Liquid Profiles

  • I'm definitely hearing changes when applying liquid stacks to older non-liquid profiles (for the better in my case), but the manual addendum seems to imply that it should sound the same as long as the EQ knobs stay at neutral positions. Am I misunderstanding that?

  • After 10 mins of playing with Mbritt DOES make a difference =O 8| . Applied the correspondent Liquid stack to a couple of my go-to Rigs and it changes something in the gain structure...for the better.

    That is exactely what a Marshall tonestack does. As for it's actual purpose being an EQ, it'spretty useless, but for shaping the gain it was actually quite useful. I'Ve learned that the hard way when I played a *68 Plexi the first time 40 years ago.

  • I'm definitely hearing changes when applying liquid stacks to older non-liquid profiles (for the better in my case), but the manual addendum seems to imply that it should sound the same as long as the EQ knobs stay at neutral positions. Am I misunderstanding that?

    "Changing an Amp Model will not affect the sound of your PROFILE, as long as the controls remain at their original positions."

    So you shouldn't hear changes when you just flip through amp models...

  • Woot!

    I will definitely be taking a look at it this weekend!!!

    Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), I am not gigging right now.

    Great news from Kemper. 10 years ago when I bought my Kemper rack (one of the first off the boat here in the US), I would never have guessed that the company would still be adding value to the product a decade later!

    One of my best purchases EVER!

  • Earlier than expected release.

    So where are the video's from TJ / MBritt / Kemper Official etc.... (?)

    For me ... the only "test" or "comparison" that will matter is someone doing a Liquid Profile fully from scratch ground up using one of the 40 "channels" with their same amp .... and then comparing, say, 10 or so wildly different settings on the real amp to the same wildly different settings in the profile .... if that works .... then we can say C.K has done it again !


  • they already posted videos about liquid profiles some weeks ago

    Yeah ... but they were very "all over the place" and there was no points of reference.

    If L.P is all C.K says it it ... and I'm very inclined to believe him .... we need to see someone doing a Liquid Profile fully from scratch ground up using one of the 40 "channels" with their same amp .... and then comparing, say, 10 or so wildly different settings on the real amp to the same wildly different settings in the profile .... only then will we be able to assess if it is what it is actually claiming to be.

    All the best,


  • Or try it yourself

    Yeah ... but they were very "all over the place" and there was no points of reference.

    If L.P is all C.K says it it ... and I'm very inclined to believe him .... we need to see someone doing a Liquid Profile fully from scratch ground up using one of the 40 "channels" with their same amp .... and then comparing, say, 10 or so wildly different settings on the real amp to the same wildly different settings in the profile .... only then will we be able to assess if it is what it is actually claiming to be.

    All the best,


    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    ā€œLaura want to break the internet? letā€™s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time weā€™ll crank up the air conditioningā€.

  • we need to see someone doing a Liquid Profile fully from scratch ground up using one of the 40 "channels" with their same amp .... and then comparing, say, 10 or so wildly different settings on the real amp to the same wildly different settings in the profile .... only then will we be able to assess if it is what it is actually claiming to be.

    or, you know, you could just play guitar, preferrably using one of the 30+ Liquid Profiles that came with the Public Beta and see how you like 'em ;)

  • Yeah ... but they were very "all over the place" and there was no points of reference.

    If L.P is all C.K says it it ... and I'm very inclined to believe him .... we need to see someone doing a Liquid Profile fully from scratch ground up using one of the 40 "channels" with their same amp .... and then comparing, say, 10 or so wildly different settings on the real amp to the same wildly different settings in the profile .... only then will we be able to assess if it is what it is actually claiming to be.

    All the best,


    Also, be aware users can't create liquid profiles. The instruction I think is to profile in a neutral position, that is all. Kemper provide the LP's and users decide if to apply them or the existing tone controls ( as I understand it).

    I suspect now its out, someone will do a blind test between an amp and LQ...

  • Also, be aware users can't create liquid profiles. The instruction I think is to profile in a neutral position, that is all. Kemper provide the LP's and users decide if to apply them or the existing tone controls ( as I understand it).

    I suspect now its out, someone will do a blind test between an amp and LQ...


    Users can create LPs. There isnā€™t anything ā€˜specialā€™ needed. As long as you know the knob positions when profiling (neutral or otherwise), you can create an LP - or even apply it to an older profile to update.

    The profiling process (the capturing) hasnā€™t changed at all.

  • Huh?

    Users can create LPs. There isnā€™t anything ā€˜specialā€™ needed. As long as you know the knob positions when profiling (neutral or otherwise), you can create an LP - or even apply it to an older profile to update.

    The profiling process (the capturing) hasnā€™t changed at all.

    Can you? To be honest I'm not close enough to it. I though LP's were like speaker imprints, pre loaded by Kemper which you then switch on and choose what profile to apply it to ( hence the requests list of LP's).

    Have I misunderstood?

