What is the Rig pool? sorry rather new with this machine.
Another term for Rig Pool within Rig Manager is "All Rigs" and the subfolders. Local Library is where users can add new Rigs, and save copies of edited versions of Rigs.
Try this:
1) Select a Performance
2) Right Click on a Performance Slot
3) Select "Copy"
4)Go to "All Rigs/Local Library"
5) Right click - select "Paste".
A copy of the Performance Slot will be then a Rig in Local Library.
It can be exported into the Player.
If you want to copy several Performance Slots:
1) Add a new folder to your computer desktop (or hard drive)
2) Right Click on a Performance Slot
3) Select "Export"
4) Select your new folder
5) Click on "OK"
Repeat until you have exported Rigs you want at this point.
To Import The Rigs:
1) In Rig Manager: Select "All Rigs/Local Library"
2) go to the menu, and select File/Import Rigs. Select your new folder, and the Rigs can all be imported into Local Library at once.