Thanks for all help guys, got it sorted - much appreciated!
Posts by Terrapin
Hello all, I’m trying to replace an amp and it’s corresponding amp that I created with another. I don’t want to change any of the effects within the rig, just the amp and cab.
I’m wondering if this is possible and if so, can it be done through Rig Manager?
I’d be grateful for any advice.
Kind Regards, T
For what it’s worth, I got my Rockman X100 back in 1986 and I’ve always found it to be very useful in terms of layering and “gluing” sounds together. Particularly acoustic guitars and clean guitars. I also find that it works really well when used with lead harmonies panned hard left and right. Just my opinion of course!
For what it’s worth, my two cents…
If you’re going to set up a global company, welcoming customers from around the world, creating a forum section, you’re going to have to deal with a degree of criticism.
Burkhard’s reply was entirely unacceptable. Childish and not helpful. Perhaps he’s unhappy with his job and feeling a level of frustration. I understand this.
Either way, a representative of an international company should not reply in this manner to a customer.
Just my opinion…
Go into the sytem menu and tick Wah > Pitch. This will make the -edal function as a Wah pedal in any rig where a Wah effect is active but will function as a Pitch pedal if no Wah is active. Even if a wah effect is loaded in the Rig but is not turned on it will still function as a Pitch Pedal. However, as soon as the Wah block is turned on the Pedal will control Wah. If both Wah and Pitch effects are loaded and active the pedal will control both simultaneously.
You're a star! Working exactly as I wanted.Thanks so much!
Hello All,
I was just wondering if expression pedal assignments are fixed globally or can they be assigned different functions by rig.
Presently I’m using two pedals, one is a dedicated volume controller and the other is set up as a wah. I’d like to assign it as a pedal pitch controller within the same performance. Is this possible or would I need to add another expression pedal to my board.
Thanks in advance,
Ok, I concede that your reply was most eloquently stated and makes a lot of sense. Iv'e figured out a few things since my initial frustrated outburst. As such, I apologize to all for any offense caused.
I have advocated to several people to switch from their tube amp rigs to a Kemper. Usually this is because they are amazed at the live sound I am able to achieve compared to their own live sound (several of them have played with me and could hear the Kemper vs their tube amp rigs first hand).
That stated, Kemper is not for everyone. If you use little efx, are very cost sensitive, play primarily in your basement or just jam once in a while, etc, etc, then a decent tube amp rig might be the very best solution for you.
Where I will absolutely defend my KPA rack and foot controller is in a frequent live gig use case, especially for a cover band where a wide breadth of tones need to be accomplished. Here the KPA reigns supreme IMO.
I have also seen that it is very hard for people who are used to a specific rig's workflow to change. They know the amp, and their custom foot control board setup and have no desire to change.
For me, lugging around a tube amp and a 4x12 cab along with a pedal board (and a guitar cab mic) was just way too much work and too inflexible for tone. You will never get a good Marshall sound out of a MESA triple rect or a Fender twin, but you can get all three easily from a Kemper ..... and it weighs only 11 lbs!
There is nothing wrong with using real amps. Good lord knows I gigged tube amps myself for 30 years (1983 to 2013), and I didn't switch to Kemper in order to get good tone (actually I thought I would lose tone for sure). I switched due to load in/ load out/ and setup times along with reproducibility from gig to gig. The tone was a pleasant surprise.
I would also state, that Kemper is by far the easiest, and most intuitive of the digital guitar amps to use. Still not as simple as a tube amp and pedal board perhaps, but a damn site more simple that 3 tube amps and a switcher :).
That's hysterical. We usually get statements like his from people who just joined. Fantastic. I'll change it to: Somebody tell the guy, sounding like a new user, to calm down.
Again, I'm perfectly calm. If indeed anybody needs to "calm down" I dare say it is you. Why are you so offended and triggered by my comment? Is there a certain degree of insecurity? Based on your criteria of the post counts, I can only surmise that you are a very insecure individual. I simply stated an opinion. Get over it and move on...
somebody tell the new guy to calm down.
"new guy" based on what? The amount of forum posts? I'm perfectly calm, thank you very much. Perhaps it's time for you to deal with real life rather than existing on forums?
Can't you assign multiple fx slots to each footswitch? Then the proposed layout doesn't make much sense to me.
Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?
Appertaining to the original post, Yes I agree that Kemper has “taken” on too much and/or are unwilling or unable to cope with such.
The “Player” a new product, is my primary source of contention. A cursory glance at the forums show a frustrating lack of attention to the issues that many have raised with the initial “Rack” and “Toaster” versions of their product, (and Rig Manager) which remain unresolved, yet rather than address and resolve these issues, they choose to spend time on more product releases, which will inevitably present more teething problems for both the company and it’s users.
