I'm trying the USB reamping and am basically hearing a terrible noise in my headphones, to the point where I'm a bit worried I'm going to damage something. Here's my setup:
Logic Pro, latest version, audio source set to Profiler for both Input and Output
Previously recorded DI track (in project with other tracks), set to no input, mono Output 1, solo'd
New mono audio track to record reamp to, set to Input 1, stereo out, muted
Rig manager Output: USB Reamping enabled, Direct Monitor on, Reamp Source Stack, DAW volume 1.8
Headphones plugged into front of Kemper unpowered head.
I hit play in Logic and hear a very distorted version of my DI signal, not especially loud or anything, but just fully blown out. I've tried reducing the DAW volume, but it made no discernible difference. I tried reducing the output level of the DW track in logic, also with no discernible difference. Granted, I didn't want to have it playing for more than a few seconds because it sounded like something was getting VERY overloaded.
Any advice? Thanks!
ps: I looked for vids about USB at the Kemper support site, but didn't find any (the 9.0 addendum mentioned them).
And, as a side note, I'm not seeing how I'm going to be able to monitor the rest of my tracks while doing this, if the DI track has to be solo'd. I would want to hear everything so that I can try different profiles, make various adjustments, etc, in realtime.