Kemper Profiler Player Pitch Control

  • I use a Kemper Rack for more than 10 years. Recently I bought a Kemper Player because of the compactness and the quality of the sounds. After experimenting with the Kemper Player for a week, I am very satisfied with the options offered for a good price setting. Because I am comparing the two Kempers, I try to use the Kemper Player as much as possible to match the performance of the Rack. The limitation of stompbox positions and presets has forced me to be more frugal with the parameters that are actually necessary for a rig. Many parameters within each rig still can be controlled by MIDI, so switching rigs is not always necessary. But there's one thing I'm missing. I think an effect like “Pitch Pedal” module (available in Kemper Rack) can easily be added in Kemper Player. Pitch can be changed by the ‘Transpose’ parameter in Rig Manager under “RIG” menu, but it cannot be controlled via MIDI with an expression pedal, while some parameters in the same menu do. Maybe I don't have the right (midi)information yet, or can this be included in a next OS update?

    Edited 3 times, last by RS (January 18, 2024 at 12:54 AM).

  • RS January 18, 2024 at 12:44 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Kemper Profiler Player Pitch Contol” to “Kemper Profiler Player Pitch Control”.
  • Feeling the same. I really hope they will add it soon. Another question: in the other Profilers is it possible to control it directly by means of an expression pedal, or do we need midi?

    You can use an expression pedal for the pedal pitch without additional midi. I use the mission springy one and it operates exactly the same as the digitech whammy.

  • All transpose effects introduce latency. The further the transition the greater the latency and audio artefacts. However, I haven’t noticed the Kemper being any worse than anything else. I have a Digitech Whammy DT but don’t bother using it as the Kemper works just as well for the pne song I transpose down a tone.

  • I use the transpose feature live to avoid taking more guitars out for different tunings. There is definitely latency in all products that transpose live, but the Kemper is the most natural sound for me. Of course, I am usually not going further than + /- 2 semitones.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • New to forum, does Kemper support usually reply to these?

    I’m in ‘need’ of this toooooo

    Getting Kemper Player vs Line6 etc… cuz my guitar player has head/floorboard and a killer Marshall Jubilee w/ pedals and whammy… side by side at our rehearsals

    The Kemper lunchbox w/ expression sounds f’n great w/ just guitar tones and the best whammy and fx of all modelers as far is I’m concerned

  • Burkhard
    March 15, 2024 at 1:52 PM
  • Burkhard
    March 15, 2024 at 1:52 PM

    right. i guess i didn't realize that's what the one description meant. thx!

    "No socks? No problem."

  • Just wanted to note that I was able to find a work around of sorts programming MIDI through Ableton Live and getting the transpose to work with the Profiler Player.

    All i did was duplicate my tone i was using on the recording, and then saved the duplicate profile/rig with the transposed -5 semitones. In ableton, i would then use MIDI clips to change my banks on the player.

    I really wish i could figure out how to automate CC's, though. Like being able to automate the transpose would be cool AF.

  • The Player offers the Tranpose in its Rig Settings.

    This can be controlled via Sysex: controller MSB 4, controller LSB 4, value range 28-100.

    The format of the Sysex comands is explained in the dedicated KEMPER PROFILER MIDI Parameter Documentation .

    Hey Burkhard, thanks so much for this tip here. I was just able to get my Morningstar MC8 to control rig transpose values on the Player, which helps me cut down on a few redundant transposed rigs I have loaded on it. :thumbup:

  • The Player offers the Tranpose in its Rig Settings.

    This can be controlled via Sysex: controller MSB 4, controller LSB 4, value range 28-100.

    The format of the Sysex comands is explained in the dedicated KEMPER PROFILER MIDI Parameter Documentation .

    well finally a straightforward answer i was looking for. :)

    "No socks? No problem."

  • oooooh! so would that even enable whammy via pedal? or is that transpose function 'quantizing' in semitones?

    Kemper Player (LVL2), EV ELX112P, Suhr S.Henderson Strat, Fender Ultra Tele, PRS S2 Custom24, Variax JTV-69