Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • If it's makes you feel better, we had a terrible May Grey and it looks like June Gloom has been a record breaker too.

    San Diego sucks. 8)

    Where's that middle finger emoji when you need it? :P

    Seriously though, I love SD and being in a place like that makes me understand when people want to be outside all the time. Here in Houston, we basically rush from our air conditioned cars to airconditioned homes and stores. No one wants to be caught dead outside or... like... you actually die. If not from the heat, then the damn mosquitoes, fireants, or biting gnats. "Come to Texas", they said. "Everything is bigger and better here", they said. I didn't realize they just wanted more warm bodies to attract the giant insects away from the ones already here!

    Jeff in Houston aka "Hell"

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • I'm just saying that this is not to discuss. I am happy with my Kemper, but this would be an enhancement which even seems to come this summer - so all good. :)

    Sorry dude but I'm missing the point.

    Surely when you look for a rig, the priority is the profile/amp.

    Effects can be added or removed so why would you want to find profiles with say a wah on it? If you were looking for a fender twin with wah if you just searched for the effect, that would be point less as you'd get Marshalls, ENGLS, Randalls etc.

    Even if you could search for amp and effect, then what setting e.g which wah, set up for bypass stop or bypass heel etc. Adding an effect is both easy and personalised and usually stage 2 in setting up your sound. With so many variables, you'd never find what you want.

    Am I missing something?

  • What do other modelers have to do with it?

    Within the context of my point, everything. If other units don't have such a feature, then the lack of its inclusion in the KPA wouldn't be considered unusual by industry standards, thus I see little reason for anyone to expect such a feature. For example, nearly every hardware unit on the market includes an editor of some sort, and it's fairly unusual today for one not to be included, thus consumers tend to expect most hardware units to include one.

    Edited 6 times, last by ColdFrixion (July 4, 2019 at 12:44 PM).

  • Geez Alan, you're not very kind to your friends, eh?

    Chiming in here - when I put a performance together, I'm looking for AMP TONES. Not effects. I add the effects after to taste. I honestly don't want to have the effects in the profile at all- because I'm just gonna change them anyway.

    Now, if we're talking about being able to save effect settings to the cloud, that's different. I'd be intrigued by that - but not if it's attached to a profile. Nosiree.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Geez Alan, you're not very kind to your friends, eh?

    Chiming in here - when I put a performance together, I'm looking for AMP TONES. Not effects. I add the effects after to taste. I honestly don't want to have the effects in the profile at all- because I'm just gonna change them anyway.

    Now, if we're talking about being able to save effect settings to the cloud, that's different. I'd be intrigued by that - but not if it's attached to a profile. Nosiree.

    I am hoping that we’ll be able to save fx chains within the new software which we can then load onto profiles. In my case, there as some fx I use regularly and it’s a pain to buy a commercial profile pack and go through all 90, changing from their preference to mine. I don’t want these fx on all the time, just loaded in the appropriate slots ready. That I would then save as a new profile / performance or whatever. I’ve also mentioned before a feature request to be able to ‘batch do this’ offline so you can take 100 profiles and swap out the reverb in all of them at once (for instance).

  • you can just use the LOCK function for the effect sections - or the other way round: browse "stack" presets from Rigs.

    The later option does only work within the rigs stored in the Profiler, the "locking" way works with Rig Manager, too.

    Also be aware that you can save effect chains and recall them.

  • Yes I know. But what‘s really appealing to me is if someone uploads a bunch of cool - let‘s say - distortion settings and I could click them through at a certain position of my rig to see if one of the settings fit me. That‘s exactly what I did to find nice sounding Wah‘s since the parameters are way to extreme for me ... I like trying out stuff that other‘s take time to dial in ... everybody‘s different. :)

  • Any news about the editor..it's been a while since January and no release yet!!???Why so long???And a question..what do you think about Kemper's effects quality like reverb, delay etc. how would you rate them from 1 to 10, comparable with axe fx or many others on the market?

  • Being in Europe, an Axe fx is a bit pricey and I don't know anyone with one. The Kemper effects are beyond what I ever thought necessary for a guitar and more importantly very creative .

    I think the release was loosely set for summer and most likely to come as soon as I am away without my Kemper:-)


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

    Edited once, last by karlic (July 16, 2019 at 11:01 AM).

  • I know everyone is going to jump to Kemper's defense, but, It's been 7 months. The editor is much needed and the current editor is kind of a joke in 2019. Setting up performances is very clunky and time consuming. Why show a working editor if it is nowhere near ready.

  • I know everyone is going to jump to Kemper's defense, but, It's been 7 months. The editor is much needed and the current editor is kind of a joke in 2019. Setting up performances is very clunky and time consuming. Why show a working editor if it is nowhere near ready.

    I'm keen to get it as well but they pride themselves on stability.... people gig with the Kemper which is a lot of confidence to have in a digital device. It doesn't take much to dent that confidence. They were getting a lot of comments that an editor is needed (and I am a long term user who is really looking forward to a better version of rig manager for sure) so I am glad they showed 'something'. In that way, I've been able to sit with patient excitement, knowing that I'll be getting something awesome. The alternative is sitting and watching people on the forums make up stories that the Kemper is finished as it's at its limits etc.

    Waiting can certainly be frustrating - for me personally, it's easier to wait if I know something good is on its way so I welcome the company showing what is coming as opposed to sitting in the dark :)

  • Being in Europe, an Axe fx is a bit pricey and I don't know anyone with one. The Kemper effects are beyond what I ever though necessary for a guitar and more importantly very creative .

    I think the release was loosely set for summer and most likely to come as soon as I am away without my Kemper:-)


    Shouldn't you be heading off for a holiday already instead of wasting time on this forum? You deserve a break :)


  • When a company says “summer” they rarely mean the beginning or even middle, but usually at the end of and frequently sometime after. It’s just the nature of development, unforeseen obstacles abound.

    There’s a lot of work involved in releasing anything and interestingly enough complaining doesn’t reduce the amount of work that needs to be done :P

    I would just be patient and calm down, it has been years already, what’s another few months? If it were to be released today that’ll be great, if it’s released before September that’d be great too, if later than fine, so long as it does get released. I would see the fact that they’re not at NAMM as a sign that they’re just really busy working on this stuff and don’t have time for trade shows. Be philosophical about this and trust that they’ll do what they say they will do as they have done thus far.