Simply my humble opinion, I mean no offence to anyone. Best wishes to all!
The Kemper Player works for some and not for others. Caveat Emptor
With due respect, I think it would be a good idea for the mods to create a forum section dedicated solely to the Kemper Player. Quite frankly, I have no interest in this product as it's not for me. There seems to be a wide degree of discourse with this new product and many threads have been opened as a result. Perhaps a consolidation of these these threads can be created which would benefit all concerned. Just a thought...
Ah, got it
USB midi is supported on both USB connectors. The PROFILER models can act as USB device as well as USB host.
So: you can connect
- USB midi to a PC
- USB midi to a tablet or mobile phone
- USB midi to a foot controller
- USB midi to a converter to get DIN midi
these all works fine
hassle free integration? : USB midi is not different than DIN midi in this respect: as with all equipment: one has to take the time to master it. With some external control gear it is needed to configure correct settings, which may not always be easy or trivial.
USB midi when using an external controller has 2 big advantages:
1 = only one cable instead of three, (in, out, powersupply) and no problems with wrongly plugged IN or OUT
2 = power supply over the same cable, and need to externally power the controller
The PROFILER's USB midi host capabilities / connector are actually a very nice, and in much cases, better alternative to legacy DIN connections.
Ah, got it. Thanks for the clarification.
I'm considering purchasing a Player for smaller gigs. However, the midi implications are growing increasingly vague. Do certain midi devices work with the Player and others don't? Is there a definitive list of hassle free integration?
The point where this rationalization falls apart is when the manufacturer contradicts it by saying, "This unit is at price point X because we have put so much hardware in there and all of this costs amount Y so while we'd be glad to offer the unit at price point Z we just can't and X is really the best we can do."
Of course both can be true: that what you wrote is true, and that the manufacturer is explaining the price exactly how I paraphrased.
Which leaves only one conclusion: they are lying. Doesn't matter in which way exactly, as all options leave a bad taste in the mouth.
Let me prove this with a comparison to the market where price discrimination has been abused the most. Ironically it's the automative sector, which links the comparison nicely to Kemper being out of Germany.
VW and BWM started a subscription scheme a few years back, with BMW going as far as offering seat heating as a sub. But the seat heating hardware was installed in every car from the factory. VW is charging a sub fee for voice recognition. The hardware is in every car. Tesla is offering full autopilot capabilities, the hardware is already in there.
Now the contradiction: all car manufacturers, in particular out of Germany, have claimed for many years that the price increases from 2020 onwards were purely driven by a component shortage, and basically they blamed the consumers for imaginary demands for more smart features, They increased prices and said they're simply passing on increased manufacturing costs and there's really nothing they can do about, with some going as far as claiming they wish they could offer a lower price point but they simply can't.
Not only is this contradicted by many years of car manufacturers being caught installing hardware that isn't unlocked through a sub or through a "facelift" (where it turns out the lower-priced pre-facelift car already had the electronics for the "new" feature), it's also contradicted by the recent situation in Germany where out of nowhere the federal government ended an EV subsidy. Suddenly all the manufacturers that proclaimed for many years they could offer no lower price point chipped in and said, no problem, we'll give you an instant rebate of 4500 Euros.
Price discrimination is really just a rationalization of consumer fraud.
Are you serious? "Price Discrimination" "Consumer Fraud" Perhaps you're trolling. My MacBook Pro has the capability of running Logic Pro. Wait, I have to purchase it? How awful. Apple should have supplied it upon purchase. 😂
This Browser Mode issue turned out to be a misunderstanding in your other thread.
The Up/Down Buttons of the Rig Navigation Cross initiate bigger jumps depending on the selected sorting criteria. If for example "By Author" is selected, Up jump to the next author skipping all other Rigs of the current Rig's author.
And Up and Down Buttons of the Remote jump complete banks. So Up jump five Rigs forward.
This is usual and intended functionality since day 1.
I'm still experiencing the same issue with performances being skipped randomly and for no apparent reason when pressing the up down buttons on the Profiler. With all due respect, I would suggest that rather than blame your customers for the obviously long going issue, you spend some time in fixing said issues and/or update your user manual, PRIOR to moving on with new features.
Just a thought.
I must agree with Wheresthedug inasmuch that it is probably an issue with Logic Audio sending midi messages to the Profiler. I experienced a similar situation after the implementation of USB MIDI whereby Logic Audio was changing the gain setting on my Profiler. I contacted support and was told that I should change the change the midi channel on the profiler. I did, and it fixed the issue. However, I am fearful that every "update"will bring further issues.