New user. Please post your three most important tips.

  • Watch ALL of the Kemper videos to get started.

    When you've completely understood those, move onto the Tone Junkie Kemper tutorial videos.

    There is no need to put every profile you think you like on the Profiler. Create folders in Rig Manager (by right clicking on your local library, and adding a folder, name it something like "NEW" so you know what it is) and sort through them there. Only put the ones you really love and think you will use on the Profiler. It will save you from the "my Kemper is full" forum message.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions, but make sure you use the search on the forum, most likely you're not the first with that question.

  • 1. You sometimes get better results lowering the gain of a high gain profile instead of increasing the gain of a low gain profile.

    2. Set your Global High Cut that works best with your monitors, cabs, PA, first,

    3. Create profiles to a backing track. (Most important)!

    and read all the other tips people post then collate them into your workflow.

    One last tip; When you get a good tone dialed in that you worked on all day, come back tomorrow with fresh ears and listen to it again. This works wonders for me.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Definition in the amp module as mentioned by voxman 64.

    compression in the amp module’ not effects blocks.

    hi/ Lo shift in the cab module.

    your welcome.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I love to tweak tones so my mine are biased that way:

    1) Use Rig Manager. It makes tweaking a breeze.

    2) Create a collection of Cabs (IRs) in your Local Library in Rig Manager. There are 18000+ profiles for free on the Rig Exchange. Many people are not great at micing and mixing an amps sound. Cycling thru some CABs you have saved can sometimes make a bad profile sound good.

    Each amp profiled will have certain frequencies pushed. So there is no One-Size-Fits-All CAB. You need a lot of them to find the one that resonates well with the amp.

    3) In the AMP section, always tweak the Definition, Clarity, Sag, and Mix.

    DEFINITION - Think of it like choosing what type of pickups you are using. HBs or single coils. Goes from a flubby bassy tone to a high range quack.

    CLARITY - Think of this as making the amps gain area larger. If the profile gets into distortion too fast, add some clarity so you can play around in the in between regions before full gain.

    SAG - Adding some amplifier power supply sag. For low gain sounds it reduces some crispness and adds body. For high gain it adds some low end thump you would get when your amp is on 10 and may make it muddy.

    MIX - If you have a profile that sounds too compressed or dead, add some clean mix to it.

    4) Tweak all tones using the thing you want to play them on. And make sure that thing is good. I mix on studio monitors, since I normally record at home. I would always tweak a sound then come back the next day and say "this sounds terrible". Turns out my amplifier was coloring the sound all throughout its volume. Tweak at volume setting 5 and it will sound bad on setting 7.

    So nail down your monitoring situation. And then test it throughout its volume range. I think this is 75% of why people become unhappy with modeling/profiling devices and go back to tubes.

    You are never asking a Marshall amp with a 1960 4x12 cab to sound exactly like a Fender Jensen 1x12. But we somehow expect a Kemper to sound like everything ever on garbage speakers. It wont. It will sound like garbage speakers no matter what you do. Get a good flat monitoring solution.

    Pros tweak at high volumes on PA's since they play out. At home I use Studio monitors. Some people like headphones. Some get the Kemper speakers or other FRFR speaker systems.

  • Hi there!

    1. Tweak, tweak, tweak and tweak. Turn every knob and if you like it, keep it that way. If you end up with an muddy/crazy tone, start over again.

    2. Pay for some good standard rigs (guidorist is amazing)

    3. Try your sounds on different speakers; headphones, in ears, active monitor cabs, live PA, even record it and try it in your car. And then tweak again :)

  • 1 The Factory Content Profiles that are in the Profiler when new are volume balanced - use them as a reference to set the Rig Volume of any other Profiles you will be using live. This will help prevent volume jumps when changing sounds.

    2 Download the Main Manual. It contains much more information than the manual supplied with the Profiler. If you are looking for something specific in it, you can search the PDF file (Ctrl+f with a PC).

    3 Keep asking questions on the Forum. Forum members are very helpful, and use the Profiler at all levels of live gigs.

    How will you be hearing it live?

    • rig manager : sort rig exchange by number of votes & pick the ones you like
    • kpa is all about YOUR tone, so profile your own gear and share it
    • tweak , tweak and tweak especially definition and gain (both up & down)
    • be sure to test profiles with different guitars as some profile will sound great on a guitar and dull on another
  • great idea for a thread - had mine a couple of years, still feel like a new user.

    My only thoughts are install the updates once out of beta (or even try the beta versions).

    Although updates aren't always necessary or relevant to you, some of the big changes such as the drive pedal updates needed a fairly recent update to build on, so some folks who didn't always keep up to date had to do a few updates to catch up.

    I might have used the word "update" a few times here, just thought I'd update this post to point that out :D

  • All great advice above!
    1) Read the manual

    2) Read the manual again

    3) Read the manual when you’ve forgotten what the manual said.
    Oh and watch all the videos available!
    You can’t really go wrong.
    Welcome to the forum!

    Good luck


  • 1. Don't go down the profile rabbit hole. It isn't necessary. Learn how to adjust things to your liking and really figure out how the unit works.

    2. ALWAYS tweak your profiles at the volume you will be using them at. You will end up with different profiles for live vs recording if you do both.

    3. Watch all of the videos on the Kemper site and then go watch every thing Tone Junkie has. I did this when I got my Kemper and it was invaluable. They cover so much stuff and make it so much easier to learn how to adjust things so you can avoid number 1.

    4. BONUS, Use the manual. It is full of tons of great information. Many people ask questions here that are detailed in the manual.

  • 1. Don't go down the profile rabbit hole. It isn't necessary. Learn how to adjust things to your liking and really figure out how the unit works.

    2. ALWAYS tweak your profiles at the volume you will be using them at. You will end up with different profiles for live vs recording if you do both.

    3. Watch all of the videos on the Kemper site and then go watch every thing Tone Junkie has. I did this when I got my Kemper and it was invaluable. They cover so much stuff and make it so much easier to learn how to adjust things so you can avoid number 1.

    4. BONUS, Use the manual. It is full of tons of great information. Many people ask questions here that are detailed in the manual.

    Fully agree, just small clarification to point 4. We are talking about Main Manual that you have to download from the Kemper web, not the manual that comes with your KPA. You can download it here Main Manual 8.5

  • I just realized who started this thread - Greetings, my friend!

    Three Tips, Round 2:

    If you are going to play through IEMs or Full Range monitors, and want profiles that sound the most like your favorite amps sound like when they are mic'ed up, make Studio Profiles of them. Most of what I use live is my own Silver Jubilee. I've posted some on The Rig Exchange, a well as some of a 1967 Deluxe Reverb that I used to own.

    If you are going to play through guitar cabinets, you can either use/make Studio Profiles of your own amps, and turn the Monitor Cab OFF in the Output Menu, or use/make Amplifier Direct Profiles, using a speaker level direct box, and use the Monitor Out to send to a power amp and speaker cabinet, or the Speaker Out to send to a guitar cabinet.

    If you are planning on sending a DI to FOH through the Main Output(s) while playing through guitar cabinets onstage, you can either use Studio Profiles or Merged Profiles (both with Monitor Cab OFF in the Output Menu).