Posts by nwmusic32

    IMO - If they intend to add Profiling, they would have named it differently and saved a ton of confusion.

    Every update would need a reference to two names for the same product in perpetuity. Consumers would have no idea what’s going on with two names for the same thing….and no way Kemper didn’t know they’d add it.

    Profiling is the flagship feature. Adding it at no cost would beg the question “why did the other pre-existing features cost money?”

    I’m happy to be proven wrong, but preexisting functionality are the upgrades.

    Updates are free and stuff none of us has seen.

    Remember - card is always subject to change in business. Also, I would never expect them to add profiling for free.

    Likely it won't...except didn't they say it has all the horsepower of it's big brothers?

    Hello All,

    I have started to profile my Friedman Dirty Shirley Mini Amp & Cabinet and was looking for any tips you all may have. My current setup is the Kemper Stage, line out to the amp (sometimes to a Greer Lightspeed in between), and then a SM57 plugged straight back into the Kemper Stage.

    The profiles have been pretty good, but there's something extra people like Michael Britt seem to be getting beyond me.

    Appreciate any help!

    there will be no additional upgrades. A level3 Player has the same feature set as the other Profiler models in regard to the number of effects, effect types, morphing etc.

    Any Player can be updated to the latest version of the Profiler OS for free independent of its level.

    If the Player is at level3 all of the features that these updates might offer will be available in the Player as well. plans for a level IV where profiling could become available?

    I can confirm having had a QC - the power supply isn't grounded so the unit isn't grounded. And actually, a giant ground hum (or some kind of hum) was exactly why I sent it back. My Kemper Stage and Player didn't do this in the exact same setup and environment.

    I agree with other comments; the issue is somewhere else. I would suggest process of elimination until you find what's giving you issues.

    I too switch between acoustic and electric during our shows and use a Kemper Stage. For our songs, I use preset performances (in performance mode).

    For your example, I would use slot/preset 1 as a preset for electric and slot/preset 2 as a preset for acoustic. Then, during sound check, have FOH tell you what changes to make on your Kemper preset for each so they are making minimal changes during the show. You could also just make a rig for electric and a rig for acoustic and do the same thing. Kemper has powerful EQ's built in to help tailor the sound to the room. Since it looks like you have a Kemper Head, you could achieve this by using the Kemper Remote footpedal.

    I use a 12-string in our show and during sound check, FOH will advise me of changes I can make on the Kemper so they aren't dancing with faders and EQ's during the show.

    Shoutout to Kemper and their teams for the addition of combo switching and the Level II upgrade. This Player has now replaced my Kemper Stage for the smaller gigs and it's just awesome. Specifically, with combo switching switching rigs is super easy and doesn't require any more gear.

    The main hero for me is morphing with the Level II upgrade. I can now have a drive pedal on/off with footswitch 1, a delay on/off footswitch 3, and morphing on/off with footswitch 2. I can now have a bit extra OD on/off and delay on/off while having morphing bump the rig volume and shape the drive pedal (if on) for a solo boost.

    Well done, Kemper and thank you <3

    Kemper Stage vs. Kemper Player (Level III)
    Question: Is a Kemper Player (Level III) appropriately priced compared to a Stage? I'm not so sure...

    Kemper Stage has the following that a Level III Player doesn't:
    >> Profiling Capabilities

    >> LCD Display

    >> Several adjustment knobs and soft buttons
    >> Performance Mode
    >> Several additional footswitches for performance slots, up/down rig and performance selection

    >> Actual tuner display and dedicated footswitch

    >> Stereo effects loops

    >> Stereo XLR out
    >> Looper dedicated footswitch

    I'm not sure the price point fits exactly. The physical Player unit lacks a lot of the features of the Stage (actual display, several knobs and soft buttons, footswitches for tuner, tap tempo, looper, two effects loops for send and return, separate footswitches for pedal on/off, stereo XLR outs, etc.).

    Also....none of these paid upgrades allow you to profile amps which is what Kemper is known for in the first place. You don't get models of amps; you have to profile yours or buy profiles online (yes, I know - rig exchange. but a lot of them are not great).

    So...a "full feature" player is $1,000. A stage is $1,600. Is it only a $600 feature difference between the two? I'm not so sure.

    I have been gigging a Kemper Stage for a few years now. Recently, I tried the Quad Cortex to see what else is out there. The UI is better in some ways, not better in others. The amp tones were really nice. The effects were average compared to Kemper.

    Ultimately, I returned the unit because as I would add gain, I would get this awful hum which is a known issue I guess. I also missed morphing and the general setup of performance mode. And the tweaking options are not on par with Kemper. Yes, you can capture pedals (which Kemper should think about) and there are some dual amp things, but I honestly never think about dual amps. Just get the amp you want and use a studio EQ block for the rest (IMO).

    What I would love from Kemper is the ability to drop my laptop and use my iPhone or iPad for all of Rig Manager. My iPhone has USB-C now, so I feel like we should be able to manage rigs, presets, etc. with a mobile app. Right now, I use my laptop for transferring rigs and just ease of use.

    Recently updated Rig Manger on macOS and now have an issue. When editing a slot in a performance, if I hit save and then go to select a different slot in the same performance, it won't load. I have to load a different performance and then go back. It's not great (for example) when I think I'm editing slot 2, but really I'm still on slot 1.

    Emailed Kemper Support twice and no response.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    What is your current setup you are using for the Player? What power supply, are you using studio monitors or headphones, etc.? Something in your setup could be affecting the Kemper.

    Have you tried running just the Kemper Player with the stock power supply by itself with headphones?

    Also, is this happening with multiple guitars? Or just one?

    I sold my Kemper Player and returned to my Kemper Stage, and one small reason was the tuner. I was at a gig and had to fully restring a guitar in a bit of a hurry; finding the correct pitch proved a bit too difficult in a rushed setting. I would recommend that Kemper add a tuner display to the Rig Manager app for iOS. This would eliminate a lot of the complaints.

    Without adding the tuner display to Rig Manager, if I were to use the Player in the future I'd add a dedicated tuner pedal with a display or a clip on tuner.