Still no chorus update??
Officially, nothing in the release notes.
But I tried the vintage chorus in the latest beta and it is quieter now and I can reset the chorus volume to 0 dB again.
So to my perception it is fixed.
Still no chorus update??
Officially, nothing in the release notes.
But I tried the vintage chorus in the latest beta and it is quieter now and I can reset the chorus volume to 0 dB again.
So to my perception it is fixed.
It is very nice from you, that you announce, that you found a solution that works, but you don't post a link to it.
Very nice!
Try this one:
You can simply download the latest OS.
With it comes a file with all the release notes.
I saw the release notes.
But nothing about the Chrorus although CK promised that it will be fixed in the next release.
So I had the hope that it IS fixed but not included in the release notes.
Therefor I asked for experiences of users.
I checked this yesterday.
I had set the chorus volume to -1 dB before to achieve unity gain.
Now I have to dial this back to 0 dB because the chorus is less loud now.
So it seems to be fixed.
Still there‘s no crossover in RM but the parameter is definitely on the machine (as before).
The pedals on both my devices (Stage and Player) work fine after the update, so definitely make sure to open a support ticket.
Ah thanks for this. Totally forgotten about that.
AFAIK there's no available tonestack for the JC 120, therefore there aren’t any liquid profiles of this amp available.
That said, if there’s one amp out there where the tonestack is more or less negligible (i.e. generic) it’s the JC 120.
FWIW I find that the profiles of the JC done by Kemper are spot on.
You'll find them in the stock profiles (legacy perhaps) in Rig Manager.
1dB either way is not going to do much tbh, typical PAD offsets are usually more in the range of 6 or 12dB
Yes, it's not much but it's there. You can try this yourself. Insert an empty loop in the signal chain and switch it on. It will be approximately 1 dB louder.
As I play mainly Vox and Marshall profiles on the edge of breakup this 1 dB will make my rigs slightly more gainy, not by much but definitely noticeable.
For those of you putting the FreqOut in a loop with the Kemper (I have a rack), what’s your configuration to be able to leave the pedal in an “always on” configuration (when remotely mounted in the rack) and to trigger it as needed within a rig?
This is easy, and I have set up my Freqout as an "always on" config like this.
On my Stage I have set up a loop in Slot A (Freqout sounds best very early in the FX chain). The physical loop is connected Stage Send >> Freqout In >> Freqout Out >> Return.
In rigs where I need the Freqout I have assigned a Footswitch to the loop.
Works great, no comb filterung or any other unwanted effects.
Bear in mind though that the loop (in the Stage, I don't know if it's the same for the rack) is hot and not unity gain: I have the level set up on mine to -1dB to compensate for that.
Way to go, Tobi!
Ich wünsche Dir stetige und gute Besserung! ❤️
Display MoreNo, it changed.
Kemper cancelled the crossover and made the chorus louder.
By playing in two different cover bands with each more
than 50 songs and 1 performance for each song and lot
of rigs with chorus, it's a lot of work to bring all the rigs
in ballance.
Not good work by Kemper to change the chorus without any reason.
The lock feature is your friend as I said in the other thread.
I have a performance per song.
Playing more than 50 songs in 2 different cover bands.
No time and no motivation to work on that many sounds, just because
Kemper changed its software and is not willing to give the User
the chance to keep their sound even if they changed the software.
I think it's not very user friendly.
Yes, I think this could have been handled better.
But other than that: just modify the vintage chorus minus 1 dB, lock it into your preferred slot and you're done.
BTW: I'm working with 1 performance per song as well.
I‘m gigging 12.0.8 no problem.
Other than the missing crossover the vintage chorus is about 1 dB louder at the moment which is easy to correct on your side.
In my experience, Front Of House do exactly what you tell them to do.
I am always full stereo out front.
Yep. Same here. I demand it, I get it.
I‘ll miss you MuddySludge, you kind and empathic man.
Personally I like the transient smoothing of the Pure Cabinet parameter and I globally have set it at 6!
My reputation and that of my sound is exceptional!
Thank you very much ckemper ❤️
I miss the crossover badly.
It makes the chorus less mushy when you prevent lower frequencies to be affected.
Guys, look at this very old thread of mine.
BTW I‘m still using the Freqout as the only external effect with my Kemper Stage.