Posts by Roeffel

    Hi I'd like to emulate a toggle switch from a guitar with the volume of a pickup down to zero.

    Basicely the volume needs to drop to 0 while pushing a button or with morph ? Engaging the tuner seems odd to do

    Any suggestions ?

    thx Raf

    ps : for bulls on parade from RATM cover ;)

    Hey guys, here's the thing, I always wanted to have a backup in case of my kemper would fail. This never happened and probably never will ;-).

    Anyway I had a powerrack first and a stage as backup ... this was overkill for me so I got rid of the powerrack. Also when something would happen to the rack I needed a backup poweramp as well. So the stage would make more sense anyway ... So I got a SD powerstage 700 ! Now with the player I thought this would be perfect ! but I fear that it will not be used and thinking it would be to expensive to use a backup. And that after a while that would be the main rig and ditch the stage :) ... No no the stage is perfect and still portable !

    So I decided to get a mooer P2 and controller (battery powered and only negative thing is that I can't use a pedal for wah with it) ...

    First rehearsal was a disaster :) , I did not no that the F4 controller used 2.4 Ghz to communicate with the P2, so our wireless systems screwed up the controller and I was not able to switch presets.

    So now I ordered the new mooer prime S1 ... same thing only all in one instead of 2 seperate things. Same issue with wah, but I guess as a throw in the bag solution battery powered it's the best option out there.

    There are still some things missing (exp pedal) but hope I made the right decision :)

    How do you guy deal with a "emergency" situation that will never occure ?


    ps : at some point i'll get the player as well (but I need the morph function) otherwise the 3 switches are not enough. adding axtra stuff like extra switches, exp pedals would end up as expensive as a used stage as well :)

    Hey guys,

    I always struggled to get a decent clean tone with my kemper. For some reason I always thought that it could not handle the dynamics from picking clean with a hard pick and high gain humbucker.

    In the weekend I finally figured out whta was the "issue" ... at least I think it is !

    Headphone in the kemper and no issues (I did lower all my "normal" rig to - 5dB, leaving plenty of room for the cleans) ... with the spdif almost maxed out to my focusrite 8i6, I guess the signal was to hot for the scarlett to handle ? It was not clipping the signal leds, but I felt it did like it at all .. compressing the signal ?

    I then connected my normal main out with jacks to the scarlett and it was much better ... not nearly from what I hear from the headphone out from the kemper, which sounds insane good !

    Am I right that the analog outs have a higher dB level ? that it can handle compared to digital ?



    Hi guys,

    Stupid question,

    I want to use the stage as my main usb audio interface for windows ... both in and output are selected as being the digital device ...

    I thought that I would hear al my windows programs thru the headphones from the kemper (winamp, youtube,...)

    Or am I completely wrong and this is not possible ? only in DAW's ?



    9V indeed makes sense for a board ....
