Level II upgrade

  • Think of it this way. I bought the Kemper stage for around $2,300.00 worth every penny to me.

    You are getting the Kemper player for $1,069.00 + $455.00 (updates) = $1,524.00

    That's quite a bit cheaper than what I paid and you get all the sounds I love. I'm thinking about it just for the real estate that it will save me. The perfect studio/fly rig.

    Yeah but if you want the same functionality as the the stage, so all the buttons for presets and programmable loops.... You probably end up with the same prices

  • Yeah but if you want the same functionality as the the stage, so all the buttons for presets and programmable loops.... You probably end up with the same prices

    True the Stage functionality is quite amazing I can't fault you on that because I totally agree with you. The player would have been more than good enough for what I use the stage for. So for me the player makes total sense even with the paid upgrades because its so much smaller.

  • The reason for keeping the upgrade license would of course be in case you would want to purchase a new one at a later time.

    Well, but it's the same, isn't it?

    Image you've upgraded a given unit with a hw card. If you sell it the price will of course be higher (with a loss, as usual). Whether or not you re-buy the unit would be irrelevant.

    Anyway, it doesn't seem to me that the perspective of re-buying the unit justifies criticisms to the upgrade(s) being tied to the device :)

    Yeah but if you want the same functionality as the the stage, so all the buttons for presets and programmable loops.... You probably end up with the same prices

    I think that if one wants the same functionalities as the Stage... they buy a Stage :)

    A different unit (whatever it is) stands on itself in terms of advantages and disadvantages, you just buy what best suits your needs. For many users, the Player's small form factor is a great advantage.

    Having said this, you can't have a supercomputer of 1 exaflop/sec in a matchbox that costs 500 €... I mean, there always be functions or I/O missing for the price :)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • The new features delivered by the player's upgrades are cool and I'd appreciate to have them in my unit. However, the requested price is way too high for the gain they provide us with. Kemper's marketing strategy regarding the player was there from day one. After a bunch of upgrades my player will reach the stage price but it will never have the associated hardware capabilities (notably in terms of I/O, effect loop, switches and external controls). I may buy them for $99 each or a bundle at $150. The current price ($300) is just ridiculous. I'm not going to upgrade.

    Kemper Player

  • I see on here some people think the updates are too expensive while others don't.

    I have an idea; Why doesn't Kemper sell the effects individually as well, so the customers without much money can buy them that way.

    The effects as upgrades have always been free. No need to charge.

    If a person wants the lvl 2 upgrade and it’s not in their budget waiting a couple of months to save up is not a hardship. The Player is after all very capable right out of the box.

    I went lvl 3 and my gig this Saturday will pay for it.

    Maybe the upgrade would make a good Christmas gift from significant others or family? 🎅🏻

  • The new features delivered by the player's upgrades are cool and I'd appreciate to have them in my unit. However, the requested price is way too high for the gain they provide us with. Kemper's marketing strategy regarding the player was there from day one. After a bunch of upgrades my player will reach the stage price but it will never have the associated hardware capabilities (notably in terms of I/O, effect loop, switches and external controls). I may buy them for $99 each or a bundle at $150. The current price ($300) is just ridiculous. I'm not going to upgrade

    Can you put the Stage into your guitar bag?
    For years we the community had asked Kemper for a simple unit that could playback Rigs/Profiles without the ability to Profile. Now the Kemper team has offered that solution and it’s also available in three tiers (much more flexible than we even asked for).

    Simply, Kemper gave the community what WE asked for. I for am grateful and ecstatic that I have this. The upgrade is well worth it for me as I also own a Rack. So now it’s 1 for 1 compatible. This makes my workflow so much easier.

    I can see someone might want the Stage for the extra functionality that it offers but it also comes at a higher price and in a larger package.

    We have options…

  • Not really apples and apples though, is it? As the HX One «adds» (as you say) a whole physical unit with I/O, switch and screen. And it’s standalone.

