Bring back the capacity to name a set of stomps on the stage the same way you can on the rack/toaster.... and grant us an extra layer of flexibility when we lock them
Let's say I have a blues outfit and a covers band
typically I would want a tremolo as the 'wobble' with the blues band and a chorus in the covers band - and there are plenty of other permutations as well
What I am looking for is the capacity to bring up named sets of stomps that remain locked over different performances... ie. I want to lock "blues" over my MBritt Vox performance but on say my TJ Tweed I want to lock "covers"
Have a dynamic number of "locked and named" sets but have those able to be edited globally.
If I edit the locked reverb on "blues" it doesn't affect the locked reverb on "covers" BUT it flows through to all performances where I have nominated "blues"