That´s true and it works, but this "wastes" a slot.
I prefer using only a few rigs with several Boosters/Overdrives effects before the amp.
That´s true and it works, but this "wastes" a slot.
I prefer using only a few rigs with several Boosters/Overdrives effects before the amp.
Hossa !
This would be so helpful to match several guitars to the same rigs.
And of course .. these EQ settings should be storable.
Thanks in advance
Not so bad, not so bad !
Do NOT awake sleeping dogs !
Ich habe vor meinen IE Sender einen kleinen 3 Band EQ getüddelt.
Hilft ungemein.
Ich probiers mal aus, das weniger "direkt" tät mir zusagen.
@ cschmucker
Da denke ich auch schon drüber nach.
Derzeit kriege ich nen Personal Mix vom Pult inkl. meine Gitte, das ist schon recht gut,
aber wärs so noch besser ?
Mein Monitorsound ist - hochgradig geil. -:)
Unser Pult stellt jedem seinen eigenen Monitormix zur Verfügung. (Livetrak L20).
Alternativ : Den Headphone out nehmen und selber mit dem Monitormix mischen, der allerdings KEIN Gitarrensignal enthalten darf.
Bei der letzteren Variante kannst Du auch den Anteil Space erhöhen, ohne das Hauptsignal zu beeinflussen.
Details stehen im Manual gut erklärt.
Und Deine Ohrstöpsel müssen richtig sitzen, sonst hilft alles andere nix.
Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?
I never wasted a thought to that since 2014.
The transposed sound is by far not as good as untransposed and in addition there´s a very little latency.
I would not use that on stage or in studio.
It´s nice for quick adjusting to YT video for practising.
Differences are necessary, otherwise no one would buy a "full" toaster.
Your headphone output settings are the same as for the outputs ?
(EQ, Cab, Space)
Wheresthedug Exactly that´s what I mean.
Did I misunderstood this feature ? I thought this is the intention of this parameter ?
I am a little confused.
(I didn´t try it cause I avoid Beta firmware right before a gig.)
Huuuh, great stuff,
a good idea, to give it a parameter.
At that point I always felt the KPA to be a little unnatural.
I am a a little old-schooled (and of course lazy) and i like to switch between
rhythm and lead just by turning up the volume knob.
Looking forward for OS11 and many thanks and respect for the KPA team
for supporting and still enhancing this "old" device. Bought my toaster in 2014 !