Get a 10-string guitar, find a death metal tone, and add fuzz. Then take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
Nope. He get´s that sound via a mere 8 string
as DoPeterson stated: A ton of production. Because: It is less gain than you think. It is a OTT to death. I heard producers that used 3 or more OTTs in a row for such sounds (only the upward part). It is not about gain, it is more about dynamic. Yah, and sometimes layered or vocoded additional signals like sawsynths or that song with a guitar/freaking chainsaw vocoded in.
But: The base sound (whatever the source is) is an OTT. Or in fact: several.
There are special compressors like the "Argent Compressor" by nimble or "Uberloud" by Boom (which are heavy upwards compressors). But as far as I see, there is no such heavy compressor in Kemper (or an upward at all). I think a compressor with a very high ratio could do the same. But that would lift the noisefloor. That is the nice part of an upward comp. You can dial out the noise floor.
Argent Metal?
Never heard of. So much distortion you don't need a compressor. Why do believe you must use a compressor?
As said: it is not the distorsion. It is about the noises (not the noise floor!) that want to be accentuated. Think that way: I want to make the noises hearable that most usally don´t want to hear (except, guess what, the noise floor).
And more is more. Who needs a bass with so low tuned guitars?
I got a guitar, a baritone and a bass. I mostly use only one of these (studiowork, not live). That is not the way of rock or metal :). I mostly produce electronic based music with deep bass synths. So a clean bass guitar is not that often needed (in fact I use lately a five string Warwick Corvette with humbucker pickups with a bit of gain to get a subtle higher layer for the subsynths).
a guitar with the appropiate scale length and low tuned strings and PROFILEs especially made for down-tuned guitars, like the Keith Merrow Rig Pack.
then there is a ton of production and possibly a unison layer with a sawtooth-based synth
You all will laugh at me but: I often tend to use a 6string guitar with the kemper pitch at down to -4 because I like the feel and sounds when high gain. Sometimes the baritone for just the same but less gain. Or even bass. All three are just flavors. What I want to say: I love the kemper pitch shifter!
I´m sorry to harass you all with my special needs