't edit and save the firmware presets as these are now maintained by the OS. I also would love to be able to choose user presets from the drop down context menu, it works great for the Cab presets, why not for user effect presets, too?

    Anyways, the Kemper Fuzz is great! I built a bunch of pedals on my own to use with the Kemper, especially fuzz pedals because that's what was lacking so far. I can recreate most of my analog pedals fairly accurate with the KF. Some are easier to recreate like my version of the Basic Audio Scarab (Tonebender MKII), while others are tricky like the KMA Audio Fuzzly Bear (Jordan Boss Tone, probably one of my favorite fuzz pedals ever). The only shortcoming is the volume interaction but that issue is well explained in the manual and an issue of the input impedance. I'd love to hear from a Stage user if that feature works on the unit like advertised.

    The interaction of Transistor Shape & Tone is particularly interesting and covers the sound of a lot of different fuzz circuits. However I wonder, if it wouldn't be useful to include a "Bias" parameter as most people would know what to expect without consulting the manual first and a specific gating effect like requested above could easily be implemented there to recreate the sound of "wrongly" biased transistors.

    tl;dr: The new Kemper Fuzz is probably one of the best implementations of a digital fuzz on the market and adds real value to our beloved Profiler. Still, there is even more potential to get more out of it regarding preset management and bias effects.

  • I instantly fell in love with it! I celebrated the Kemper Drive, but this thing? I freaking love it!

    It is so inspiring. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhYES

    back to topic:

    Once my Kemper crashed. The screen pointed out sth with USB. I had that problem 2 or 3 times over the years that the Kemper crashed when used with RIG Manager. So I don´t think that it is a special problem of the beta.

    man, I want to go home and play. I am at work and my fingertips still hurt from yesterdays session because I forgot myself.

    Ah yes, I am a extreme user. I love old spring reverb low gain sounds out of an old radio and I love highgain sounds (now combined with Kemper Fuzz at Gain 3-4 for rythmmayham or 10 for suuuuuuuugaaaaaaar!).

    With Kemper Fuzz my machine is jusst instand industrial love. THAAAAAAAAAAAAANKS!

  • However, there is one major thing that is important to get the best out of this effect - and this is to crank the volume parameter up. I really found this to be crucial to get a real fuzz feeling with the Kemper Fuzz and it really opens up the tone. Try it!

    You recommend to crack the volume of the fuzz.

    Cranking the gain of the amp is not an alternative?

  • @ ckemper , well done !!! I'm sure you dissected these old analog pedals to the bone to get these fantastic results :)

    I'd love to benefit from the impedance feature, do you plan a specific software update , or is it only a stage hardware feature ?

    Will it be implemented in future toaster or rack edition ?


  • You recommend to crack the volume of the fuzz.

    Cranking the gain of the amp is not an alternative?

    I just tried and compared raised volume on the fuzz vs. raised gain on the amp in equal increments on different profiles.

    Indeed, it gets close and maybe it should sound the same, however, I do notice subtle differences and therefore not the same effect overall. These include a slightly "fuller" bass response for the lack of better words as well as less hiss & noise (having my noise gate off like usual).

    Of course this may come down to the fact that +2 on the volume is not equals +2 on the amp gain.

    I just find it more useful to push the volume of the Kemper Fuzz effect because:

    1. It is more useful as it's not messing with the overall amp sound and can be disengaged independently without having to use Morph.

    2. It enables a better interplay with different effects that are active in between fuzz and amp.

    3. It feels more natural in general. With a tube amp and analog pedals it usually makes a very big difference between pushing the volume of the pedal or increasing the amps' overall gain, because the volume boost gets affected by the pedals character and the amp by it's own preamp configuration. When I use my analog boost pedals to push the Kemper it also sounds different than increasing the gain on the Profiler by itself. I get the same impression when using the Kemper Drive or Fuzz (even though it's absolutely no massive difference for sure).

