Posts by mollydyer

    Mine was slightly different - turned out my battery was failing on my wireless! I was checking leads and the settings etc!

    It happens, right? I gig with a flat of fully charged Eneloop Pros now just in case. (My mic and guitar and in ears all take AAs). Nothing worse than having gear choke out mid set. I used to use the energizer industrial batteries, until one day I forgot I was out, and just grabbed a set of shitty gas station batteries - still energizer, but they died in my mic mid way through set #2. I did a battery change during an extended solo.

    Must have looked funny from the crowd.

    As others have stated, it sounds like master mono is the culprit, if anything, on your side- but I'd lay the blame soundly (pardon the pun) on whoever was at the desk. Since it sounded good in your IEMs, logically the problem was with the board.

    Google Translation:

    Very cool idea, posted a translation to get a wider response.


    Sehr coole Idee, eine Übersetzung gepostet, um eine breitere Antwort zu erhalten.

    ? Not sure what this means but don’t forget to take a break every once in a while!

    Nothing wrong with your post.

    In many languages (C derivatives like C, C++, Java, Javascript) starting a line with '//' has the compiler ignore that line. It's useful for putting comments in, or disabling a small block of code.

    ///Please show me the guitarist who sounds better because of these supposedly better effects; I mean on a record or stage, not a youtube video isolating and comparing these tools in ways that we’d never use in the wild.

    You know you've been developing software for too long when this comment was commented out.

    Thanks a mill for taking the time DamianGreda - I'm on a Mac. I'm in a session RN so I won't be able to play around again until after these tracks are finished. I set it up using the analog io for now.

    But I *really* appreciate your suggestions. Very much.

    Thanks DamianGreda. Analog is how I'm going right now (I couldn't get it set up, and I had stuff to track ;) )

    And the studio capture IS changing it's sample rate automatically- to 44.1, no matter what I have it set to, and no matter what the kemper is set to. Always back to 44.1. I track at 96k (only for reduced latency) and wanted to keep it there.


    For those curious, the routing is the same as if it was digital - I'm going out from 9 into the kemper, and then back into 15/16- just over analog. I can now patch in to channel 2 on the interface, record (and hear) through the kemper, but then print the kemper when I have the tone dialed in perfect / take comped the way I like it. :)

    I just couldn't get the digital to work.

    EDIT: Yup. Both coax cables are connected.

    I've had the Kemper for a couple of years- I'm actually not sure of the build date- and the roland always wants to be the slave unfortunately (it doesn't let me assign master/slave with the kemper plugged in)

    Hey all -

    Just got a new interface for the home studio. It's the Roland Studio Capture. I tried connecting my Kemper to it via S/PDIF, but the interface always locks to 44.1 no matter what the output setting is on the Kemper. Is the Kemper stuck at 44.1?

    I worked around it by creating an insert path / bus combo in Protools over analog, but I'd love to keep it all digital.

    Is there a trick I'm missing?

    (It's an unpowered Kemper rack)

    Thanks All


    ITT: Band that hasn't actually been relevant for 20 years tried the Kemper once and didn't understand how to use it.

    I don't think the application has been completely rewritten for macos vs windows so there is probably some form of abstraction layer used. Do you know which, and also positively that it isn't available for linux?

    Software Engineer here - I objdumped the macos binary and it does look like it's written in Cocao - so it's entirely possible that the UI is OS specific. I also know that Kemper was at one point hiring C++ developers, the postings did not directly specify a framework (and as a hiring manager, that's what I'd be focusing on if we were framework heavy) . If *I* were building this tool, the code that communicates with the kemper would be os specific, the data abstraction layer would be universal, and the UI would likely be a blend.

    This DOES make it more difficult to port to other platforms, but it also provides the most stable code.

    Not too many linux desktop-users yet, but the number is slowly rising. The number of people using devices running a linux-kernel OTOH is huge. Everything from being embedded in gadgets of all sorts to full-blown terminal units with Android (smartphones, tablets, smart-tv etc) .

    Yes, but the kernel isn't really in play here, is it? They might need to write new USB drivers, but that's only part of it. The rest is UI specific- so if you're talking about Android... well the Android UI (which is done in Java) - is very different from the OSX or Win32/64 ui. It's very difficult to go from desktop to mobile OS. It's a clean, ground up rewrite.

    Neither windows nor macos are proper realtime-operating systems which is a huge advantage for manipulating audio and video information so I would not be surprised to see more applications moving in that direction. With macos or windows you really have to work hard to strip the systems down to an absolute minimum to turn it into a reasonably stable and responsive multimedia workstation. Meanwhile there are versions of linux with full realtime capabilities. Linux have come a long way since its conception in the early 90s.

    Linux, in general, is ALSO not a RTOS. Yes, there are kernel versions that are more realtime than the master branch, but it's in exactly the same boat as MacOS and Windows. Further, the optimizations required for both of those platforms are well known (on a mac it's even easier now). So Linux doesn't really have a leg up on Apple of Microsoft here at all. If it did, I'd be running ProTools on Linux.

    Yes, Linux HAS come a long way since the early 90s - but so has both MacOS and Windows. In context, in the early 90s, both of those Operating systems were (a) not yet fully 32 bit and (b) did not support proper memory management, preemptive multitasking or driver isolation. Remember when a program would crash and you'd get a sad mac? BSOD?

    All three platforms have made significant changes in the last 30 years.

    Honestly, I don't think there's the support for the platform needed to warrant a port of RM to Linux. It would be cool, yeah, but given that most users of the Kemper are NOT CompSci majors, it doesn't make sense to target a 0.1% platform.

    I'd rather see more improvements to RM for all users.

    Personally I'm a bit skeptical about going back to IR's.

    I've always felt that the way Kemper has implemented the cabs sounds more lively.

    Ingolf - I was a CERTIFIED IR addict before I got my kemper. I mixed a custom IR and used it on all of my settings in my Atomic. It sounded AMAZING. I spent literally days tweaking it, loading a new one, checking it in the PA, lather rinse repeat.

    So naturally, when I got my kemper, I tried that IR.

    Hated it.

    I recently got one of those super cheap (FLAMMA FX100) boxes for casual jamming when I didn't want to pull the Kemper from the studio (Recording albums 3 and 4 now for BISTOLAS) - and I figured, hey- I'll load that IR from before.

    Hated it.

    I'll still use that crappy little flamma when it's rehearsal or fun - but nothing can pry my kemper, not even from my cold dead hands.