assignable pedals for each RIG

  • Make sure, Volume Pedal isn't locked in Performance Mode.

    I tested it with the latest OS and Rig Manager versions. That works as well as intended.

    That's interesting as I definitely didn't have volume pedal locked but it wasn't working for me via RM.

    However, I disconnected and reconnected the profiler and closed and reopened RM and it is working as expected now :thumbup:

  • The argument of 'debugging' downloaded rigs is surely irrelevant if the person who programmed it used a profiler remote and the person downloading it doesn't, and is maybe using midi control or vice versa? I have downloaded a couple of rigs like that.. I would like to see either a second 'morph' so you can assign a pedal to 'morph 2', this would get round many issues mentioned here and there would be no need to 'debug' a profile before trying it, and maybe have an option WITHIN RIGS to select whether you use any of the four control switches on the profiler remote OR external switch control via any of the six pedal sockets, it's great having the external switch option but very poor that each switch will only control ONE effect, plus, ridiculously, they are selected Globally??? Boss and Line 6 have completely assignable control that allows the USER to decide what they want their external switches to control. I feel sure whoever decided to put control switches along the top never tried to operate them on a dark stage! Either that or they were sat down... You say many pros use these without issue, well here's one that has issue, I feel the others just accept it as it is, or already have a midi set up they have managed to incorporate it into, personally I would like to use it on stage, but the control is just not good enough as it stands.

  • You don't assign external switches to effects, but to effect modules globally e.g. module B. Such an effect module can include a Drive in one Rig, a Chorus in the next, and a Harmonic Pitch in another Rig.

    So are we to just accept that we, as users need to adjust our workflow as this is your stance and it will never change no matter how much we want control over expressions per rig as opposed to globally?

    There could be a million reasons why it's not currently a thing, but I just find answers like this typically unhelpful and uncommital. Which is a shame. Sorry to be negative, appreciate your hard work.

  • Sorry Burkhard, more bullshit from Kemper! SO many people here demanding better control! Over £2k for a head, and YOU DON'T PROVIDE A FRACTION OF THE CONTROL BOSS DOES IN A £300 UNIT???? ARE YOU TAKING THE PISS???? We want you to respond to OUR needs, not YOURS! WE ARE THE MUSICIANS, NOT YOU!

  • Sorry Burkhard, more bullshit from Kemper! SO many people here demanding better control! Over £2k for a head, and YOU DON'T PROVIDE A FRACTION OF THE CONTROL BOSS DOES IN A £300 UNIT???? ARE YOU TAKING THE PISS???? We want you to respond to OUR needs, not YOURS! WE ARE THE MUSICIANS, NOT YOU!

    I would recommend you to 1st calm down and 2nd think twice before you write sometning!

  • Sorry Burkhard, more bullshit from Kemper! SO many people here demanding better control! Over £2k for a head, and YOU DON'T PROVIDE A FRACTION OF THE CONTROL BOSS DOES IN A £300 UNIT???? ARE YOU TAKING THE PISS???? We want you to respond to OUR needs, not YOURS! WE ARE THE MUSICIANS, NOT YOU!

    If this is how you’re going to behave…..

    ….get lost. The adults are talking.

  • I wouldn’t have put it like that, but sometimes i feel exactly like mr. CorkyUK. Too many things are answered with “you are holding it wrong”. Many of those cases is because some of us actually came from systems that were much more costumisable and controlable. Even simple things i’ve had to have mods made for. That costs money in addition to the unit.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I wouldn’t have put it like that, but sometimes i feel exactly like mr. CorkyUK. Too many things are answered with “you are holding it wrong”. Many of those cases is because some of us actually came from systems that were much more costumisable and controlable. Even simple things i’ve had to have mods made for. That costs money in addition to the unit.

    As usual, I agree with a lot of what you are saying. The Kemper isn’t perfect and certain things annoy me,for example the lack of a 2nd morph group, but there is another side to it. I believe the lack of customisation is a design philosophy decision rather than an oversight or shortcoming.

