it is by design that you can change those modes on the hardware panel only.
Posts by timo
Controller 47 preselects a performance
Controllers 48-54 with appropriate values 1 and 0 reflect button presses from the Stage and Remote: UP/DOWN/1,2,3,4,5)
You should not mix those and Program Change messages.
Please read the MIDI documentation document available in the download section.
Please contact support for help with your upgrade procedure.
im just looking for a rig that has nothing in it- amp, cab, fx, metadata, etc.
Such a thing can not exist. All parameters do have default values and a default profile. "Crunch" is that rig.
If you want to have a clean signal flow, you need to deactivate all modules or put all "mix" parameters in all modules to 0, in all other aspects "Crunch" is as empty as you can get it.
Morph can be controlled via Controller #11. I am pretty sure it is stated in the manual, definitely in the MIDI documentation.
Now i'd love to know if there is a way to make the screen show the tuner info via MIDI or SysEX or whatever, like the other controllers do, but so far i only found the Sysex to enable or disable it...
From the MIDI Parameter Documentation:
CC31 (Value 1/0) (1: Show Tuner, 0: Hide Tuner)
Windows S Mode only allows apps from the Microsoft App Store. You won't be able to install Rig Manager, since it is not distributed via the Microsoft App Store.
Das klingt auch nicht bekannt. War es denn nach dem Factory Reset nicht besser? Und falls nein, am besten wieder mit dem Support Kontakt aufnehmen.
Der Profiler wird im "Backup" Ordner nicht nach OS Updates suchen. Das macht er im Ordner "OS Updates" oder im Basisverzeichnis ("Root Directory") des Sticks.
Es ist nicht notwendig irgendwelche Ordner zu löschen oder so. Im Download-Archiv ist auch eine Anleitung, welche den Vorgang genau beschreibt.
Im Generellen sind OS Updates mit dem Profiler kein Problem, deswegen auf Updates zu verzichten ist unnötig. Üblicherweise liegt das Problem am Stick, was sich oft durch Formattieren oder Verwendung eines anderen Sticks beheben lässt.
Zum eigentlichen Problem würde ich empfehlen ein Support-Ticket zu eröffnen. Dort wird man helfen, das Gerät wieder in einen stabilen Zustand zu bekommen.
It is a kemper issue, because the kemper sends status information permanently and it is a harley benton mp 100 issue, because the mp100 cant process these status messages.
„Active Sensing“ is a standard MIDI message and it is one(!) byte every 300ms. Every MIDI device should be able to handle that.
I fail to see where this is a „Kemper Issue“. If the manufacturer of the mp100 has questions about it he is invited to contact us.
Anyone know how or when the Player sets its internal clock?
When being connected to the Rig Manager.
Selectable MIDI channel comes with the next version.
If the color changes, that rig is edited, but not stored. Either store the rig or load a different one.
Orange light means: you are in Network Mode! The QR code on the back is to connect when you set the Player to be an Access Point.
Press BANK+WIFI to switch between Network and Access Point Mode. When it lights green, you can connect to the Wifi which credentials are encoded in the sticker at the back.
Please contact support!
Rig Manager (Desktop) sets the Clock when connected via USB.
The other way around: first you press the button (sending 1), then you release the button (sending 0)
It is a "button" - send 1 for "pressed" and 0 for "released" - it is intended to be used with programmable MIDI boards.
No, you need to use Rig Manager for this.