    All downsides: 2 more A/D, D/A conversion stages, an extra power supply, almost the double of the footprint and the weight. And if you need a screen (from far better quality then the line 6, with touch ability) just connect your phone/tablet to it. You're right, this isn't a fair comparison....for line6

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • All downsides: 2 more A/D, D/A conversion stages, an extra power supply, almost the double of the footprint and the weight. And if you need a screen (from far better quality then the line 6, with touch ability) just connect your phone/tablet to it. You're right, this isn't a fair comparison....for line6

    Yeah, but then you need to factor in the price of the tablet or phone as well… And that will make it twice as expensive. There hasn’t really been any directly comparable situation since the L6 model packs. But when Helix Native came out, there was a loyalty offer for owners of the hardware.

    I am coming to terms with the way Kemper are doing things. The ONLY things I am dissatisfied with are actually the price and the lack of a loyalty upgrade offer.

  • Yeah, but then you need to factor in the price of the tablet or phone as well… And that will make it twice as expensive. There hasn’t really been any directly comparable situation since the L6 model packs. But when Helix Native came out, there was a loyalty offer for owners of the hardware.

    I am coming to terms with the way Kemper are doing things. The ONLY things I am dissatisfied with are actually the price and the lack of a loyalty upgrade offer.

    Regarding the loyalty upgrade offer…one could reason as a toaster/stage owner you already payed for use of the software. Otoh..when you buy as stage next to a toaster…you don’t expect those to come at a discount either.
    And…unlike other manufacturers, 13 years (?) of free development without having to buy new hardware..that’s unprecedented! Maybe it’s different when you are new(ish) to the platform…but as an early adaptor, also with paying for the LVL upgrades…I feel I got a really good deal overall.

    I love that little green powerhouse, drove to a mom and pap shop with stock to get me one right after the update option was confirmed.

  • Yeah, but then you need to factor in the price of the tablet or phone as well… And that will make it twice as expensive. There hasn’t really been any directly comparable situation since the L6 model packs. But when Helix Native came out, there was a loyalty offer for owners of the hardware.

    I am coming to terms with the way Kemper are doing things. The ONLY things I am dissatisfied with are actually the price and the lack of a loyalty upgrade offer.

    Saying you need to add the price of phones and tablets isn't fair. Most people already own those so it's no added cost for them.

  • Saying you need to add the price of phones and tablets isn't fair. Most people already own those so it's no added cost for them.

    I agree. It was an extrapolation to show how ridiculous the comparison was getting. And I am not trying to be negative here. I am a fan, that’s why I own three Kempers. I am also going to gig the hell out of my KPP and I love that it exists. I just think the comparisons both to the Stage and other units are getting out of hand. The Player is no stage. That can be a bad thing (lack of switches, screens and I/O) or a good thing (SIZE!). I am definitely going to use it when size matters. I’m looking forward to see if the combo switches might make it even more portable if I don’t need a midi controller.

  • I see used stage and heads going for under $1,000.00 sometimes.

    And used players at level 3 will eventually be on reverb for $400-$500. Used vs new is not a good way to determine value of new. If someone wants to get a used stage instead of a L3 player, great. Doesn't mean that a new L3 player should cost less that $1000.

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    I always defended the price of the effects the upgrade brings, but now Tonex offers effects in a free update for all tonex products (even the 200 EUR Tonex One) it became quite a bit harder to justify the full upgrade cost...

    I wonder if/how Kemper will respond to this.

    Interesting past few weeks with first the Nano Cortex, that then got one upped by the Player upgrades, that now got one upped by the free Tonex Effects update.

  • At this point, I am regretting upgrading. If they don't get the iOS stuff fixed within a week or so, I am going to ditch both of my upgraded to Level 3 Kemper Players and go with a different brand. This really is insane.

    I understand the frustration. However, you are using a beta version of the software. I can't understand why people who use the Kemper professionally for their living would install a beta software and then complain when there are bugs. That's what betas are for.

    The slightly ticklish issue is that Kemper have sold the upgrades requiring the beta version. I guess it would be better to offer the beta with level III unlocked and then withdraw the extra levels on the official release. Then you would be awarded for being a beta tester and you could decide if the extra levels were worth it for you. I'm guessing people would update to the official releases anyway, at least when the tremolos drop.