Kemper needs to update

  • I am an owner of a kemper power head and kone. A new product has been released that competes with the Kemper and a lot of people are saying Kemper is outdated and needs to be update. I hear a lot of comparisons where the Kemper is adding some eqs that are not in the real amp. Kemper needs to update their profiling algorithms and interface. They have done a wonderful job of updating Kemper for free but now they need to do a 2.0, It would be cool it they just did a update for everyone. It would be awesome to see Kemper put out a powered floor unit with an updated profiling algorithm and updated interface. This is what we are all waiting to see Kemper, lets see if this happens.

  • ckemper had been very clear in the Quad Cortex thread elsewhere in the forum that he doesn’t believe there is any EQ problem (cocked wah, congested mids etc) and therefore there is no need to create a new profiling process.

    However, he has also been very open about inviting users to supply any evidence of the supposed EQ problems. He clearly seems to be of the opinion that if anyone can show him evidence of the claimed flaw he will work his hardest to fix it but so far he hasn’t seen any evidence.

  • To my ears the Kemper sounds like adds compression whilst other amps or even other modelers sound more open. I notice the same also with drive pedals in front. I dont notice eq issue, cocked wah, etc. but more about compression.

  • My Kemper sounded great when I first bought it in 2016. It sounds even better now, it gets superb clean tones which for me was the most difficult thing to emulate. I can’t imagine there is anything else I would want or need aside from an accurate 12-string emulation, which I can currently get with a Digitech Mosaic.

  • I've owned a kemper for quite a few years now and think its a great tool for recording and live.

    I'm not sold on floor units, I think the cabling is impractical, I like head and rack units with simple floor switching.

    In my ideal world the kemper would have enough processing power to run two amps and four cab simulations, with a couple of powered stereo speaker outs too. I'd also like to have about 10 slots before the amp for fx, aes digital out slaving happily at 192khz. Oh and less plastic for the controls, maybe brushed aluminium.

    I can live without all of that because most of all, after all these years I'd like it to sound as open and harmonically rich as the new quad.

    I've gone through well ove 1000 profiles and found five I like, only one of them sounds perfect to my ears for clean. The video demos of the quad sound amazing and just highlight that thing that's never been quite there in the kemper. Although the high gain tones didn't sound right on the cortex.

    The unit itself doesn't float my boat, but that tone seems to be killer.

    In short, yes, I think kemper do need a v2, I'm ready and have been for about five years.

  • I am an owner of a kemper power head and kone. A new product has been released that competes with the Kemper and a lot of people are saying Kemper is outdated and needs to be update. I hear a lot of comparisons where the Kemper is adding some eqs that are not in the real amp. Kemper needs to update their profiling algorithms and interface. They have done a wonderful job of updating Kemper for free but now they need to do a 2.0, It would be cool it they just did a update for everyone. It would be awesome to see Kemper put out a powered floor unit with an updated profiling algorithm and updated interface. This is what we are all waiting to see Kemper, lets see if this happens.

    What is this “new product”? Don’t always believe what “a lot of people are saying”, use your own judgement, it will end up better for you that way...

  • The Kemper is a great amp, period. No worries that it will ever be outdated.
    There is room for other amp profiler/modellers , perhaps they might even have a unique take on how they go about it.

    I do find it rather amusing/curiosity that the Quad Cortex uses an interface very similar to the Helix and profiling like a Kemper.

    None the less I am curious to try one for myself but will wait for any judgement or comments until I try one. The internet does not influence my decisions

  • I would be very interested in an updated Kemper.

    I won’t comment on whether or not the Kemper needs a profiling update. I have a Quad Cortex coming (eventually) so until then I can’t have an opinion.

    But as far as the user interface goes...I am 100% ready for a Kemper 2 with the UI in mind.