No, WE don't need a kemper2

  • Not true.

    Of course. Don’t take it literally. But it’s the most common setup. I haven’t done so in about 15 years. I cannot remember seen a setup with only one mic for at least a decade unless it’s in a live situation. But does that mean that all people feel the necessity of a more balanced and nuanced picture of the amp? Of course not. Dinosaurs comes in many colors.

  • I don’t get the «but it’s old» argument. I really don’t. It’s the software that matters, and that is contantly evolving. I mean, OS 8.0.6 is brand spanking new.

    To me....yes and no. The profiling technology is approximately 12 years old and most clips on YouTube that I’ve seen, miss something in regards to the reference amp. Usually a bit too much low mids. I stopped doing profiling myself because I reached the same conclusion many years prior to watching those YouTube clips. That technology must have the ability to get a bit closer. So why not try to perfect this aspect of it? Try to reach the magic 100%. I usually reached about 90% with some eq noodling in the profiling phase. And have you heard the crisp sound of the Neural Quad when profiling/capturing? A bit too much highs compared to the reference amp, but also very close and a bit more open in it’s sound compared to the Kemper imho. At least in the videos, I’ve seen. I suspect that Kemper continue their own private quests for the perfect profiling chain. And I do believe that 12 years (or how long ago they actually managed to invent this method) ago compared to now were technically less advanced than now. So the idea of them developing their own product’s ability is not far fetched imho.

    But I state this almost in every post. I love the sound of the Kemper. But I also find other products appealing.

    Everyone knows that eventually tech will become old. Imagine you wanting to buy a brand new car. The one brand new car is 10 years old. The next one just reached the market. Which one would you prefer if money wasn’t an issue? You would probably want the new one like the rest of us. And why? Because it contains the newest technology. Why is it any different here? Tech becomes old. And ten years usually is a very loooong time. But I admit that the Kemper doesn’t fall into that category. It is still very much relevant. But two years ago they were alone on top....pretty much. Now not so much. BUT....will I ever sell my Kemper? Probably not unless a second model arrives. I’m still a fanboy, but a fanboy that sees himself realistic when looking into the future and looking at what already exist elsewhere. I’ll probably support Kemper for life. They are amazing. Their support is not of this world. And the value for money has been crazy.

  • ...nice new stuff gives us the ability to just let a newbie put any tbone 10€ mic in front of a 4000$ matchless and this super modeler will do a super profile/capture..magically and with "no efforts"..somehow..

    See to me this is one of the problems with these discussions. People either misrepresent the claims or make them up out of thin air.

    I am a HUGE Kemper fan, but I see no need to defend Kemper or anyone else. All I want is honesty.

    I am not aware of anyone, ever, anywhere, making the claim that the “nice new stuff” allows a “newbie” to just throw “any tbone 10€ mic” in front of an amp and the “super modeler” will “magically” make it sound good with “no effort”

    If this claim has been made, someone PLEASE provide a link.

    People, c’mon...just be honest. What’s the big deal?

    Nikos I think there’s a good reason it sounds like bollocks to you, and to me too: Nobody has made that claim.

  • Whenever a kpa 2 is released and kpa 1 will no longer be updated I will still be using mine and be happy as it is. I mean it was very limited in the past and still ppl made fantastic music. Just because we have so much more to choose from now doesn't mean music gets better. It only means we have more choices. In the end its all about the music.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Calaban

    Man look..I am only here to discuss a possible kemper2.

    I really don't know why we should continue "the drama" here in this thread.

    Damn quarantine..

    There’s no drama. Really. None.

    I’m just wondering where you heard the claims you made, and if you’re just being hyperbolic...why?

    What’s the point? And if you’re only here to discuss a Kemper 2, as you claim, why are you bringing up the new “super modeler”?

    Just questions my friend. No drama.

  • Imagine you wanting to buy a brand new car. The one brand new car is 10 years old. The next one just reached the market. Which one would you prefer if money wasn’t an issue? You would probably want the new one like the rest of us. And why? Because it contains the newest technology

    It’s not the same. I think your kinda missing my point. A car is a physical, mechanical thing. And it’s mostly about the hardware. Probably. (Upgrade your 10 year old car just to get Apple car play you say? Sure... 8o)

    What makes the Kemper tick is the software. Not the hardware. And the software is not «old».

    Edited once, last by dahla: Spelling (February 13, 2021 at 12:53 AM).

  • Perhaps this little replaceable board which can be found inside is the key? ;) CPU, memory and flash it seems.

    Hi delgato,

    I suspect that this CPU is running the GUI, input/output, configuration, etc while the signal processing is likely done in a chip that is specialized for DSP tasks .... which the Kemper does a great deal of I suspect.