    Anyways, I'd love to get more educated on this topic. I'd love to hear your explanation whether the KPA should sound exactly the same in the case of Fuzz Volume vs. Amp Gain. Then I'd try and mess with it some more to figure out why I feel like I prefer having the volume pushed on the Kemper Drive & Fuzz.

    Also I think I forgot to congratulate you for this awesome update! Your continuous efforts are very welcomed and appreciated :)

  • ah if you got a stage , it might be covered :

    True Impedance
    The soft button True Impedance available in PROFILER Stage model changes the impedance of the guitar input of your PROFILER.
    ✓ PROFILER Head and Rack models do not feature True Impedance.
    While “interaction” is an overrated buzz word in the guitar world, it‘s completely true with an analog fuzz effect. The extremely low input impedance of the fuzz causes the volume potentiometer on your guitar to clean out the fuzz very quickly when turned down, which is an extremely welcome feature. Unfortunately, this effect cannot be simulated in the digital world, unless a true low input impedance is presented to your guitar. The PROFILER Stage features a hardware impedance placed in the guitar input to exactly simulate this behavior. Press “True Impedance” to activate this function. Check how the volume pot of your guitar behaves differently with “True Impedance” being switched on and off.
    You will notice an audio drop-out when switching, too. This drop-out will also occur whenever you switch from or to a Rig with a fuzz with active “True Impedance”. This drop-out cannot be avoided as the hardware impedance dramatically changes the incoming level of your guitar in an instance. Consider carefully whether you will make use of the volume pot advantages or benefit from an artifact-free switching.

    Is that for all stages, or only the 2nd genenation with the round venting holes and the extra opamp near the input? Update: I checked, it's also there on Stage purchased around release.

    Edited once, last by 2004Billy (April 21, 2021 at 6:01 PM).

  • @ ckemper , well done !!! I'm sure you dissected these old analog pedals to the bone to get these fantastic results :)

    I'd love to benefit from the impedance feature, do you plan a specific software update , or is it only a stage hardware feature ?

    Will it be implemented in future toaster or rack edition ?


    Looks like a hardware feature only.

    "PROFILER Head and Rack models do not feature True Impedance"

  • OS 8.1 and Rig Manager 3.2 are public betas. If you would like to install these anyhow, make sure, you tick the box "Include Beta ....." in Rig Manager preferences.

    already did that,and that is why i said i installed firmware os beta but i didnt get the RM beta install window

    stop worrying about what's "best" - just pick the thing that works for you

  • I've never been a big fuzz guy, so grain of salt, but they seem very musical and useable, created a bunch of rigs with them. I also love that these fuzzes, like the kemper drives, features a mix adjustment. I find I often like adding colors with drives by letting a bit of unaltered signal pass with mix at 90%. Plus then I can effectively toggle the fuzz or drive on or off (or O% to 90%) with morphing, which I set to instantaneous using buttons 1-5. (Sometimes I also back of the amp's gain in the morph state.

    Once again, Kemper's unique volume attenuation with increases or decreases in gain of fuzzes, drives, or the amp itself takes a ton of hassle out of tweaking Rigs to taste and keeping them matching in volume.

    Another home run by Kemper.

    Curious as to what they mean by: "changed: progression of Ducking parameter" Is this in regards to a specific effect with a ducking parameter or in general?

  • Grooguit

    Same here.There was a time when I was on the total hendrix trip and tried some fuzz pedals but I never got the grip on them besides this psychedelic 60s sound which I really loved.

    But these kemper fuzzes are a real "colouration machine".Somehow I stopped seeing these new fuzzes as such after the first 10 minutes I played them.For me they are just one more great tool to form the sound I have in my ear.

    I see all these several types of overdrive/distortion sources(amp distortion/kemper drives & fuzzes/boosts) as a melting pot to get the right sound for everything I have in mind.And the fuzzes are like the last piece of the puzzle.And for sure not the least important piece of this puzzle.