Liquid Profiles of Amps - Your Most Wanted

  • I'll freely admit that my favorite recordings from the past (30-35 years ago) were all from when I used a Lab Series L7. I have three of 'em (head, L5 and L7) .

    According to this guy, they're the best, but only for 2 sounds - BB King and Ty Tabor. 😀

    Sounds like I just need 2 profiles rather than Liquid. 😉

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  • Well it looks like Marshalls are pretty well covered - presumably an 800 tonestack would suit a jubilee or AFD?

    Not seeing a Fender Princeton on the list, that'd be nice.

    "orange overdose" - would this cover a Rockerverb tonestack? A Tiny Terror one would be nice too - and that's only one knob ;)

    HiWatt DR/Engl Savage/SLO would also be useful!

  • According to this guy, they're the best, but only for 2 sounds - BB King and Ty Tabor. 😀

    Sounds like I just need 2 profiles rather than Liquid. 😉

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    I gigged with mine in the early 80s. Well before Ty Tabor hit the scene. Still managed to find nice, useable sounds.

  • When I look at my Profile collection - most are commercial - the bases are surely covered.

    But there are a some stacks missing, that I can't really emulate with one of the currently existing ones:

    Dumble ODS or SSS.

    Although I know these are supposed to be basically Fender-style, the controls work much more interdependent than - say - a Twin Reverb tone stack.

    Mesa Boogie Mark-Series

    Again a tone stack that was originally derived from a Fender (Princeton I believe), but they use slightly different frequencies and ranges and are also highly interdependent. And that property could be something where Liquid Profiling really shines, given how well that works already with the typical Marshall tone stack or the Cut parameter of an AC-30. Actually MBritts AC-30 with LP blew my mind last night while checking it out. The Cut was like the missing link to get the feel of a AC-30 in the Kemper.

    Since we have an large number of Boogie MK profiles and even more and more Dumble profiles, that would pretty neat to have in Liquid Profiling.

    If they find the time I would like to see the following as well:

    Hiwatt DR-103

    Fender deluxe (brownface, the one with only a tone control and nothing else)

    Fender Tweed Twin or Tweed Deluxe, maybe a Super or Pro as well (those are also amps that could use LP for sure). The Super would be espacially nice for all Green Day fans who like to play the intro of American Idiot properly :)

  • Some digging on the amps will get you close to any of the basic tone stacks they already added, but I also use a bunch of more obscure or rare amps in my top 10 profiles, for example:

    Top Hat King Royal (it is based in a vox amp BUT with a modified tone stack that includes mids and treble)
    ODS (depending on the day and the placement of the sun, each tone stack was different modified versions of the Deluxe/Twin stacks, but the mids are no way similar, nor the gain staging)
    Bogners in general (they have their own thing going on with their tone stack)

    The more I look about the update, the most important parameter is the brightcap setting, wich changes completely the behaviour of the gain knob, mark my words, but thats the new "definition" control for tweaking profiles for a nicer overdrive/distorted sound.

    The answer is 42

  • Well it looks like Marshalls are pretty well covered - presumably an 800 tonestack would suit a jubilee or AFD?


    Jubilees tone stack is pretty different and I'd really like it will be included next.

    Post #56 is about it a bit in details

    What is so special about Silver Jubilee 2555?
    First a question. If you have a 100 watt SJ and you pull two tubes does using the half power switch bring it down to 25 watts? Just wondering. Secondly I am…

    AFD.. I don't really want to start a discussion cause anytime people get angry... But maybe yes, similar in tone controls, to a JCM800 but Brighterwith More Gain.. so No. I m not sure we have a faithfull behave of it yet.

    Edited 2 times, last by Sollazzon (August 4, 2023 at 4:17 PM).

  • Nope...

    Jubilees tone stack is pretty different and I'd really like it will be included next.

    Post #56 is about it a bit in details…55.78006/page-3

    AFD.. I don't really want to start a discussion cause anytime people get angry... But maybe yes, similar in tone controls, to a JCM800 but Brighterwith More Gain.. so No. I m not sure we have a faithfull behave of it yet.

    Interesting, thanks for clarifying. Hope they steadily release more tone stacks now the basic tech seems in place. Am waiting for the beta-tested version, but can't wait to try it out!