  • Michael Britt, Guidorist and Rigbusters have released liquid profile rig packs available now on the download page.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    ā€œLaura want to break the internet? letā€™s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time weā€™ll crank up the air conditioningā€.

  • Can you? To be honest I'm not close enough to it. I though LP's were like speaker imprints, pre loaded by Kemper which you then switch on and choose what profile to apply it to ( hence the requests list of LP's).

    Have I misunderstood?

    In one sense, you're right. They're applied in a similar manner to imprints as you describe.

    If you know the knob positions used during profiling, you can apply LP with the knobs in place and get the same performance as a profile created with neutral settings.

    All the magic is independent of the Profile. That's why people calling for 'ground up' LPs to get the 'real' experience is a complete misnomer.

  • or, you know, you could just play guitar, preferrably using one of the 30+ Liquid Profiles that came with the Public Beta and see how you like 'em ;)

    Hi Don !

    I've been "off" the KPA platform for a few years and when I first learned of L.P's .... and what C.K was saying they were / could do .... my ears immedialty pricked up ... and jumping "back in the water" became a real possibility :)

    Hence why I am awaiting video's / demo's that can show someone doing a Liquid Profile fully from scratch ground up using one of the 40 "channels" with their same amp .... and then comparing, say, 10 or so wildly different settings on the real amp to the same wildly different settings in the profile.


  • In one sense, you're right. They're applied in a similar manner to imprints as you describe.

    If you know the knob positions used during profiling, you can apply LP with the knobs in place and get the same performance as a profile created with neutral settings.

    All the magic is independent of the Profile. That's why people calling for 'ground up' LPs to get the 'real' experience is a complete misnomer.

    I guess that's what I meant - users are not creating anything. They can get a more accurate behavior if they know the knob positions during profiling if not at neutral.

    The suggestion seemed to be for someone to watch a liquid profile created (i.e. the underlying tonestack behaviours)..which Kemper isn't likely to show them creating...

  • Also, be aware users can't create liquid profiles. The instruction I think is to profile in a neutral position, that is all. Kemper provide the LP's and users decide if to apply them or the existing tone controls ( as I understand it).

    I suspect now its out, someone will do a blind test between an amp and LQ...


    Users can create LPs. There isnā€™t anything ā€˜specialā€™ needed. As long as you know the knob positions when profiling (neutral or otherwise), you can create an LP - or even apply it to an older profile to update.

    The profiling process (the capturing) hasnā€™t changed at all.

    It is detailed described in the addendum for the beta

    Can you? To be honest I'm not close enough to it. I though LP's were like speaker imprints, pre loaded by Kemper which you then switch on and choose what profile to apply it to ( hence the requests list of LP's).

    Have I misunderstood?

    Michael Britt, Guidorist and Rigbusters have released liquid profile rig packs available now on the download page.

    This is my understanding based on everything I've read and C.K's i/view with TJ.

    In short:-

    => Kemper have "modeled" [for want of a better word] 40 or so distinct and classic Amp Channels ..... the unique Gain Stacks and unique EQ Stacks

    => using an AC30 as as example

    => if you have an AC30 and you want to make a L.P of it.

    => you do everything you normally do but with one extra step

    => setup + mic up [or D.I or Merge] your AC30

    ** As per the OS 10 Addendum:- " ..... we recommend setting the EQ of your reference amp ..... putting all knobs to their exact noon position leave the PROFILERā€™s EQ parameters in the PROFILING menu at noon position whilst PROFILING, too ..... For [Liquid ] PROFILING, it is preferable to set the gain control of your reference amp to the maximum position.....These unusual settings might not sound all that great, but they are electrically stable and very reproducible for capturing a Liquid Profile. Once the Liquid Profile is done, you can set the controls on the PROFILER to any value while maintaining full authenticity **

    => set your Real Amp EQ all to Noon and the Gain to Full

    => Pull up the onboard Kemper Channel of the AC30 and set its controls the same

    => do and refine you Profile

    => Done

    => according to C.K ... you should/ will now have a L.P that is fully authentic and identical across the full Gain Range and EQ Range of the real Amp

    As a current non-owner ..... two things remain for me before "jumping back in the water"

    a => I want to see some reputable tests / video's demonstrating and comparing the LP different settings to the same settings on the real Amp that was L.P 'ed

    b => if it works as C.K says .... and I hope it does .... surely you only need one well done L.P for each Amp .. assuming that Amp is in the KPA current Channels list (?)


  • Can you? To be honest I'm not close enough to it. I though LP's were like speaker imprints, pre loaded by Kemper which you then switch on and choose what profile to apply it to ( hence the requests list of LP's).

    Have I misunderstood?

    You may have been thinking - correctly - that we can't create our own new tone stacks - we can only choose one of the supplied ones. Otherwise we are free to create profiles and use the new tonestacks to render our own "liquid" profiles - liquid in that they can be operated with the authentic tone and gain controls.

    Edited once, last by Antipodes (August 3, 2023 at 2:44 PM).