Continued Struggle with gear.

  • Royal Mail 2023 price list gives £20.30 for a 10kg parcel from UK to Germany (one way)…ctober-2023.pdf

    I believe that employee did something wrong or told you BS....

    She asked me what it was i said music equipment. She weighed it and asked me the value i told her what i payed. She then said they can ship it but they dont insure musical equipment and gave me the cost of the shipping and it wasn't £20 lol i still have the reciept somewhere i asked her for it because i thought it was insane. I will dig it out and take a photo of it after work.

    I hope she did balls up because i will go back and get it sorted and send it off for sure :)

  • I don't think anyone's trying to attack you. I'd agree that something looks wrong in your shipping estimate that maybe you could look into if you really want to go that route.

    But it sounds like for now, you've gotten closer and maybe it is profile related. Did you try the cab changing I had mentioned? And there are thousands of rigs between Rig Manager and Rig Packs you can try working with until you figure this out. If it's really only the purchased ones you've been trying, and most others sound normal, just move on from them. Or maybe contact who you got them from.

    As far as recording and the possible interface issue (if that really is part of this), just try the 1/4" and see if it makes a difference. No pint playing with better quality cables until you're sure which cables you should be using.

    Hopefully you're almost there.

  • Why do i feel like im being attacked here?

    You're not being attacked. Burkhard does not, and never has minced words....and I don't believe English is his first language. If he were attacking you - you'd know it.

    Nuances get lost in translation.

    He did say that support has given you the suggestion of XLR vs. TS/TRS more than once, "through recent years" (Burkhard's word). You may have tried this - but haven't acknowledged either way.

    I agree with V8Guitar that you've ruled out the Profiler and guitar. Shipping it to Germany seems kinda pointless.

  • You're not being attacked. Burkhard does not, and never has minced words....and I don't believe English is his first language. If he were attacking you - you'd know it.

    Nuances get lost in translation.

    He did say that support has given you the suggestion of XLR vs. TS/TRS more than once, "through recent years" (Burkhard's word). You may have tried this - but haven't acknowledged either way.

    I agree with V8Guitar that you've ruled out the Profiler and guitar. Shipping it to Germany seems kinda pointless.

    Yeah i tried this with many TS and TRS cables of different qualities cheap and expensive. I think its slowly becoming a realisation to me that these commercial bundles i keep purchasing are just not that good and im wrongfully blaming the wrong piece of the puzzle here.

    Im gonna hold back on commercial profiles and look more into the stock ones and see how i go from there. :)

  • Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time with your Kemper. I've heard a lot of teeth-grindingly bad profiles, so that might be what you're experiencing, but between your clip and Burkhard 's response, I think there's cause for doing some more tests to isolate the problem.

    I'll try to offer some context on what I think he was pointing to.

    The "r mode" reference I believe was to your Clarett that you mention "...But this problem also happens when using my Focusrite Clarett 4pre." The "Air" mode, perhaps? I don't know about a 12db boost at 4khz, but it would have a high shelf boost somewhere in the upper bands and I could see that not being a good thing for a modeled guitar signal.

    He quotes from the UA website: "A microphone is typically connected with an XLR connector, and an instrument or line level signal is connected with a ¼” (6.35 mm) TS or TRS plug. Preamp gain and impedance automatically adjusts for line or mic signals, based on whether the plug is XLR or ¼”, along with the state of the INST button.

    Press the INST button to toggle the impedance and gain of the line input to accommodate a Hi-Z instrument, such as an electric guitar or bass."

    You mention "Main output on Kemper set to Master Mono. Main volume -20 rig volume at 0.0."

    dmatthews suggests this from the Kemper manual: "Whenever the device (e.g. mixing desk or audio interface) connected to the MAIN OUTPUT XLR or TS jacks indicates too much level coming from the PROFILER, or there is the need to set the Main Output Volume to less than -12 dB, then activate the Main Output Pad to reduce the signal level of the Main Output by 12 dB. This increases the range of the Main Output Volume control and preserves the signal-to-noise ratio of the Main Output."

