• I haven't heard much feedback on the Brown Bag Pack. My buddy Phil made a video for me, though, of my EVH-inspired plexi rig...

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    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I haven't heard much feedback on the Brown Bag Pack. My buddy Phil made a video for me, though, of my EVH-inspired plexi rig...

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    Just bought. Good job, and thanks Michael! and Phil!

  • love the 68 mars plexie EVH rig?

    Thanks mbritt for free sharing?

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • TYVM for the 68 Mars 50 EH rig Mr. Britt- very kind of you!

    I bought the "Brown Bag", now if I can make it sound as good as you do I'll be all set! ;)

    Merry Christmas!!!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (December 9, 2020 at 1:31 AM).

  • Here is another one we just released yesterday from the same sessions. All guitars Kemper. All Mbritt profiles. I can't remember all the profiles we used but I do know that the cleaner rhythm guitars are once again the 65 champ. Most of the dirtier guitars are the Mbritt 69 Marshall and once again the solo is the LDW 2.2 from his first pack. I think there is an AC15 profile on this one somewhere as well. None of the profile's are tweaked. I never tweak profiles for recording or live. I just go through them until I find the one that works and use it. I ended up using the LDW 2.2 for all the solos on the 4 songs. Something about that profile is magic when I record with it. Solo is the profile straight with no stomps in front.

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    If I may ask, wedewer, what guitar/pickup combination do you have? (if you don't mind answering...) I compared that exact profile (LDW 2.2) on both my LP copy with humbuckers and my strat, and nothing I played sounded even close to the same tone (through the same studio headphones). Are those P90's, per chance? Mine sounded very dull and muffled with the humbuckers of unknown origin, and really weak and thin with the single coils -- also of unknown origin! I've adjusted them quite a bit up or down over the years, and I don't think that's the issue. . .

    I'm one of those guys who dropped the cash on the Kemper, but never have upgraded my guitars to match, so it's possible that all my pickups are just trash... though I will say, the Kemper still sounds much better than anything else I've tried, with the same trashy guitar. ;) And MBritt profiles are everywhere in my performances and presets, though I would like it if I could improve the pickups or something else on my guitars so that they sounded more like they're supposed to!

    Thanks in advance, if you can let me know!

    Edit: Duh, I meant to say, I really liked the song and the guitar tone, especially the solo! Obvious from my question, but it needed saying, anyway.

    Edited once, last by nkisaac (December 14, 2020 at 6:27 PM).

  • If I may ask, wedewer, what guitar/pickup combination do you have? (if you don't mind answering...) I compared that exact profile (LDW 2.2) on both my LP copy with humbuckers and my strat, and nothing I played sounded even close to the same tone (through the same studio headphones). Are those P90's, per chance? Mine sounded very dull and muffled with the humbuckers of unknown origin, and really weak and thin with the single coils -- also of unknown origin! I've adjusted them quite a bit up or down over the years, and I don't think that's the issue. . .

    I'm one of those guys who dropped the cash on the Kemper, but never have upgraded my guitars to match, so it's possible that all my pickups are just trash... though I will say, the Kemper still sounds much better than anything else I've tried, with the same trashy guitar. ;) And MBritt profiles are everywhere in my performances and presets, though I would like it if I could improve the pickups or something else on my guitars so that they sounded more like they're supposed to!

    Thanks in advance, if you can let me know!

    Edit: Duh, I meant to say, I really liked the song and the guitar tone, especially the solo! Obvious from my question, but it needed saying, anyway.

    Could be a number of factors including your equipment, but I have found the older MBritt profiles to be on the darker side. But, they do stand out in live work or just jamming around the home out loud. For recording, I'd think they need some EQ sculpting to fit. Also, you can bump the treble and definition and cut the bass to get them more recording ready...or again...EQ them more in post. Personally, I use other profiles for recording work. I like Top Jimi, Selah Sounds, and some Tone Junkie in those situations. Gives me an excuse to spread the profile love too. ;)

    I think the MBritt 2020 pack with the 68 Plexi is his best one to date. A little brighter tones and full but not woofy. Goldilocks stuff for me. In comparing them to the older ones, they're certainly more present but hold the mids and have the right lows. I haven't tried them in a recording yet though. The other thing is he cut down a bit on the extra settings...clarity, sag, compression...vs where he used to set them in his profiles.

  • Could be a number of factors including your equipment, but I have found the older MBritt profiles to be on the darker side. But, they do stand out in live work or just jamming around the home out loud. For recording, I'd think they need some EQ sculpting to fit. Also, you can bump the treble and definition and cut the bass to get them more recording ready...or again...EQ them more in post. Personally, I use other profiles for recording work. I like Top Jimi, Selah Sounds, and some Tone Junkie in those situations. Gives me an excuse to spread the profile love too. ;)

    I think the MBritt 2020 pack with the 68 Plexi is his best one to date. A little brighter tones and full but not woofy. Goldilocks stuff for me. In comparing them to the older ones, they're certainly more present but hold the mids and have the right lows. I haven't tried them in a recording yet though. The other thing is he cut down a bit on the extra settings...clarity, sag, compression...vs where he used to set them in his profiles.

    Another big fan of the 68 plexi, all the profiles are astounding in the right ways, the clean is my go to clean, rivaling twins and the roland jc ones. Also, if you want a bigger sound (I call it crowd sound) you just change to a v30 412 and you are there on the gainier profiles. For me it is the definitive marshall, and I dont have to tweak it too much on recording situations (which I normally do with other britt profiles). For that amp alone, 2020 pack is a bargain.

    One commong thing when recording, is that M Britt profiles need a bit of presence (more in the old packs) and a bit of midboost, I just lock the X slot with a graphic equalizer with these adjustments, then I scroll until I find THE sound for the situation, from there, the tweaks just are related to the song or the guitar itself (my 75 SG is a mid monster that sometimes is too crunchy for its own good).

    The answer is 42

  • As if I need more profiles... LOL! BUT, couldn't pass up the new Morgan pack, so grabbed the Brown Bag and Bass pack, just in case! Not sure how soon I will be able to load them, but... :)

    I’d love to hear your take on the Morgan pack when you’ve tried it

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10