Liquid Profiles

  • First of all, os9 have to be officially released (it is still a beta after all), then we will see: developers are working on it and hopefully we won't have to wait all the 9.Xs to reach os10, or at least I think so.

    From what I see, Kemper is using the usual versioning. So no one knows how many releases of OS 9.x we will get.

    So, just for the understanding. A usual software versioning (it's called semantic versioning) looks something like this:

    │ │ │  └────── Build number (optional)
    │ │ └───────── Revision number
    │ └─────────── minor version number
    └───────────── major version number

    For example: If everything is fine after 9.1.1, we could already get 10.0 as the next version and no 9.2, 9.3 or more...

  • From what I see, Kemper is using the usual versioning. So no one knows how many releases of OS 9.x we will get.

    So, just for the understanding. A usual software versioning (it's called semantic versioning) looks something like this:

    │ │ │  └────── Build number (optional)
    │ │ └───────── Revision number
    │ └─────────── minor version number
    └───────────── major version number

    For example: If everything is fine after 9.1.1, we could already get 10.0 as the next version and no 9.2, 9.3 or more...

    So it could be something like

    Major version: Major new features

    Minor version: Minor new features or changes to behaviour

    Revision number: bug fixes

    (The above obviously doesn't take into account stuff that is not customer-oriented, like refactoring of code etc)

  • Silly question - do modellers actually follow an amp specific tone stack? I assumed that in say a Helix, the tone stack is still generally linear, not like the original.

    In other words, the tone stack applied is the same across all amp models?? Just wondered....

  • I don't think so, there are many amp models, if it woud be the same tone stack, they could only purpose one tone range block apply to all their models... I assume that all the Tone stacks have been modeled for each amp. even if some of them can be very closed....

  • Silly question - do modellers actually follow an amp specific tone stack? I assumed that in say a Helix, the tone stack is still generally linear, not like the original.

    In other words, the tone stack applied is the same across all amp models?? Just wondered....

    No Guy, most modellers model everything in the signal path including the tone stack. It is only profilers and other “capture” methodologies (Quad Cortex, Tone X, NAM etc) that use a generic tone stack. That is why Liquid Profiling is such a game changer and puts the KPA back in a unique position. This and USB audio is Literally Kemper 2.0 but without the need for existing customers to buy anything new 😮

  • No Guy, most modellers model everything in the signal path including the tone stack. It is only profilers and other “capture” methodologies (Quad Cortex, Tone X, NAM etc) that use a generic tone stack. That is why Liquid Profiling is such a game changer and puts the KPA back in a unique position. This and USB audio is Literally Kemper 2.0 but without the need for existing customers to buy anything new 😮

    And iOS/Android RM adds the big colour touchscreen that many were asking for. Very clever market approach

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • No Guy, most modellers model everything in the signal path including the tone stack. It is only profilers and other “capture” methodologies (Quad Cortex, Tone X, NAM etc) that use a generic tone stack. That is why Liquid Profiling is such a game changer and puts the KPA back in a unique position. This and USB audio is Literally Kemper 2.0 but without the need for existing customers to buy anything new 😮

    I've not used a "modern" or sophisticated modeller hence my previous experience is of very basic tone controls...

  • Couldn't agree more with what has been said. The mere prospect of Liquid Profiles levels everything up so much, for me. The new features improve everything so much that I really don't want anything else, now. CK is the man. I can't imagine that just this time will be a disappointment, when every time it was not.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • That is why Liquid Profiling is such a game changer and puts the KPA back in a unique position.

    IF it's more than just a custom EQ placed before or after the profile - still worried it might just be this, as how do you insert an EQ stack "within" a profile (e.g. between pre and post amp stages like it is in most amps). On the other hand, the current definition control works some magic beyond just EQ (affecting dist character too) so, maybe they can pull it off. Fingers crossed!

  • IF it's more than just a custom EQ placed before or after the profile - still worried it might just be this, as how do you insert an EQ stack "within" a profile (e.g. between pre and post amp stages like it is in most amps). On the other hand, the current definition control works some magic beyond just EQ (affecting dist character too) so, maybe they can pull it off. Fingers crossed!

    If a custom EQ stack was all it was, they’d have done it years ago.

    Something unique has been achieved here. I’ve seen posts elsewhere where at least one respected guy (Erik Klein aka Digital Igloo, Chief Product Design Architect at Line6) said something *like*:

    “We and others have been trying to figure this out for years. Congratulations to Christoph for (once again) figuring it out first.”

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (June 20, 2023 at 3:09 PM).

  • Couldn't agree more with what has been said. The mere prospect of Liquid Profiles levels everything up so much, for me. The new features improve everything so much that I really don't want anything else, now. CK is the man. I can't imagine that just this time will be a disappointment, when every time it was not.

    Funnily enough, I'm not interested in liquid profiles, in the same way I wasn't interested in Morph and a remote and the I suspect its something that I will eventually find invaluable - so I totally agree, as I suspect it will even outstrip my expectations :)

  • Funnily enough, I'm not interested in liquid profiles, in the same way I wasn't interested in Morph and a remote and the I suspect its something that I will eventually find invaluable - so I totally agree, as I suspect it will even outstrip my expectations :)


    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • I'm a little disappointed to learn that Kemper provides the model. I originally thought the "model" would be created when a user profiles the amp and would be baked in to the new profile. That's the merger I would like.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.