• My opinion is that ndsp is not trustworthy And the main point of the qc is not about music but rather it is about a lifestyle product that generates the maximum income.

    They got an investment of 5 million dollars that need to be justified. Selling 20000 ( hopefully ) 1700 dollar units doesn’t sound like much unless they are planning other means of making money which explains why the main focus is the social platform rather than the unit itself.

    Fractal and Kemper are also expensive but I feel that passion for music and electronics is a big drive that made these units possible and in my opinion, reading the conversations on TGP, that seems to lack in ndsp.

    Time will tell ...

    nsdp is not trustworthy and the main point is not about music ??? do you really think that the engineers of this company do not love music? I really love Kemper, but comments like this are not necessary.

    If somebody is interested in a lifestyle product, it's much easier to sell body lotions or fashion or posing fancy pictures in Instagram.
    People who are able to create algorithems to profile Amps are for sure not the guys who have the goal to generate maximum income. If they would (and they have the brain performance), they would be investment bankers. Working in this field is passion for music, if not, there are more efficient ways to make money....

    Incredible what some people write here..... ;)

    never thought that I would like the Kemper that much...! 8|

  • nsdp is not trustworthy and the main point is not about music ??? do you really think that the engineers of this company do not love music? I really love Kemper, but comments like this are not necessary.

    If somebody is interested in a lifestyle product, it's much easier to sell body lotions or fashion or posing fancy pictures in Instagram.
    People who are able to create algorithems to profile Amps are for sure not the guys who have the goal to generate maximum income. If they would (and they have the brain performance), they would be investment bankers. Working in this field is passion for music, if not, there are more efficient ways to make money....

    Incredible what some people write here..... ;)

    Yeah ... but the engineers don’t run the company and they don’t dictate the business decisions.

    Unless it’s a company where the lead engineer is also the head of it.

  • My opinion is that ndsp is not trustworthy And the main point of the qc is not about music but rather it is about a lifestyle product that generates the maximum income.

    They got an investment of 5 million dollars that need to be justified. Selling 20000 ( hopefully ) 1700 dollar units doesn’t sound like much unless they are planning other means of making money which explains why the main focus is the social platform rather than the unit itself.

    Fractal and Kemper are also expensive but I feel that passion for music and electronics is a big drive that made these units possible and in my opinion, reading the conversations on TGP, that seems to lack in ndsp.

    Time will tell ...

    [Blocked Image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/a2/cd/1fa2cdfdf749bd8e7cdc1249399aa2b0.jpg]

  • Kemper is and will be iconic Profiler, that is proven to be excellent tool for guitarists all over the world. Plus I really like CK’s business style, where everything isn’t about profit.

    About QC. Time will tell how everything will work in the big picture. So far it is looking a promising unit with a new way of thinking. The formfactor is appealing same as its userinterface.

    Gear: Kemper Profiler | Neural DSP Plugins
    Guitars: .Strandberg* 

  • My opinion is that ndsp is not trustworthy And the main point of the qc is not about music but rather it is about a lifestyle product that generates the maximum income.

    They got an investment of 5 million dollars that need to be justified. Selling 20000 ( hopefully ) 1700 dollar units doesn’t sound like much unless they are planning other means of making money which explains why the main focus is the social platform rather than the unit itself.

    Fractal and Kemper are also expensive but I feel that passion for music and electronics is a big drive that made these units possible and in my opinion, reading the conversations on TGP, that seems to lack in ndsp.

    Time will tell ...

    I think you are reading too much into a product release. It should be, what will this do for me as a guitarist. If we start judging business practices, would we ever buy something from the likes of Apple or Amazon?

    In Europe Kemper and Helix are great value for a professional product. Where can you buy a keyboard or drum kit for less? A vocalist I know has a £3,000 microphone! Fractal becomes more expensive here, but you can opt for an FM3 that does more than enough.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • In my opinion just the size and the weight and the concept of the QC can be better. Stop about to try to hear the grass grow ;)

    Now THAT is a great point. In a few other threads I have suggested this as well. A form factor with minimal controls, about the size of the FC with a bluetooth phone app for live tweaks, no ability to profile, but the same internal processing and ability to use the rig manager and editor would be ideal .... especially if it came in around about half the price of the Stage product.

    Such a product would likely fly off the shelves.

  • Now THAT is a great point. In a few other threads I have suggested this as well. A form factor with minimal controls, about the size of the FC with a bluetooth phone app for live tweaks, no ability to profile, but the same internal processing and ability to use the rig manager and editor would be ideal .... especially if it came in around about half the price of the Stage product.

    Such a product would likely fly off the shelves.

    Kind of sounds like the FM3 no? Although I dont know if they have a bluetooth app and its a bit more than half the price of kemper stage. And of course it's a different approach than kemper, but checks many of those boxes you mentioned

  • Kind of sounds like the FM3 no? Although I dont know if they have a bluetooth app and its a bit more than half the price of kemper stage. And of course it's a different approach than kemper, but checks many of those boxes you mentioned

    Yes. The difference being that it is a Kemper and would work with the Kemper ecosystem (Kabinet, Rig Manager, etc)

  • Looks like I'll be the first one to say (or soon be argued with about saying first lol but for real tho)

    I wonder when the Quad Cortex II (Or a Kemper 2) will come out (if at all) and the firestorm of jokes and curmudgeonly poopy pants fist shouting begins.

