I'm in a similar situation. I've settled on two primary profiles, both from Guidorist and both of which (I think) have at least one example included in his Rig Pack in Rig Manager. Guidorist's stuff just agrees with me where others have not.
Use the free packs on Rig Manager to sample various Profile makers. Even the identical amp, with the same settings and mics can (and usually do) come out very differently.
Bognar XTC (Bogner Ecstasy)
- His group of Soldano Hot Rod 50 profiles is also very good
Vendra Show (Fender Showman)
- I like it better than his Deluxe Reverb, but they're both really good
I also swap the Fender for a JC120 of his at times. He calls them Rolando. Certain dirt pedals work really well at getting a different kind of gain from it.
Guidorist also periodically does a 2 for 1 special on individual amps. Around holidays, it seems. Normally an amp pack is 6 bucks....which is dirt-cheap.....but 2 for 1? It's legalized theft in my opinion. There aren't a lot of profiles in his packs - but at least for me it's quality over quantity.
I also tend to use one of two cabinet blocks. A 412 1960x Marshall with Greenbacks and a 212 cab with V30s. Not sure where they came from. I'm also not picky/precious about studio or merged profiles. I'll mix and match anything to find a sound. Like a '67 Fender Champ (by HAYS) into that 412. With a Tele.....epic.