PLAYER - what were they thinking?

  • I don't see the need for any physical interfaces other than the foot switches, led's and color LCD.

    Any tweaking of anything can be much better handled in the app.

    I agree that spill-over and tone are great strengths of the player. I also agree that a certain type of musician will find these features alone outweigh any other weaknesses.

    My concern is that there are more people that will choose the sexier device.

    Of course, this is just my thoughts.

    I already have a rack and fc. If I were to by anything else it would be the new player. This is because I would want to reuse my sounds and rigs.

    If I were in the market for a small device in the $500-$700 range and didn't already have a KPA, I would be likely to buy a device with a color LCD.

    My guess is that there are many more potential customers that would say the same vs. those that either have a KPA or would choose to believe that the Player's tone difference was a good trade off for the color LCD.

    Again, I could be wrong.

  • Until now - every Kemper has been self-sufficient in that ann app is a convenience and not required.

    That is not a criticism. Compromises have to be made for the smaller unit.

    People have been whining about the screen on the head rack and stage pretty much since day one. I think that complaint is overblown.

    No physical controls with an app being the only method of control/tweaking would (IMO) be a nightmare. Now you are entirely dependent on another device.

  • Until now - every Kemper has been self-sufficient in that ann app is a convenience and not required.

    That is not a criticism. Compromises have to be made for the smaller unit.

    People have been whining about the screen on the head rack and stage pretty much since day one. I think that complaint is overblown.

    No physical controls with an app being the only method of control/tweaking would (IMO) be a nightmare. Now you are entirely dependent on another device.

    Since it's primary function is a player, you only need to navigate rigs with the foot switches.

    If you are using it at home, you have rig manager.

    To your point, people who currently own a KPA have been asking for a color screen. Seems like a good piece of marketing information there.

  • To answer the original question, this unit makes sense.

    It has the core sound of Kemper profiles which most folks still think outperforms anything else out there in the digital world.

    From a business perspective, why would a company spend research and development time and money to make a unit half the price of their main products that has the same functionality? It would be cutting their own throat for their more expensive, more feature laden models. This is an attempt to make sales in a mid range market which was previously inaccessible to them. I think it will work for them well without them taking a massive hit on their high end sales.

    This gives folks who can’t justify the pricing of a rack, stage or toaster a way in and for stage use in most bands 4 fx slots is more than enough…. Or those for who, the size is attractive. Or those who adore their pedal collection where this will fit on a wider board. You have 3 complete patches under your feet for a single song so can absolutely do some extreme changes if you do have ‘that song’ that needs it.

    As a unit, I personally won’t be buying but that’s because I already have a superior solution for my needs (a toaster with a floor board) that is still going strong. I wish the company well with this new venture and wish well the new users that this will being into the fold.

  • Transpose and morph are features I really need :(

    I could live with the lack of all fx blocks ... I get it as addition to excisting boards, but pure standalone small version it's lmited

    Oh and I don't like power adaptors, normal IEC 220/110 V plugs is so nice :(


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • Transpose and morph are features I really need :(

    I could live with the lack of all fx blocks ... I get it as addition to excisting boards, but pure standalone small version it's lmited

    Oh and I don't like power adaptors, normal IEC 220/110 V plugs is so nice :(


    you can transpose via the rig menu. morph is not available.

    I think the 9v power connector is perfect for a pedal board!

    Side Note:

    I just recieved my Kemper Player. Had to do some updates on Rig Manager and the Player.

    While I found the first bug, Kemper released already a new Rig Manager Update (which didn't fix my problem, but that's ok) :) So they are currently working on it.

  • 9V indeed makes sense for a board ....


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • The only negative issue I have with the player is a little late.

    Me and other folks asked for it (I think) for the first time around 2017-2018.

    Now most lads already have a tonex or a stomp or a fm3 or whatever. The pedal-guys have their amp1s..

    Now it is a thing for all the kemper guys like me who has already the rack and the head and would like to leave all this in the studio or to use it for "more serious" work.

    I hope this player will find its buyers and take its market share. Sure it will. But just 4 years earlier this would have been an easier task by far.