    *insert of pictures from Reservoir Dogs*

  • ... especially if it came in around about half the price of the Stage product.

    In my humble opinion (and observation) this won't happen, especially for one particular reason. The price doesn't only contain the physical product "as is" but also years of continued development and a level of support that's pretty much unique on the market. This costs and we're invited to happily pay for it when we buy a Kemper product. With budget products, Kemper couldn't sustain what we've learned to appreciate.

  • The real problem with the QC is its not a game changer...and I mean that in the most positive sense.

    We can debate endlessly on capture accuracy vs the Kemper. In reality they both sound amazing...way better than any of us could have hoped for years ago pre this new age of digital high performance units ( and I include Axe and Helix in this obviously). There have been a few other contenders ( Headrush and Positive Grid) but its fair to say I think that we have a 4th contender to join the big three.

    So then you are into marginal preferences...better screen, intuitive use, cloud services....for some these will not be marginal but they are secondary factors I believe when sound is first. In other words people wouldn't even debate such things if it sounded crap.

    On that basis, when these units sound soooo good how can you make it better? In most cases you can dial in the better sound anyway....so debates on accuracy become less interesting. Debates on sound also less interesting as the limits are more around the users than the units. Some people will definitely get better sounds than me out of their Axe...does that mean its better? No, just means I'm crap at dialling in sounds. Pete Thorn will get a better recorded sound than me even if he used a POD.

    So my only question is, who will bring the next game changer? Kemper have a good track record ( Profiling, Powered unit, Kabinet/imprints).

    Im now more interested in Kemper's innovations to make my life easier. They've already exceeded my sound expectations and I'll always want more.

    I hope they will find what I didn't realise I needed...I feel like until the QC arrives, this debate has been done to death.

  • In my humble opinion (and observation) this won't happen, especially for one particular reason. The price doesn't only contain the physical product "as is" but also years of continued development and a level of support that's pretty much unique on the market. This costs and we're invited to happily pay for it when we buy a Kemper product. With budget products, Kemper couldn't sustain what we've learned to appreciate.

    Thus could be solved with a "budget product" which can be used only by customers which already have a kpa(rack/toaster/stage).

  • Looks like I'll be the first one to say (or soon be argued with about saying first lol but for real tho)

    I wonder when the Quad Cortex II (Or a Kemper 2) will come out (if at all) and the firestorm of jokes and curmudgeonly poopy pants fist shouting begins.

    *insert of pictures from Reservoir Dogs*

    Poopy pants fist shouting? Sounds like quite the talent!

  • The real problem with the QC is its not a game changer...and I mean that in the most positive sense.

    It can be a game changer for some.

    To start with, there appear to exist amps that the KPA has troubles with to profile them. I'm not sure which of the "influencer" reviewers it was (Rabea, I think), and which amp (I have in mind Victory), but I read it was some sort of a demonstration that Kemper did not properly profile an amp that the Quad Cortex captured more than fine (but I did not see the video, I only read reactions about it).

    But even assuming you only use 3rd party profiles, or you don't have problems with profiling your own amps:

    The QC allows for splitting the signal flow behind the amp section (or also before), to have true stereo lines with independent time-dependent effects, among other things. Afaik, in the Kemper you can't have a stereo chorus and put a delay only on output B of the chorus. That's only one possible example, the signal flow clearly has more flexibility.

    And then, there's the feature of capturing OD/dist pedals. Yes, you can profile them with a Kemper, but you won't have the profiles in the stomp section to combine them with your favourite amp profile. You have to "bake it in" into the amp sound that you profile. C. Kemper said that they _could_ add such a feature to the Kemper, too, but the results would not be what people expect, sound-quality-wise. I haven't heard the QC captures of pedals that the reviewers made, but I can hardly imagine they would allow for a feature to hit the public - even only by influencer videos - if the implementation was totally crappy.

    Sure, you might consider that you do not need any of these features, and then the game doesn't change for you at all, obviously.

    But there are features which do make a qualitative leap in the meaning that "something new is done", not only "something available is done slightly better" - under the assumption that the unit holds up what it claims regarding the sound quality and playing feel. The change then would be that many people might just want to have everything they need in one unit (also their pedals and full effects). And that's probably what a lot of the fuzz around this unit is all about.

  • I am with a small, mostly not as vocal group of persons awaiting the release of a couple videos that simply walk through all the amp models that are to be included in the initial QC release. Capture technology is cool, but not ground breaking as Kemper as "been there done that," and Neural is giving their take on the established process. But the amp models included are very interesting to me.

    Are these "models" or undisclosed captures, or possibly a capture run through a derivative modeling process for improvement or enhancement?? The Neural software amps previously released, claim neither to be models or captures of vintage or current amps, but we all have suspicions that they were software recreations of some "real" amps. Or not?

    Please bring on the flood of QC preset walk-through videos while we wait on release. Give us something more than capture comparisons, which have demonstrated quality, but nothing breakthrough and World shattering. Please?

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!