    To me, all of this sounds like you've got something going on between the Kemper and your interface where you're getting a hotter signal than you should, seeing as you're dropping it -20db. Using an XLR cable into the UA would activate the mic preamps based on the info above, and apply a boost to your signal that it shouldn't need, which would cause you to go into the Kemper and drop that Main Output signal to stop from clipping. If that's what's happening, you're not getting an ideal version of the signal into your computer and it rules out being able to test anything with any confidence moving forward.

    Have you tried the following?

    - Activate the Main Output Pad on the Kemper so that you're not having to drop the signal so much at the Main Output - it shouldn't need to go below -12db if the Main Output pad is on and there isn't some other strange boost happening elsewhere.

    - Use a 1/4" TS cable into your UA. Check all of your preamp settings on the UA for any boost or volume increase. Turn off any compressors that might be on, vintage preamp mode, anything besides just getting the signal into your computer at a level that seems to be in line with what the documentation expects.

    As far as the noise you're reporting, I didn't hear it in your first clip, but I did hear a weird "whistling" on the sustained notes. Not sure what this is, but it sounds like pickups that are too close to the strings... but you just got your guitar back from a setup. If your Solar has those Fluence pickups, would it be related to the battery? Can you replicate with a passive guitar?

    Later, you mention noise after turning on your computer and possibly being related to being close to it or what angle you're facing the computer at. This definitely could be related to your interface boosting the signal from the Kemper or adding compression, raising the signal to noise floor. It advertises functions relating to both these things, so I would make sure to rule out anything here too.

    It seems like your dry signal recording has been verified by Kemper support, which would make me hesitant to incur any shipping costs for service or replacement - I think the problem is between the Kemper and the computer, OR you have profiles that you don't particularly like.

    Hope that was helpful to some degree and that your problems get resolved soon!

  • I don't think anyone's trying to attack you. I'd agree that something looks wrong in your shipping estimate that maybe you could look into if you really want to go that route.

    But it sounds like for now, you've gotten closer and maybe it is profile related. Did you try the cab changing I had mentioned? And there are thousands of rigs between Rig Manager and Rig Packs you can try working with until you figure this out. If it's really only the purchased ones you've been trying, and most others sound normal, just move on from them. Or maybe contact who you got them from.

    As far as recording and the possible interface issue (if that really is part of this), just try the 1/4" and see if it makes a difference. No pint playing with better quality cables until you're sure which cables you should be using.

    Hopefully you're almost there.

    Yeah i have a whole stack of commercial IR's im gonna swim through again and try out using stock kemper profiles this time. Ive only realy tried them on the commercial profile bundles ive purchased with very little success. I guess ya cant realy polish a turd even with a nice IR its still gonna be just a turd underneath lol

    I will go through my cable chain again and try using the 1/4 see if anything has changed since using the stock profiles. :)

  • Thank you for this response. Im currently at work at the moment but did read it all and its very much appreciated. The moment i get home tonight i will read through it again and slowly go through it bit by bit so i can better understand it. It seems to be the recurring theme of bad profiles as the culprit me thinks. Bugger! Spent a darn fortune on those things over the years too.


  • Thank you for this response. Im currently at work at the moment but did read it all and its very much appreciated. The moment i get home tonight i will read through it again and slowly go through it bit by bit so i can better understand it. It seems to be the recurring theme of bad profiles as the culprit me thinks. Bugger! Spent a darn fortune on those things over the years too.


    You've missed a step in the logical systematic troubleshooting process. You seem to have gone directly from listening on headphones to firing up the PC and interface and opening your DAW. In order to rule out whether the problem really is the Kemper or not you should connect your monitors directly to the Kemper Outputs. This will check the the Kemper Main Outs and Monitors without any PC involvement. I believe you mentioned you have 2 sets of monitors. Therefore, if the problem arises with the first set you know it could be either the Kemper OR the Monitors. If the problem is present with the second set also the issue is almost certainly the Kemper. However, if it isn't present with the second set the problem is the first set of monitors.

    Bonus point to this approach is that if everything sounds fine through the monitors with your commercial profiles you can conclusively exclude shitty profiles as the cause. If the stock profiles sound good and your purchased ones don't then you have isolated the issue as the profiles.

