Kemper player: functionality of its big brothers

  • I would definitely like the full 8 fx slots simply to enable existing rigs to be used without any restrictions. However, it seems clear that the target market for thE player is pedal board users rather than a grab and go replacement for the big brothers. That market already has external FX for most things making 8 fx slot less important.

  • The product exist already, it's called "Stage"

    I would definitely like the full 8 fx slots simply to enable existing rigs to be used without any restrictions. However, it seems clear that the target market for thE player is pedal board users rather than a grab and go replacement for the big brothers. That market already has external FX for most things making 8 fx slot less important.

    I would buy the player next to my current head, but wouldn’t consider a stage.

    Idnk about target markets, don’t have opinions on Kempers strategies…I just say what I’d fancy ;)

  • Not everyone who orders a Player has a pedalboard or external effects.

    I’ve ordered it as a compact, all-in-one amp replacement and effects unit. Had I not gotten the Player, I may have added an HX Stomp or H90 to my Tonex. Now I’m going to sell the Tonex.

    Users like me may want compatibility with Rigs on Rig Exchange more than we need 8 fx slots per se.

  • Hey guys!

    I bought Kemper Player and couldn't set up mission ep1-kp on it. What's the secret? Do you need a stereo cable? I have a stage too and there are 2 cables used, but in the Player it only uses one. The Player arrived yesterday and I had difficulties setting it up. Can anyone help?

  • + 1 this, would love to be able to keep a wah and a compressor on the front of the chain, have reverb back of chain activated and out of sight. The Player is great, perfect for taking to small gigs. just frustrated cos some of the britt amps are perfect with the compressor on the front but then I'm just working with 1 slot for an effect (always have a delay taking the other back slot).

  • Totally agree. Ready to pay the extra money to expand the player capabilities.

    Just 1 extra fx slot before and after the amp block would be a welcome addon.

    I love the Player a lot, expanding it's capabilities just a little more would make it the perfect product for me.

  • I think there is a very good case for adding in:

    1. All premium efx missing
    2. Morphing
    3. All missing amp adjustment parameters

    I don't know if it is possible to add in 4 more efx slots as I don't know what DSP power is available to the Player.

    Fractal has an interesting method of regulating its FM3 to differentiate it from its FM9 and full powered Axe FX III. The entire line has a CPU throttle. If you run out of processing power, you simply can't add another block. The FM3 has about 1/4th the power of the full Axe and about half that of the FM9..... but all units can utilize the same parameters and efx blocks .... just not as many or as powerful. A really nice verb might cost you 1/3rd of your processing on the FM3 as an example.

    Fractal's approach still doesn't allow you to take any rig from the Axe FX III and play it on the FM3; however if you keep your setups simple, they will work on both.

    I would like to see the Kemper Player be able to be used live for any simple setup supported on the bigger units. I fail to see how this will effect sales of the bigger units.

    I for one would never give up my Kemper FC and Rack rig for a Player. The Player form factor is simply not nearly as effective at gigging (and that is all I use mine for).

    I might buy one for a mobile throw and go solution if it supported all my efx (I have replaced nearly all my legacy reverbs and legacy delays with better ones). For people that use Morph all the time, that would also be needed for this purpose.

    There is some wiggle room for a paid upgrade here. The FM3 is a 1K device. Arguably, with its color LCD it is a bit more premium than a Player, but sound wise, I think a Kemper player with full efx capabilities would be close to on-par with the gigability of an FM3 and certainly better than the $700 Line 6 Helix Stomp which reportedly has issues with switching time between patches ( a deal killer for a live application).

  • It's never going to be a Stage. I have one of them. It's ridiculous hearing people say to get that instead, if you want the extra features.

    But the Player is promoted as a compact way of bringing your profiles on the road or whatever. I feel duped. It can't do it and it's rather ill conceived. I don't believe they need to reinvent the wheel here and certainly don't feel like they should be afforded some leniency because it's a new product. They created something new with an overriding objective of not harming their more expensive products. The entire objective here is to make something inferior to the stage for a lower price.

    It needed to have something extra and cool about it. It brings nothing innovative to the table. Not even an on/off button. Certainly not the effects or even a title screen!

    If it brought the full profiles over from my toaster and stage, I would put up with all the engineered handicaps. I'll probably be selling mine.

  • the Player is promoted as a compact way of bringing your profiles on the road

    and it does - at the core of the PROFILER range is and always has been it's amp + cabinet + mic sound. That is per definition what a PROFILE is.
    The Profiler Player gives you the exact sound of the more higher end models in a smaller package.
    Compromises were made in the fx department and the ability to create PROFILEs was lost (as was requested by users asking for a smaller, non-Profiling unit pretty much since day one )

  • and it does - at the core of the PROFILER range is and always has been it's amp + cabinet + mic sound. That is per definition what a PROFILE is.
    The Profiler Player gives you the exact sound of the more higher end models in a smaller package.
    Compromises were made in the fx department and the ability to create PROFILEs was lost (as was requested by users for a smaller unit pretty much since day one )

    Correct. It seems I was lost in the nomenclature and assumed "rigs" would be portable (as opposed to profiles). I guess we are to assume the effects (where available) are a bonus here and this is indeed only a "profile player". Perhaps an honest summation would be, "This plays your amplifier profiles along with some rudimentary effects. They won't be the same as your existing rigs, but at least your amp will be the same."