  • That's like asking an HX Stomp to have the same capabilities as a Helix.

    Even if a HX stomp is limited compared to a floor, I can use it alone, the stomp offers all the same FXs (not the same number of slots, yes)/amp/cab sims and have snapshots too....

    L6 had launched a LT with exactly the same possibilities as the floor (or really/really close) for 1/3 price less....

    Kemper had voluntarily limited the software possibilities to explain the price gap. they've wasted software's development time for that.

    This new device could have been the way for me to bring a little device every where easily to rehearsal, to try and work on rigs parameters and have a backup just in case....

    It should offers the same FXs, same FXs slots number and morph possibilities....

    The other limitations are still important to justify the price gap.

    In other words ; if this Player had existed (with what i said above), did i buy it instead of the Stage ? Surely not cause the Stage is a Live beast....And the Player won't be able to be my only device

    This unit makes me feel it's a Tonex like for 300€ more, i didn't want to buy/try a ToneX cause of the FXs absence (or so few), i have to stay coherent here....

    I'm laughing when i read that i'm not the target ; in fact, the ones who say so know quickly i CAN NOT and this is excatly what i'm criticizing.

    It could be so simple if you have another utility with the Player (on a pedal board) to disable/don't use FXs blocks you don't want to....The opposite is pretty harder...

    The Player could have been the way to enter into Kemper world, instead of that, i see a lot of people writing ; go and buy a ToneX and a multiFXs :/ and i understand this opinion.

    It would have been too bad to sell many other units to people like me or new curious potential Kemper owners to discover those marvelous profiles.

    I'm sure that instead of canibalized the familly, new owners could think, ok, i've tried this little baby and the sound is just fantastic but for gigging i need a more serious unit....

  • I'm laughing when i read that i'm not the target ;

    Laugh if you must, but you're not and neither am I. That is to say - existing Profiler owners or players wanting greater capabilities....and so what?

    They're going to sell tons of these things to players new to Kemper and don't see a need for the larger units. Which I'm sure was the plan.

  • Transpose and morph are features I really need :(

    I could live with the lack of all fx blocks ... I get it as addition to excisting boards, but pure standalone small version it's lmited

    Oh and I don't like power adaptors, normal IEC 220/110 V plugs is so nice :(


    The Player includes Transpose in its Rig Settings like the other models.

  • Yes, it is stupid to create a low end product that undercuts your premium products with the same features.

    Less controls.... I concur.

    Less FX slots .... I concur.

    Phone app control .... I concur.

    No profiling.... I concur.

    No morph .... Maybe.

    Price point.... I would concur IF:

    It had a color LCD.

    It had all the EFX of the KPA

    I think Behringer did a good job going from full size X32 to the X32 Rack.

    3k for the full unit, 1.6k for the rack with tablet control. Full processing capability in both.

    The value solution was the X air x 18 ($740) Less functional and less capable than the X32 and half the price of the lowest full capable device.

    For Kemper, that would mean:

    Full setup Stage 1.6k

    Full capable, smaller unit with phone or tablet control $800. Cut down version value option $400.00.

    I actually believe that a 3 button, full capable player at $800 would have been my target (maybe $700 without profiling and all physical input capabilities).

    No screen, reduced efx slots, reduced efx..... I think your looking at $500-$600 considering the competition.

    It's possible the Kemper team has it right and I have it wrong though.

  • Yes. The people with extensive market knowledge and 10 years of consumer data probably have it right :).

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • OneEng1 once again, I agree with most of your reasoning. It would be preferable to have the full range of FX and Morphing. The decision to dump the screen was a masterstroke in my opinion. Having the small form factor with all the space being used for physical controls makes the unit incredibly easy to use as a basic amp. I have now spent a several hours on the player and the interface is super easy and intuitive.

  • Laugh if you must, but you're not and neither am I. That is to say - existing Profiler owners or players wanting greater capabilities....and so what?

    CK explained in another thread that the Player will be able to be unlocked (if we pay for it), i assume/hope on features i talked about.

    I just wait to know exactly what points and the price tag...

    I just have to start saving money now.... ^^