I think the "killer feature" would be to combine the Virus and Profiler and enable a completely unheard of quality of synth sounds (and blended guitar tones).
I love this idea
I think the "killer feature" would be to combine the Virus and Profiler and enable a completely unheard of quality of synth sounds (and blended guitar tones).
I love this idea
I'd be interested in:
Wet/dry paths
Separate stereo paths with effects assignable to each.
Pitch sensitive waveform generator with square, triangle and sine wave forms
16 step arpeggiator with individual ADSR settings per step
onboard signal mixer (6 channel)
Many comparisons have been done online recently about between the profiling habilities of Kemper, QC and ToneX. The Kemper hasn't come victorious in any of those comparisons. I repeat i'm writing about comparing profiling abilities only.
I just want em to get rid of that woofyness in the top register. Minly the g,b strings.
Is there any news on a V2 Kemper?
Is there any news on a V2 Kemper?
no. They have repeatedly said that there are years of life left in the old girl yet. I would expect them to release several phenomenal software updates to the current platform long before any V2 hardware.
My big asks are:
1.The ability to use more than one profile at a time in a performance patch so I can profile an amp and a pedal separately and then use them together. So I can make the profiles whenever and not have to own the amp and pedal at the same time to make a profile of them together.
2. The ability to add multiple profiles to the same rig so you can "switch channels"
3. The ability to transmit MIDI CC messages not just PCs
4. Desktop app while profiling
5. Modern form factor, Smaller footprint, color touch screen, stomp switch knobs like the QC and an integrated expression pedal like an HX
6. USB reamping
7. Performance modes like the QC to use the buttons as a pedalboard, preset selector or scene switcher.
8. The ability to add profiles to the effects, so I can profile pedals.
9. The ability to create rig templates and copy all the effects and settings from one rig to another all at once instead of one piece at a time in the desktop app.
10. Automated volume normalization and/or a VU meter to help make all the rigs a similar volume, especially when switching instruments.
11. XLR out for the monitor channel.
12. Increased memory for onboard storage of more than 1000 rigs
My big asks are:
5. Modern form factor, Smaller footprint, color touch screen, stomp switch knobs like the QC and an integrated expression pedal like an HX
7. Performance modes like the QC to use the buttons as a pedalboard, preset selector or scene switcher.
8. The ability to add profiles to the effects, so I can profile pedals.
In fact, you want a Quand Cortex (if you don't have already one)
Just ask Neural Dsp to improve it, it'll be faster....
For me, N°7 is unecessary, Kemper purposes Presets in Browser mode or Performance selection, Scenes with Perfomances and stomps with the dedicated footswitches... I don't have the QC or played with it but Helix had this possibility to change mode ; stomp, presets, snapshots, i've never been lost or regreted it....
In fact, you want a Quand Cortex
(if you don't have already one)
Just ask Neural Dsp to improve it, it'll be faster....
Just bought a Quad Cortex. And yes… it would be great to have a Kemper which performs like the Quad Cortex.
Kemper does many things better, but so does QC.
If there would be a Kemper 2 with “best of both worlds” I wold be very happy !!
Imagine a Kemper with the processing power and accuracy of the QC but with all the advantages of the Kemper Universe…. Great !!
the MONITOR OUTPUT should still be able to supply the dry signal you want
I just have to make sure. By this post from the November 2. you mean, that it should work, if I put the pedals in front of the Kempers guitar input and NOT the loop, since Monitor Out is occupied by the loop in/out.
I just have to make sure. By this post from the November 2. you mean, that it should work, if I put the pedals in front of the Kempers guitar input and NOT the loop, since Monitor Out is occupied by the loop in/out.
Monitor out is not used in the loop. Alternate input/Direct Out is what's used for Toaster/Rack.
Monitor out is not used in the loop. Alternate input/Direct Out is what's used for Toaster/Rack.
Damn….I’m blind I guess. Thanx 🙂
Damn….I’m blind I guess. Thanx 🙂
...and the first thing I heard in my head when reading this was Jimmy Cliff:
"I can see clearly now the rain is gone...."
Just bought a Quad Cortex. And yes… it would be great to have a Kemper which performs like the Quad Cortex.
Kemper does many things better, but so does QC.
If there would be a Kemper 2 with “best of both worlds” I wold be very happy !!
Imagine a Kemper with the processing power and accuracy of the QC but with all the advantages of the Kemper Universe…. Great !!
Just got back from showing my friend how the cortex can sound when running into the front of a kemper and using the profiles of tube power amps and then switching to different amp parameters and cabs. Used a gate and soft shaper in the stomp slots and delay and reverb in the effects section. He used his axe iii and we got to share some tones. Pretty awesome, we must say.
Double amps, for stereo.
Also separate panning for the amp and efx!
Like E van Halen on his first album
Separate Volume for EACH effecr.
would love some guitar synth and arpeggiator effect options
Double amps, for stereo.
Also separate panning for the amp and efx!
Like E van Halen on his first album
I am writing a VST and I added dual IRs and the effects have a balance slider just to get the VH1 sound
So far I have only used it on that one sound though, so....
would love some guitar synth and arpeggiator effect options
i would love to see that too.
I currently have the Midi Guitar 2 and Roxsyn apps which are both great but i need to carry an ipad and audio interface with me to be able to use them at a rehearsal or gig. It would be amazing to have these kinds of sounds built into the KPA. Given ckemper background in synths, the knowledge and ability to create this is definitely there.
CK has repeatedly stated that the current hardware is far from being maxed out so I reckon you would be more likely to see this sort of thing added to the current KPA than being something for a future Kemper 2
Actually, I am very pleased as a customer to keep the old HW and get new features via SW updates.
I do not see ANY reason for a new device yet.
Actually, I am very pleased as a customer to keep the old HW and get new features via SW updates.
I do not see ANY reason for a new device yet.
I've never seen any reason for a mk II and the kemper team makes sure I don't.