    I too came from systems with obscene levels of customisation but I literally never used them. For many of us it can be overwhelming and lead to analysis paralysis where nothing actually gets done because of confusion or the worry that there might be a better way to do something which we are missing out on.

    The existence of different philosophies and workflows is a good thing and actually gives consumers choice.

    In general, I like the Kemper way. Of course there are things that bug me; things I would like to see changed or improved. However, overall their user experience works for me better than anything else to date. All the top level digital platforms now sound really good so we are entering the phase of choosing platform based on features rather than simply A sounds much better than B or C. With that in mind, if I wanted a flexible, customisable system I would buy an AxeFX or maybe Helix. If I want a simpler less intimidating workflow I would buy the Kemper and accept the limitations as part of the deal (which is basically where I am at the moment).

    No successful product has eve managed to be all things to all people and design by committees always fail. Therefore, designers have to make choices which will please some people and out off others. They just need hope that there are enough people who identify with their vision to provide a viable market.

  • In general, I like the Kemper way. Of course there are things that bug me; things I would like to see changed or improved. However, overall their user experience works for me better than anything else to date. All the top level digital platforms now sound really good so we are entering the phase of choosing platform based on features rather than simply A sounds much better than B or C. With that in mind, if I wanted a flexible, customisable system I would buy an AxeFX or maybe Helix. If I want a simpler less intimidating workflow I would buy the Kemper and accept the limitations as part of the deal (which is basically where I am at the moment).

    I don't entirely agree with you.

    I've owned a Helix LT before and was still searching for a better sound when i was playing at home in front of the speaker.

    I knew that i would lost a lot of possibilities before buying the Stage but they weren't a "must have" for me ; more simple chains, no sound card for recording, etc...

    But the sound of the Kemper immediatly blown me away ! :love::thumbup:

    I see on many forums that users always prefer a sound rather than another from this modeler/profiler brand.... So i believe that you can still buy a modeler for the sound it delivers.

  • I don't entirely agree with you.

    I've owned a Helix LT before and was still searching for a better sound when i was playing at home in front of the speaker.

    I knew that i would lost a lot of possibilities before buying the Stage but they weren't a "must have" for me ; more simple chains, no sound card for recording, etc...

    But the sound of the Kemper immediatly blown me away ! :love::thumbup:

    I see on many forums that users always prefer a sound rather than another from this modeler/profiler brand.... So i believe that you can still buy a modeler for the sound it delivers.

    Yes, I agree that there are still sound differences (I also preferred the Kemper sound and feel over the Helix) but I don't think we are really still in the A is significantly better the B zone but more they are just different flavours. The Helix flavour will suit some people while the Axe or Kemper might suit others better. With that in mind sound is really just another one of the features to weigh up when choosing what is right for you personally.

  • I wouldn’t have put it like that, but sometimes i feel exactly like mr. CorkyUK. Too many things are answered with “you are holding it wrong”. Many of those cases is because some of us actually came from systems that were much more costumisable and controlable. Even simple things i’ve had to have mods made for. That costs money in addition to the unit.

    He’d been here a month….and behaved a lot like someone who was banned around that time (twice) for similar comments.

    I think they’re the same person and won’t miss them.

    I disagree with the ‘holding it wrong’ characterization. Steve Jobs was trying to defend an obvious and egregious design flaw and failed at it. That’s not what’s going on here.

    Kemper does things their way, which often (always?) seems to go against the grain. Love it or hate it (and I get frustrated, too) - what other products do (or do not do) seems quite low on their priority list.

    We asked for new drives and most thought that would mean emulations of popular pedals with emulated names to ‘match’. Like everyone else does.

    We got new drives…but I’m sure few expected how they ultimately went about it.

    As has been said, they won’t be all things to all people. Nothing really can. So we end up with various frustrations. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (June 3, 2022 at 2:54 PM).

  • As usual, I agree with a lot of what you are saying. The Kemper isn’t perfect and certain things annoy me,for example the lack of a 2nd morph group, but there is another side to it. I believe the lack of customisation is a design philosophy decision rather than an oversight or shortcoming.

