Well done Larry, keep going on and practicing , the overall progress is indeed going on track after track.
Posts by waraba
Yeah a dramatic track , well done , very dense mix indeed , great leads as usual.
Greatly arranged & played Mats , lead work is indeed impressive with these long developments over there really cool chord changes & evolving harmony ( especially the diminished chords , right on) . Break @3:30 comes at the right time on this long track , well done !
Bass work and mix fits super well.
Did you profile with NAM your amp and then profile NAM with Kemper?
Or how comes the NAM profile into th
Yes loading NAM directly in the KPA would be a dream, you never know with Mr Kemper and his assembly skills , he could recompile the whole thing for the internal DSP and voilà !!! KPA 2.0 done !
I just did a profile the usual way , like you do with VST amps from a model I don't own myself , princeton & SSS two rock from tonehunt : https://tonehunt.org
thx it's got the GNR vibe for sure, I'm just waiting for an Axl like voice over it
I can always count on you for interesting sound design waraba here is no exception. The combination of synth and guitar is a wild ride! Very cool vintagey sound too.
Thx Per, yeah the tones are in the 70's design, especially the post prod , tape , tape delay etc... LP was on a especially good NAM JCM800 I just fount , but I can't manage to profile it for you guys, I'll keep trying cause this one a really cool vintage vibe and all sorts of incredible tones just by the guitar volume.
Thx Kai, it's indeed a great profile & rig , that I use daily.
please don't upload any rig on rig exchange if you're not the owner, I fount one of mine that I didn't upload myself, with 'Kai' in the name, you need at least to ask first, I'm open.
Love how you let loose on all these riffs from guitar to synth!
yeah sure, I more often track in that order on synth wave tracks : bass, rhythm cleans, then synths pads & leads, all this makes a perfect place for leads , following the synths or harmonizing them. I fount it more creative this way, synths leads tend to get me out of guitar leads habits.
Well done Sol' .
By the title , I thought it would be a pure rock track, but it's more of a lullaby , surprisingly clean on a lester, maybe the acoustic sim ?
Renaud, I will never tell a bass player he has the easiest job
Yes they do: 4 strings with 5 fingers vs 6 strings with 5 fingers
Here is drivin' one, electro rock
External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.KPA on cleans ( my own NAM sparkle clean princeton profile ) & bass ( Mats ring mod bass on strat )
NAM Les Paul leads
Arturia synths : SEM/rhodes/minifreak -
Yeah, one of your best indeed , great chords progression and that pedal bass at last
Pretty cool ! You didn't pull the trigger on the expensive magnatone
Looking forward trying these, I'm struggling to profile a killer NAM JCM800 that you would love , as it's pretty close to my dream JCM tone , but I failed.
Looking forward that great combo , will give a try asap , but I've been disappointed by most KPA profiles I tried recently, as I get much better tones on NAM
I like your approach, trying these options is really great.
point me in a good direction to get that Crispy funk clean
please read my thread about my own free one, and follow the instructions ( single coil, git vol pot on 5 , activate comp stomp D ) and disengage post fx as you like , this one is my goto for funk parts, that I do daily
Very cool, I really dig big bands , I used to play in the local jazz band , mostly horns , that was a great XP and I really dig playing all the swing tracks especially. You sure did a lot of work to program all these horns, well done !
That Yamaha looks like a great & affordable instrument , solo fits really well.
Has something happened to Muddy?
Yes awful news , please read this thread
no longer have to try and record in the car while my wife is driving,
Man ! you're not kidding with the noodle challenge , now that's some commitment :o
Hi here is a new track using my shoegaze rig extensively here on cleans & sat , rig is free on Rig Ex , see description & infos above
all tracks & bass KPA
External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Well done Larry, the bass is so deep on this one, and the riff is agressive as can be , solo fits well & same kind of tones.
Great track & crunch tones , well done