True...but the manual gives tip on creating these captures from scratch. That is what I am looking for (not just applying the tone stack). My logic may be off though as I now only have a Player and do not create profiles.
The tip is to create the profiles with the controls at noon. I've made liquid profiles at noon, and also at a custom setting. The tone stack works in similar ways, whether at noon or custom. With the controls at noon, it's supposed to get closest to the real amp settings. For example setting the bass knob at 2 on the amp and 2 on the profiler, the sound should be very similar. With a custom setting profile, the controls work with a different base. Unless you're doing a one to one comparison, you won't notice a difference. I tested on a Plexi, and differences are relative. If the profile is set to 5-5-5-5, and I move the bass to 2 on the profile and then 2 on the amp, they sound very similar. With a custom setting, like 5-7-7-2, the controls work relative to the amp setting. You put in the amp settings into the profile. So, when I profiled the custom setting, I set the controls at 5-7-7-2. The profile works the same as the amp. Moving the bass to 2 on both the profile and the amp sound very similar.