    I too came from systems with obscene levels of customisation but I literally never used them. For many of us it can be overwhelming and lead to analysis paralysis where nothing actually gets done because of confusion or the worry that there might be a better way to do something which we are missing out on.

    The existence of different philosophies and workflows is a good thing and actually gives consumers choice.

    In general, I like the Kemper way. Of course there are things that bug me; things I would like to see changed or improved. However, overall their user experience works for me better than anything else to date. All the top level digital platforms now sound really good so we are entering the phase of choosing platform based on features rather than simply A sounds much better than B or C. With that in mind, if I wanted a flexible, customisable system I would buy an AxeFX or maybe Helix. If I want a simpler less intimidating workflow I would buy the Kemper and accept the limitations as part of the deal (which is basically where I am at the moment).

    No successful product has eve managed to be all things to all people and design by committees always fail. Therefore, designers have to make choices which will please some people and out off others. They just need hope that there are enough people who identify with their vision to provide a viable market.

    without going as deep as fractal, it could be great to have more flexibility in the kemper.

    Many effects, not so much slots, and switching is very very limited for that kind of « high end » unit.

    Maybe they are working on it but on the Stage why are we limited to one effect assignable per switch?
    you can’t have the same module affected to 2 différents switches… nonsense.

    why can’t we just have 4 effects scenes where you can recall different configurations with every effects programmed on the rig?

    that’s not overthinking or that’s not that complicated to understand.

    There is a lot of little improvements here and there possible that just could make our life easier.

    Also « replace all » in performances could be great.
    really a lot of things can be improved.

    I’m really tired of spending 4 hours on the unit just because I want to tweak or improve some of my main tones and copy/paste/select in every performances.

    And sometimes the answers by techs/admin or whatever are a bit harsh

    I don’t believe in The « Kemper philosophy ». Don’t tell me theywant to make things simple and have some really unatural and complicated behavior like « clean sense » that is often debated here with multiple behaviors possible. And why they just refuse to just implement an input gain like every other unit had for decades.

    The kemper products are indeed great but sometimes I’m really bored at programming it. And I don’t even talk about the buggy RM.

    And I can understand why people are shouting here. When you spend 2k€ on a unit that finally Don’t have the simple options that a some really cheaper brand gives. It can be frustrating.

    Honestly, my Stage does not give me a lot more options and sometimes is not as easy than my old podx3 live was.

  • I believe part of the problem stems from that fact that the Kemper is essentially software/firmware driven. As such, many of these discussions are analogous to complaining about how MS Office or any other piece of software is implemented. I think there are valid, unanswered requests for new functionality, but these decisions are made by Kemper, period. I prefer honest communication, but there is sometimes a fine line between honest and nasty. Getting nasty is not going to help IMO. Or do some of us think otherwise?

    Personally, I had one customer support interaction with Kemper. It was less than satisfactory. So, I do think they can and should be more informative and diplomatic in their responses. A bit more focus on making the customer feel as though they are valued would have helped in my case. The 'tone' of Kemper support often appears to be condescending. Perhaps this is an English as a second language problem?

  • According to your arguement you don't seem to be aware of Morphing!? Please explain which concrete application flexibility you don't have today given the architecture we offer .

    Again, this assumption that we, the users just don't understand and we're the ones who are uneducated and below you guys. It's not a nice feeling given that we are the ones who buy your gear, man. Your suggestion that, as a long time Kemper user, that I'm not aware of Morphing is insulting, but you get away with that stuff because you're a mod.

    Let me just say what everyone else is thinking here...a Fractal unit allows the user to buy one expression pedal and use it on a per rig basis to do whatever the user wishes with it and it can have multiple functions across rigs and per rig. In comparison to the Fractal expression pedal experience, the Kemper is sub par. If you can't accept that, based on what everyone here is asking, then you're in the wrong, not us.

    Right now. I can't have a volume in one rig and a morph in another. I need to assign the controller to one function and use the links to do other things. It's clunky at best. And even then, still doesn't allow me to use it as a volume controller on one profile and a morph on another.