I'll add; in the Cab parameters, bring the high and low cuts to ~ 100 hz and 2-4 khz.
Posts by kevinduren
Just now chiming in on this, but think I can contribute.
All of those EQs work in series, so whichever one has the more constrained settings will "override" the other(s).
For example, I set the Output Section to a Hi Cut of 8khz and Low Cut at 80hz. I would set it tighter, but it affects everything before it, including reverbs and delays.
I then set the Hi/Low in the Cabinet Section for what I want per rig and that is generally Low Cut at 90-110hz and High Cut anywhere from 2.5-4khz.
Hope that helps clarify.
I want to know about this also.
There is a "Just Got Paid" rig in the Rig Exchange...
Checking the Manual. Thanks.
Oh, I may have spoken out of turn. Has a volume pedal function been added? If so, that would be an great boon to me and at least a partial solution for the OP.
Keyword searching that PDF is your friend...
I'll use this example as yet another use case in my campaign to have a dedicated volume parameter controllable by an expression pedal. Thanks again for considering.
Funny, I have noticed the same thing about myself: I am 120 bpm.
At the risk of beating a dead horse: I think it became too complicated because they asked the users what they wanted and, being a diverse group, everyone wanted something different (I am over-generalizing a little).
Even the ability to morph one additional parameter with an additional pedal, would be a huge benefit.
So Sacham, AFAIK, you can control either the distortion mix or the delay mix (or both at the same time). And that results in using all of the power of morphing to control one parameter. You could set up one rig to morph distortion and an identical rig to morph delay, though that doesn't sound like what you are wanting.
But, the Kemper has worked wonderfully for me and I really like it, so don't think that I am denigrating it. Good workarounds are a thing of beauty and build character.
No, there is no work around. That was just a comment on how much we have requested this.
count me in.
I am using the octave fuzz as a workaround and works pretty well...
Hi All,
I just updated both RM and my powered head. It seems to have fixed several problems. But now, when I try to save rigs into a Performance, using RM, no matter what slot is highlighted, it moves that rig to the first slot.
Specifically, I have the Profiler in Performance mode, and am browsing the rigs in the Profiler (in the My Profiler folder) using RM. With the first slot highlighted, I can double click the rig I want in RM and it appears in the first slot. When I move to the second (or any other) slot, and double click a rig in RM, that second rig appears in the first slot, like it is overwriting the first rig that I put in slot one.
I have enabled all of the slots in the new Performance. I have stored the new Performance, using Store on the Profiler and in RM, after inserting the first rig.
This is how I have always made Performances, but I am sure that I am overlooking something basic, so what am I doing incorrectly?
Edit: So after writing all of that, I continued to work. Now, the rig in slot 1 is being retained. I was able to put a rig into slot 2. But when I try to put a rig in slot 3, it reverts back to slot 2. ???
Maybe, but try the more global settings in the output section first.
Check to see if you have the stack section locked.
We may have to get Michael to confirm, but it looks like the 62 Deluxe is in the Vintage Pack.