Let's discuss 11.0 Beta

  • It's once again (like the output menu) poor design, a waste of screen space, and confusing to boot.

    I would expect to assign the effects block to a footswitch rather than assigning the footswitch to an effects block.

    The minimum expectation is to arrange the buttons in a row so that you don't have to scroll unnecessarily.

    It would be better to have an assignment button under each effect block where you can assign the footswitch (I-IV).

    Can't you assign multiple fx slots to each footswitch? Then the proposed layout doesn't make much sense to me.

  • Yes, you can assign multiple slots to a footswitch.

    This is a welcome addition and the functional implementation makes perfect sense to me, although the GUI is a waste of space. I'll take what I can get. ;) You could argue that the slots should be assigned to switch or that the switch should be assigned to the slot. This is a coin flip for me.

    Thanks Kemper.

  • It's once again (like the output menu) poor design, a waste of screen space, and confusing to boot.

    I would expect to assign the effects block to a footswitch rather than assigning the footswitch to an effects block.

    The minimum expectation is to arrange the buttons in a row so that you don't have to scroll unnecessarily.

    It would be better to have an assignment button under each effect block where you can assign the footswitch (I-IV).

    I had hoped for a graphical representation of the remote but as long as it works and is logicial then I'm fine.

    To me because you can add multiple effects to the slots, it makes sense in my mind to add the effects to the slots not the other way round.... I hasten to add I've not seen it sooo....

  • To me because you can add multiple effects to the slots, it makes sense in my mind to add the effects to the slots not the other way round.... I hasten to add I've not seen it sooo....

    Yes right now, you can also add a function to a footswitch, e.g. rotation speed or infinity reverb to an FX slot that is occupied by a distortion pedal or a compressor. So this is completely pointless and confusing.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Yes right now, you can also add a function to a footswitch, e.g. rotation speed or infinity reverb to an FX slot that is occupied by a distortion pedal or a compressor. So this is completely pointless and confusing.

    Which is something you always could do. The only thing that's changed is you can see those relationships at the same time.

  • I Get it. While it would be a great workflow to have a graphical representation of the FC, then assign multiple functions to each button (and input), that is quite a bit of work.

    The current implementation is workable, and WAY better than doing it without Rig Manager.

    I personally feel all the money I spent on this release has been worth it 😄.

  • Can't you assign multiple fx slots to each footswitch? Then the proposed layout doesn't make much sense to me.

    Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?

  • Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?

    I felt exactly like you but man its an amazing tool in my makeshift studio. I still use real amps but very seldom. The Kemper does 90% of the work load and my amps about 5% the other 5% is my acoustic witch I go directly into my audio interface I like it better that way seems to work perfect every time and I don't have to waste any time tweaking things.

    Once you get your head around the way they designed this thing you will find it much easier to use. I hated it too and almost got rid of mine but I'm very happy I kept it. I think of it as a tool and not the end all amplifier and effects solution.

    Good luck to you man I hope it all works out.

  • Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?

    You've known Kemper's approach was unconventional for a very long time. You've been on this board for nearly 8 years.

    Have you been frustrated that entire time?

  • Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?

    I don't get this...

    Yes there are some quirks like any platform but 90% of it make sense and is in line with other systems. 5% of it is more advanced than perhaps I need and is as a result of that ( clean sense for example) and the other 5% is usually as the result of design changes over time - RM is very different to what it was originally designed for so can be clunky but design wise is straight forward to navigate.

    So many things are right:

    1) Front panel layout is based around and amp and signal chain

    2) Perfomance mode is set up for live use - allocating effects to each slot is so easy

    3) Morph - I never understood why they did that, but its the best thing they did IMO. Brilliant

    4) Built in amp on the power rack and head and therefore able to drive any cab

    5) Dedicated Kabinet

    6) Separate outputs for FOH vs monitor - sounds obvious but my fly rig ( Blackstar amped 3) uses the same volume for both

    7) Dedicated remote that is powered by the KPA - no more silly power supplies at the front of the stage

    8) ....and on

    If you want to go back to miking a cab up through a tone 90% dependant upon the guitar cab and a pedal board of effects with dodgy connectors, true bypass vs buffers and rogue power supplies with your 4 cable methods then go for it ( I am joking here as not everyone has these problems).

    My sound has never been better and my set up simpler...

  • I simply think that different levels of approach to KPA are possible.

    The simplest of which requires no more effort than an amp with some pedal effects.

    Kemper's fault is to continue to increase the potential of a digital product 13 years after its release on the market. To me, who have happily paired it with various top amps for 12 years, it seems like a miracle.

  • Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?

    I kind of get what you mean. For me many things were/are unintuitive about Kemper’s approach but that was more based on the fact that I grew up using valve amps so my mindset is based on that. If I’d grown up using digital modellers I would probably be agast at how people could tolerate all the hassle of valve amps for such a limited tonal experience. The Kemper approach is often very logical because they don’t need to follow the limitations of tradition. I find pretty much everything logical and easy to use now that I have gotten used to it.

    I actually can’t imagine going back to “real” amps even though I still own several Mesa Boogies and a THD BiValve. I just keep them because they are sentimental to me not because I think I’ll ever use them again. However, what is right for me isn’t necessarily right for someone else (you). If you feel like going back to valve amps go for it. Whatever gives you sound and experience you want and inspires you to make music is the best solution for you. Nobody else’s opinion matters. Make music, rock out and above all have fun - life’s too short to put up with stuff like amps that don’t excite you.