    I am intrigued by the DIMM slot which (as you point out) seems to indicate a potential for an upgrade path (or ease of repair). Considering the resources this chip has and the external RAM and ROM it is hooked up to, I would be surprised if this was the limiting factor in the design. Still, it may be an issue with parts availability that they were trying to protect against.

    I would be amazed if Kemper decided to upgrade using this method though.

    Thanks for the link! Very interesting information.

  • I could see Kemper consider bifurcating the market, with one future KPA focused more on the recording market and another more focused on live performance (or amp replacement, if you will). After 50 years of lugging amps around, dealing with the complexity of multi-amp rigs and switching and mic'g, the Kemper is a God send for me. I don't record - it's all for live use. It allows me to have every tone I need, easily feeds FOH, and let's me have a great monitor. All in a small, easily transported package. So, to me, it doesn't need all the goodies that make it a great recording device because I just don't need that. Sort of how they made the Stage as an option to the Toaster and the Rack.

  • Having just bought a stage, I hope they don't roll out a 2nd gen anytime soon. The only time I'd consider selling the stage is to replace with a hypothetical version 2. And whenever that is released, version 1's are going to drop in price. So at some point, all of us are going to take a loss if we want to upgrade. If they come out with one tomorrow, I won't be able afford/justify making the switch for some time anyway and it won't make my Stage any less awesome than it is now, even if I get a case of GAS. So I'm not worried about it.

    Here's what version 2 should do:

    1) Add an extra effect slot on each side of the amp, maybe 2.

    2) Allow the very excellent Graphic EQ to be part of the amp section, as an extra option alongside the clarity, definition etc. That way if your core tone requires this EQ, it can be part of the amp/cab section/profile or whatever, also saving an effects slot for something else.

    3) audio interface capabilities

    4) four mono effect loops like the Helix with the ability to pair them for stereo.

    5) Keep the fixed signal path format

    6) keep the automatic volume compensation; (this and the fixed signal path are what set the KPA 1 apart from alternatives like Helix and Neural.)

    7) Fully stereo signal path: mono by nature effects such as overdrives can be left center, or panned left and right.

    8) Stereo amp modes: the ability to set up a single rig with one of these three choices.

    a) default mode is one amp/cab, similar to the current generation, but also having a setting that creates a stereo doubling effect of that one amp/cab.

    b) Toggle mode: allows two amps and cabs that can be toggled between without leaving the rig, both with access to the doubling effect mentioned.

    c) Blend mode. You hear a parallel blend of two amps and two cabs. A pan control moves the 2 amps/cabs apart in stereo, so that the left output is one amp and the right the other; in the center you hear the amps blended in both outputs.

    (I believe these amp modes would all be perfectly compatible with the full stereo signal path and could be made to maintain Kemper's automatic volume compensation. )

    9) the ability to save amp sections as singular amp/cab units as well as two amp/cab units with whatever go-to amp modes

    10) KPA version 1 rigs and profiles can be imported and then further tweaked with the new kpa v 2 features

  • It’s not the same. I think your kinda missing my point. A car is a physical, mechanical thing. And it mostly about about the hardware. Probably. (Upgrade your 10 year old car just to get Apple car play you say? Sure... 8o)

    What makes the Kemper tick is the software. Not the hardware. And the software is not «old».

    I suspect that you know absolutely nothing about cars and the technology that goes into cars. Especially today. Why do you think they connect a new car through a cable to a computer to find possible errors? Because it’s all mechanical? Tell that to all the French cars that comes into the shop with technology and wiring problems ;)

    But if you still think that the technology in a car is indifferent and a car just is a metal box on 4 wheels, then maybe a television will do the trick. I think we all can agree on, that the picture etc. gets better and better through technology and that 10 years in this field of technology is somewhat equivalent to a lifetime in other areas.

  • You know, there is another way to look at this.

    Does anyone think that a Fender Blackface is obsolete today? How about the SM57 microphone? Gibson Les Paul?

    Still, as I stated, those of you who want a KPA2 will get your wish. Chips can't be purchased forever, and if ckemper is going to make a redesign, I am certain that the new version will have several advantages over the old version ;).

    I DON'T think there will be a new KPA2 based on some new kid on the block like the QC though. I suspect that ckemper finds them as fascinating as we do. If a new KPA2 is in the works, it will be for many other reasons than this.

  • I could see Kemper consider bifurcating the market, with one future KPA focused more on the recording market and another more focused on live performance (or amp replacement, if you will). After 50 years of lugging amps around, dealing with the complexity of multi-amp rigs and switching and mic'g, the Kemper is a God send for me. I don't record - it's all for live use. It allows me to have every tone I need, easily feeds FOH, and let's me have a great monitor. All in a small, easily transported package. So, to me, it doesn't need all the goodies that make it a great recording device because I just don't need that. Sort of how they made the Stage as an option to the Toaster and the Rack.

    I couldn’t agree more. I’m 70 and like you have been schlepping amps for over 55 yrs Playing live is my thing