I've gone down the rabbit hole trying to find your "PITCH Wide Sitar 2" profile after reading many old threads and reviewing the RE / Rig Packs Downloads. And I keep coming up short.
Is this profile still available and can you share it with me.
Why in the world would you trash my post when I'm using caps to clearly define either buttons or sections within my Rig Manager? It's an immense waste of time.
the 'gems'-thread is only for posts of great rigs from the Rig Exchange only, no comments or other posts are allowed since this would dilute the information gathered in this thread (as has happened in so many other threads in this forum)
Hope all is well. I am having problems syncing up RM walk-with my profiler (all just updated, MAC). It's giving me performance from years ago only, nothing at all current or edited. I have submitted a support ticket so I'll m not asking to you help out.
I happened to map out your company's headquarters - turns out I played up the street from you guys, opening for Procol Harum several years ago in Wuppertal (I'm from the US if you don't recall). Thought that was cool.
Hello Don! I see you closed that Kemper, AMS EZ payments thread. I was going to update with a note I got from Kemper US. He told me this:
"That is wrong. That would have been me that made that call. They want US to pay for financing and we don’t, so sounds like they are trying to blame us for not offering THEIR financing."
So who knows what really happened. All I know is I want a pair of powered Kabs asap. Thanks
I saw your post in the thread about Fuzz not working with Kemper. It is appears you are the Father of Fuzz so I hope you do not mind if I ask a question.
I recently built a Silicone Fuzz kit and I am trying to get the glassy tone like in the Pete Thorn video. Is that possible with a Silicone Transistor or does it have to have Germanium in it?
I did try with my old 80s MIJ Fernandes copy with the Kemper and one of my tube amps. I could not get that sound. Maybe it is the guitar? Or maybe it is not possible with Silicone transistors.
If it possible, any good Kemper profiles you would recommend for it?
you didn't mention specific rigs from the rig exchange as is required in this thread - and you mentioned commercial sellers and that you bought packs from them
der Rig Exchange "Gems" Thread ist ausschliesslich zum Posten von Rigs. Kommentare und 'Danke'-Posts nehmen schnell überhand und verwässern so eine sehr wertvolle Ansammlung von Infos. Am besten einfach den 'like'-button benutzen.
Dies ist übrigens der einzige so streng unter Aufsicht stehende Thread im ganzen Forum
Hi Don, i remember coming across some cool helpful fuzz settings you had shared. I’m trying to find the post again but I can’t. Do you mind sharing that post if it’s still up or just filling me in on some more options. I’m going for that Hendrix / Eric Johnson fuzz.
I wish to inquire about best amp - kemper settings for electric finger picking. Would it go best under profiler discussion or tips - tricks? Wish to post in the correct location.
I noticed you have just moved my thread "What I Hear Is Not What I Get" from general forum to private commercial third party rigs discussion. Although the thread might look as a discussion on a particular rig, my question was a general one - I have/had the issue with Kemper in general and used that rig just in order to demonstrate my case (meaning since this is supposedly a high quality rig we can take the possibility of the rig being of low-quality out of the equation and I would like to find out what the problem really is). I would like to have some more feedback and fear that moving the thread to this section won´t help it much. Do you think you could please reconsider?
in the first post of that thread you embedded a youtube demo of a commercial rig pack, regardless of context, this thread can only exist in the Third party Rigs subforum.
As I said, I´m fine with that. Nevertheless, before joining the forum I did read the guidelines (Forum Guidelines) and no such rule is indicated there so maybe you might care to update, given you are so strict with the thread placement, to prevent surprises of a kind.
Anyway, I am still getting replies (which I feared I won´t), so in the end I don´t mind.
Based on your white noise I created sound samples of Vox Big Bad Wah which was demanded in the forum. Let me know your email if you're interested to share it with others
BTW: I wasn't able to send you PM. It gave me the following message:
wollte dich gern per Mail kontaktieren (deine Inbox ist hier voll), wäre cool, wenn du mir kurz eine Nachricht an betamenschmusik@gmail.com schicken könntest! Beste Grüße, Miguel
Don- I am a new kemper owner. I have just profiled my main amp to gig with and could not get my custom fuzzface profile to take. I know it won't work even so with the single coil to fuzzface interaction that I am so used to (this may be the death of the kemper for me). I was doing a search and found your post about your germanium fuzz and you sound like me and my quest. I have about 8 fuzzes custom done with NOS transistors and have ONE that I LOVE>
My Rig=1971 small box marshall with 4x12 scumbacks, so pretty traditional. I am itching to replace it, but NEED this sound a few times a night!
Anyway, I can't seem to locate your fuzz recreation. Usually use it in conjunction with a klon (to get some mid back), and have profiled that, but need the fuzz!!!!
I can't PM you, as the forum says you have too many conversations going.
I'll ask here,
how do you have the 'MIX' Control set? Is it the "old" one from the choices?
I usually use the fuzz into a klon (both gained down) and that is what I love. I have done profiles of my amp with the Klon on, but the fuzz won't profile because of the noise while hooked to the kemper. VERY quiet with the amp, so I am sure its that impedance thing with the single coil pickups.
You moved a post of mine into the owner's area (looking for EVH profiles). Trouble is, I am using a loaner KPA; since I'm not the owner, I'm not registered as an owner and I now cannot respond in the thread that I started. Could I request that you move it back?
the thread included multiple posts about commercial Profiles, which is why it had to be moved into the commercial subsection.
You can still read the suggestions, and if you like you can open another threas where you specify (in the title) that you are looking for free Profiles.
I'm loving v7 by the way, so thanks to the whole team, you guys rock!
I've just tweaked a rig and produced what I think is the closest I've heard to a violin and kind of wanted to share this with the good folks on here. Since I did not make the original profile, wasn't sure this was kosher, so I thought I'd ask you first if this was ok to share... sort of like I did with that Trower univibe effect. What do you think?
I am contacting you directly since I know you have a lot of pedals and I guess you have experienced using your overdrives with the Kemper at some point, right?
I like using drive pedals in front of the Kemper (only the ones I can't replicate with the Kemper, yet)
But, now I want to use the pedals in stomp C or D using FX Loop before the stack section, so I can use the Remote to control them.
I've tried all FX loop settings (Mono, Distortion, Stereo) but the sound I get is not the same. It's like the pedal losses it's drive tone. I was able to level the audio volume level sent to the pedal and coming from the pedal, but when I A/B the setup in front of the Kemper vs. the FX loop there is a noticeable difference. I've realized that some KP forum members noticed the same difference.
May it is caused by the different analog-digital conversions going on in each setup?
Any advice you could share using drive pedals in the FX loop or how to work around this?
I'm new to the forum and just found your thread on Wah Pedals.
I have series 1 Budda Bud-Wah +
Happy to create the audio files you need (I downloaded the white noise).
Should I just run that file through the wah at line level or are you thinking I run through a DI and drop it down to instrument level?
Also the Boost on the BudWah+ sounds great too (that's the + part) and I'm happy to record it that if it's helpful...not sure if the white noise would show the coloration of the pedal across that range.
Anyway let me know. (I tried a conversation but you are full up again, you are just too popular
thanks for contacting me - the Bud Wah sounds very interesting!
So far all the recordings of the white noise through the wah pedals were made without a DI box, so this should work fine.
It might be interesting to record a third file, where you have the wah effect disabled and after a few seconds engage the boost. If the boost is only available with the wah effect active, please record the heel and toe positions a few seconds without the boost and then again with the boost.
This way I can see if the boost is just a volume thing, or if some additional EQ is happening.