    If the problem isn't the Kemper, monitors or profiles then and only then should you move on to adding the PC and interface.

  • Just got in from work and currently trying this.

    PC is off audio interface is off nothing is connected to the kemper besides my guitar using my snake oil Mogami guitar TS cable (lol) and my Adam Audios coming out the back left and right.

    The rig volume is low because i have neighbours. Just to clarify turning the RIG down does not in anyway effect the tone right?. Here are some pics. Im using a stock profile and i must digging it...this is a positive right? :)

    EDIT: I havent yet tried this with my HS7s as they are boxed away in my loft but i will get around to it at some point this week when im off work and try them in this same scenario.

  • Just got in from work and currently trying this.

    PC is off audio interface is off nothing is connected to the kemper besides my guitar using my snake oil Mogami guitar TS cable (lol) and my Adam Audios coming out the back left and right.

    The rig volume is low because i have neighbours. Just to clarify turning the RIG down does not in anyway effect the tone right?. Here are some pics. Im using a stock profile and i must digging it...this is a positive right? :)

    EDIT: I havent yet tried this with my HS7s as they are boxed away in my loft but i will get around to it at some point this week when im off work and try them in this same scenario.

    Starting to feel pretty confident that using XLR to the interface kicks in a mic option and screws up the audio.

  • The rig volume is low because i have neighbours. Just to clarify turning the RIG down does not in anyway effect the tone right?

    The only thing you've mentioned so far that would make the Kemper volume level a possible factor is your interface - if you're plugging into it and having to turn the Kemper way down because it'll clip otherwise, there's probably some configuration issue that is going to invalidate any confidence in whether you're hearing a problem or not.

  • Starting to feel pretty confident that using XLR to the interface kicks in a mic option and screws up the audio.

    I've yet to add the interface and PC to this scenario but i think you maybe correct.

    I noticed the moment i turned on my PC ( At this stage the Kemper is still not connected to interface or PC. Only my guitar and the monitors are connected to Kemper) there was interference through my pickups clicking and ticking whenever my PC did anything. It became less as i turned away and moved away from my PC tower but thats kind of a pain when recording twisting and turning all the time haha.

  • The only thing you've mentioned so far that would make the Kemper volume level a possible factor is your interface - if you're plugging into it and having to turn the Kemper way down because it'll clip otherwise, there's probably some configuration issue that is going to invalidate any confidence in whether you're hearing a problem or not.

    I dont usualy have it that low i usualy keep it around -12 (seems to be the common number) i was trying out different levels the idea being turn down the level going out into my interface maybe it will clean up the signal if i tried a lower output...i dont know...ts all trial and error just test this test that scratch that off the list etc.

    EDIT: I turned the RIG volume down because its late and i have neighbours and its loud as shit haha its loud enough i can still hear it though.

  • Only my guitar and the monitors are connected to Kemper) there was interference through my pickups clicking and ticking whenever my PC did anything. It became less as i turned away and moved away from my PC tower but thats kind of a pain when recording twisting and turning all the time haha.

    Just FYI, that's a problem regardless of the Kemper. Everyone recording in front of a computer has that issue - some pickups are worse than others at picking up the EMI generated by your computer and accessories that are plugged in. That "noise pivot" maneuver is pretty necessary - you can also look into better shielding in your guitar if you're up for trying to reduce it. I've been fully shielding my pickguard and control cavities with copper tape and being strategic with avoiding ground loops in my wiring just to be on the safe side.

    Sometimes, the wiring in your house/studio can make things worse. I recently set up a rig in a very old house that hasn't converted to 3 prong outlets (no ground connection for any cords plugged into the wall), and even with an isolated power supply, anything plugged in via USB caused a really irritating clicking that I only found by systematically unplugging everything until it stopped. This helped for that -…hum-eliminator/ - you might consider one if it's really bugging you.

  • Just got in from work and currently trying this.

    PC is off audio interface is off nothing is connected to the kemper besides my guitar using my snake oil Mogami guitar TS cable (lol) and my Adam Audios coming out the back left and right.

