As a general rule when you connect and setup active speakers:
1. Turn the volume knobs on the back of the speakers ALL the way down before you hook up cables and switch it on!!!!
2. Set the output level of the Profiler (e.g. Main Outputs) to maximum (0.0dB).
3. Use the built-in Looper and have some loud and heavy powerchord loop with a good amount of lowend.
4. Now start adjusting the volume knobs on your speakers to what you feel will be the loudest you want to ever go and still be safe for the speakers.
Once this is done you have managed basically 2 things at once:
1. You have minimized the necessary amount of amplification in the active speakers (saves quite a bit of energy as well)
2. You can now reduce volume with the MAIN OUTPUT setting but you can never accidently go higher and blow your speakers.