Don't want liquid profiling.

  • I understand there is going to be "liquid profiling" coming. I have no use for it, don't want it. I will still want to get future updates of useful things like effects, bug fixes etc. but not liquid profiling. Will it be a choice or does that mean My updating days will be over soon?

  • Use it - don't use it. Completely up to you. As time goes on, Profile makers will probably create fewer 'regular' profiles, opting for the added features.

    You aren't even willing to try it? This is something Kemper intended the unit to have from Day 1, but it took this long to figure it out.

  • Use it - don't use it. Completely up to you. As time goes on, Profile makers will probably create fewer 'regular' profiles, opting for the added features.

    You aren't even willing to try it? This is something Kemper intended the unit to have from Day 1, but it took this long to figure it out.

    What he said. It's another GREAT option to have.

    Leave the profile "generic" and everything will be as you are used to.

  • I also want more regular features to come up, as I am also in a very comfortable place where I know what I like (the same 10 profiles that cover all my needs) and just tweak a bit here and there, but to counterpoint your argument:

    what is left? I honestly cant think on anything really crucial or important for me at least, and all the cool things I can come up are most likely hardware limited (2 profiles in stereo by example).

    Honestly I never imagined they would get the USB interface part, so I am open for surprises, but I dont know where they would go from here. The hot thing right now is the creation of NAM which is free, or the tonex, so if anything, maybe a better refining algorithm would be something that makes sense to get to that point, but for me, it doesnt change anything.

    The answer is 42

  • I have no use for it, don't want it.

    Man I felt just like you and thought I had no use for it. But I upgraded tried it and in just a few minutes I made 2 of my favourite profiles better. To be honest I had to swallow my pride and admit this is game changing. Now I don't feel like I have a profile/snapshot of an amp, now I feel like I have the whole amp, ok almost the whole amp lol. Give it a try my friend I think you will be surprised.

  • Does this mean all those many 100's and 100's of £££'s ive spent over the years on commercial profile bundle packs i will have to spend it all over again on the liquid profile version?...oh bugger. Those company's palms must be blisterted from rubbing together so viciously.

  • Does this mean all those many 100's and 100's of £££'s ive spent over the years on commercial profile bundle packs i will have to spend it all over again on the liquid profile version?...oh bugger. Those company's palms must be blisterted from rubbing together so viciously.


    You can grab an existing profile and apply a LP tone stack to it, or not.

  • I just looked at the list of effects available in the main manual and estimate I have tried maybe 20% of them after six years of ownership. I don't know how long it's been available, but last week I tried the Hyper Chorus for the first time, sounded pretty good 8o

    I'll try the LP once there's an official release for fun and see if it's an improvement on any of the eleven rigs I have loaded in my Kemper at the moment.

  • My Stage is at rehearsal room and i'm going on vacations tomorrow so i won't be able to try it soon but i'm impatient.

    I'm sure this new LP is just a game changer...

    It reminds me all car's options i said they are unecessary (keyless, speed regulator...), i couldn't live without them today.... :) ;)

  • Maybe Kemper should make you a custom-built profiler "Dynochrome" for free? Happy now? Going to wait for that limited edition Dynochrome Profiler! Oh I guess I don't need it too! In the meantime, I am gonna enjoy my profiler and leave them the upgrades, they know what to do.

  • Maybe Kemper should make you a custom-built profiler "Dynochrome" for free? Happy now? Going to wait for that limited edition Dynochrome Profiler! Oh I guess I don't need it too! In the meantime, I am gonna enjoy my profiler and leave them the upgrades, they know what to do.

    I think you mean make a custom one for YOU. I've had the same one for years, I don't need anything else. No customization needed or wanted.

  • Use it - don't use it. Completely up to you. As time goes on, Profile makers will probably create fewer 'regular' profiles, opting for the added features.

    I remember when everyone was so exited about merged profiles. A lot of profilers stared using them but many often didn't include profiles because they didn't like the merged results. Even the great MB replied he didn't really like them. The profile snapshot either sounds like the real amp or it doesn't I haven't had any problems with that so that's why I don't need any extra controls. All you need is great profiles.

  • I guess if I have the option to use it or not it's all fine, It just concerned me when there was already a version out to drop down to if there was a problem or something, like the "upgrade" may produce undesirable results. I'm one that just needs killer amp sounds, I don't constantly chase the latest greatest or need new toys and models to play with, that's why I bought a Kemper instead of an AXFX I,II, III Ultra etc.etc.etc. Or the newest Line 6 device or quad vortex that came out this year that "so much better" than all the models before it. Just killer amp sounds, reliability and get to work.

  • I get what you're saying. You're happy with what you've got and don't feel a need to change. As counterpoint (and that's all it is).....that's another way of saying "That's the way we've always done it."

    Having sampled a couple Liquid Profiles last night - they most certainly *are* an improvement.....and not just 'kind of'. But like everything else with the Kemper, you need to marinate with it a bit and sort out what suits you. If that's Liquid Profiles....great. If not.....*shrug*. I may or may not switch. It all depends on what sounds right.

    To the naysayers and critics......It's kind of like people saying you *have* to change your strings to get the best sound. No, you don't.

    Let it be art.

    John Frusicante recorded some of the Red Hot Chili Pepper's best stuff with strings so old and crusty, they and the frets had started to turn green. I believe Kurt Cobain had a similar lack of discipline in caring for his instruments.

  • DonPetersen August 4, 2023 at 3:28 PM

    Closed the thread.