    The rig volume is low because i have neighbours. Just to clarify turning the RIG down does not in anyway effect the tone right?. Here are some pics. Im using a stock profile and i must digging it...this is a positive right? :)

    EDIT: I havent yet tried this with my HS7s as they are boxed away in my loft but i will get around to it at some point this week when im off work and try them in this same scenario.

    Good thats a positive step in the right direction. But you need to remain systematic and avoid jumping to conclusions. Now you need to test it with some of the purchased profiles that normally exhibit the problem to zero in on whether the problem is hardware or just the choice of profiles. It’s a careful process of elimination.

  • You should check those Rigs and compare against others and see if you can ring fence the issue to those. However, this conclusion seems a bit too simple to me after such long search. And you don't seem to have issues on headphones plugged into the PROFILER.

    I'm more thinking along the lines of a signal with high volume accidentally fed from PROFILER line level outputs into a microphone preamp of your interface and perhaps through another guitar amplifier simulation in Cubase, which makes the resulting signal so hot, that you experience radio effects and interferences with your (hot?) guitar pickups as a result. I would check those levels first and eliminate any unintended signal boosts post the PROFILER. And then I would use a long guitar cable and take the guitar to another room increasing distance from the interface and PC to see what happens.

  • Quick update.

    Currently A/B-ing Commercial and Stock profiles direct from kemper to monitors AND through kemper/interface/monitors. Also recording all A/B-ing through kemper/interface into Cubase using Commercial and Stock flipping between TRS and TS cables at the input and output. Ive abandoned the idea of XLR out to interface as recommended as it did indeed feel a little too hot. I dont know the science behind it but it certainly did sound/feel hotter.

    Ive even gone as far as watching the input level in Cubase which ive never done before as ive always just relied on the gain stage at the interface. I did this just as an extra checkpoint to make sure going into Cubase aint too hot.

    Its a long process but a process i think is very worth the effort not to mention im learning new awesome stuff i never knew before so thats certainly a plus.

    Thanks again guys for putting up with me.

    There IS a light at the end of the tunnel ;)

  • May I offer a word of caution at this point?

    It seems like you have already spent, and continue spending a lot of time on this issue.

    If you are genuinely enjoying the process, please keep going!

    Otherwise, you may consider switching the Kemper for an amp sim in your DAW, a modeling amp or a "real" amp for a couple of weeks. Or just play and/or record some acoustic guitar?

    This might help you get your ears and brain get "unstuck" from the frequencies that bother you with the Kemper now. Or maybe even alert you to the fact that the same frequencies are present in real amps and amp simulations as well.

    A lot of times, what seems to be very unpleasant parts of the guitar tone on its own, helps it to sound really good when mixed with other instruments. A lot of Kemper Profiles, especially professional ones done by recording engineers, are not meant to be listened to on their own, but in a band context!

    And if unpleasant frequencies don't help, they are routinely EQ'ed out of the guitar signal in the mixing stage.

  • Edited once, last by AdamMassacre1981: Iam also reading up on mixing forums and watching more videos on youtube on mixing and this is very true. Many guitars in a mix sound unpleasant solo'd but sound fantastic in a mix haha its tough to get my head around like ive always said im a guitarist not a studio engineer and when im playing/recording with these "unpleasant" profiles its understandabley rather off putting haha. It is indeed true though since iam learning more on bass guitar frequencies in a mix and drums and adding all of these instruments together that nasty guitar now sounds rather good. And im also training my brain that i barely need any distortion to get a solid metal tone so i now dial that right back. Again it is something i have to get accustomed to but iam slowly coming around to it. Its so weird as im used to plugging straight into my Rockerverb mkii and just letting rip and it sounds fantastic. Cant realy do that in my home thats why i bought a kemper. It doesnt help i have tinitus in my left ear so certain frequencies rip right into my ear drum...its rather painful and unpleasant. Maybe thats why i can hear those frequencies. I have a few Neural DSP amp sims i will fire up and see what happens. Constantly learning everyday. Thanks buddy. (October 13, 2023 at 3:46 PM).