Kemper Profiling Amp Successor

  • I wonder if they'll ever make a mini 900. Which makes me think.

    Still, it's seems kinda strange to me that if more effects and more simultaneously running amps and cab profiles etc. are a desire, that it's met with such rhetoric.

    Us: Hi, we would buy another unit, even at a higher price if it has this and that and the other thing.

    Them: Thank you but not right now or maybe ever but maybe if we feel like it and it makes sense to us. Take that money and either buy a 2nd Kemper or another multi effects unit that can also do amp and cab sounds if you need it . Thanks.

    "This is more than enough for me."

    "Who needs 2 amps and cabs?"

    "It would cost so much, there's not enough people to buy it." Etc.

    "The profiling algorithm is already perfect, even though there's know issues with certain high gain tones and fuzzes, I never use that much gain anyway."

    Paraphrasing but some will feel me.

    P.s. not knocking Kemper for doing what they think is best for themselves, their company and for the gear community and in whatever time frame works best for them. Totally understandable to a point.

    Also not knocking yall who are in the camp of contentment. Well maybe a little bit lol.

    Just trying to say how it seems to feel from an observational and subjective standpoint.

  • This conversation is a bit mental. Is it not obvious to people, presumably intelligent people who can work a fairly complex piece of kit like the Kemper, that the JCM 900 would be better suited to certain styles of music in preference to a Plexi? So therefore stands to reason that, for some, it would be their amp of choice over a Plexi. Or am I missing the joke?

  • Stop being... trolls, maybe? Contribute to the topic or better don't comment? Could that help?

    I suggest you re-read the OP. He asked for a "shitstorm" and he has received one. The comments are mostly done in tongue-and-cheek. The OP wanted to hear other peoples opinion, so when you ask for that then you can't be surprised if others disagree with yours. No harm no foul.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I have the strong feeling the KPA 2 is in the works. Or at least they are already finished the R&D phase.

    But I also could imagine that in the mean while they will soon offer a KPA XXL with dual/triple etc amps/more fx/more I/Os and whatever..

    Maybe they will also do a smaller version of the stage like the fm3/stomp;

    And for the KPA 2 I could imagine that it will be some kind of hybrid guitar/synth modeler.

    There are a lot of good ideas and I bet CK has a lots of them.

  • So would I because it suits the music I play more. My point was more that the ability to make guitar amps sound better is finite. I feel like a Kemper is so good at getting any sound I want that the weakest link in the chain is not the ability of the amp, but my ability. I don't feel like "If the KPA did this better it would help me sound good". I'd bet I could bring ANY big name shredder in my studio and plug in not knowing what they were plugged into (or tell them they were playing some space age super tube amp) and give them anything they wanted. For sure that's good enough for me.

    I wouldn't take that bet ;).

  • But I also could imagine that in the mean while they will soon offer a KPA XXL with dual/triple etc amps/more fx/more I/Os and whatever..

    This is a joke, right? Looking at this company approach to products' longevity - if they release KPA XXL with dual/triple amps, more FX and "whatever", they become Kraktal :D

    And I have strong feeling that KPA2 is not in the works. What doesn't mean that I am against it and I don't want these guys who wish it, for their dreams to become true. What means that both your and my opinion doesn't matter a smallest bit.

  • Why not having KPA 2 with built in computer, whether with Windows or MacOS. So you don't have to connect built-in audio interface (which you don't have yet) to another computer. But the question is whether KPA2 should have HDMI 1.4b or also built in 24" screen, which would be attachable. I'm shy to suggest that it could have built-in best studio monitors, at least 5" :D

  • It's commercial suicide for a company to rest on its laurels. You can bet your bottom dollar that Kemper are up to something. What do you think their employees are doing every day? Popping down to the warehouse to ship out some Stages? Nah mate. There is blatantly some heavy research and design going on; that is what makes the most sense.

    Edited once, last by drew_fx: typo (January 21, 2022 at 12:17 PM).

  • This is a joke, right? Looking at this company approach to products' longevity - if they release KPA XXL with dual/triple amps, more FX and "whatever", they become Kraktal :D

    And I have strong feeling that KPA2 is not in the works. What doesn't mean that I am against it and I don't want these guys who wish it, for their dreams to become true. What means that both your and my opinion doesn't matter a smallest bit.

    I wouldn't buy it. As I also didn't buy the stage.

    But there are a lot of folks who would.

    So indeed..your and mine opinion are appreciated..but that's it..