Posts by Alienator

    I'm not up to date in the forum at the moment, so I'm asking directly here.

    The following problem has crept in over the last few weeks during band practice: I go directly out of my Stage with 2 XLR cables into the console. For some time now, the signal from my guitar has been fluctuating in volume while playing with the band. Additionally, the two channels have visibly different levels. What could be causing this? The only thing I’ve changed are some details in the effects in all my presets, but nothing that would explain this. I believe this first occurred after the last firmware update. It’s not the cables. I can also rule out damage to the system. Has anyone experienced something similar? Could this be a bug?

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    this unit is just a big fail imo and will be redundand soon. Or they revise the whole modelling and quality of amp models. What a pity.

    I'm hair splitting here, I know you meant that but just wanted to give my personal 2 cents... Problem is we still think in amalog terms. No, in fact this unit is the most powerful and perfect unit that combines every main feature request that you can find in the feature request thread of this forum. This has to mean something. It is as if Fender can read and act and others don't. What you mean is that currently the computer code, the algorithms etc. that it runs are not perfect or disappointing in respect of how they spit out what they have calculated. That's a huge difference and the code can and will change from time to time, I claim to the better. Depending on how talented and gifted the computer nerds are at Fender. If you put fractal's or line6's firmware in there (why should it not be possible in theory, without me being an expert), all of a sudden you will have "a different unit". No you won't, of course. We have reached a point where the unsexy computer nerds have taken over and we somehow depend on them. If you compare Helix's computer code from 8 years ago to the latest Line6 fw update, you will notice that the Helix today is a totally "different" beast. If Fender does not lose interest in their Multi FX path, their TMP will become a better and better sounding, latest code spitting machine, for sure. After all they have the money to hire better programmers or pay more than fractal (assumption). The real way to "fix" this endless digital programming rabbit hole is to go analog, again. That's where The Amp X in theory comes in but we are not there, yet. For me this route of "real" tone analog modelling is the real game changing thinking. Isn't Winter Namm coming?

    A second profiler for me is a must as a backup. If you need a second profiler to complete your live rig, then for me, personally, something is... not wrong but almost. That would mean you need two more, a total of 4 Profilers, to have a backup just in case. Generation II will solve all those problems ;-).

    Yes, for years I've been using the GT10S on one pedalboard and on my other board I use the xvive u2 wireless system with a built into the pedalboard transmitter ("MOD") from Rockboard. I can recommend both. I used to use the Shure GLX16 which is rock solid and also a clear recommendation but it's a lot more expensive. You can't go wrong with these but there surely are many good ones today.

    I've seen all the videos, so far. The more I listen to it the more it sounds... "like a modeller" :D. This clearly isn't necessarily bad but I also clearly prefer what I have. I still predict that Fender will be quite successful with this because many tend to listen with their eyes and this clearly has hands down the best form factor, UI, IO etc., for me, so far. What a shame it has the wrong logo on it and so it will never be capable of playing liquid profiles - what a dream that would be.

    I'll start with the obvious and usual comment, that always comes up: "this unit is perfectly made for dirty bars, flying bottles and drunkards who spill loads of beer all over it"... :D. Now that this is out of the way, here is the obvious: it is very beautiful, indeed. But the very first thing I already have mixed emotions with, is that the routing is limited, like in the Headrush or the Kemper and not fully open to easy constant assignment for (admittedly more rare) complex patches. Good first sounds, I would say, I am curious to listen to more. It seems to be "only" a modeller, which surprises me.

    I think it's real. Just too many different sources discussing it. I would think Fender would have been quick to deny its existence....but they haven't.

    Also - there are plenty of images - including the bottom with serial number and boilerplate declarations/logos. If it's fake, someone went above and beyond to dupe everyone. Mad props if its fake.

    Seems as if someone violated the crap out of their NDA, though.

    Either way, I am curious. Especially if Fender really goes down the modelling road, which would not really make sense to me. We already have fractal and Line6, I doubt Fender can do it better. So if it's true, there should be something on the capturing side of things (like QC?).