Liquid Profiles

  • Getting banned from TGP is nothing noteworthy. People get banned for no good reason other than disagreeing with some moderator. There's a whole new forum started up by people banned from TGP called The Gear Forum. Where everyone seems to get along okay.

    I don't know what the toxicity that you refer to is. I don't see it. Have you ever even logged in and posted there? I think you're letting your prejudices show.

    If you are not seeing it you are not paying attention. I am on here, TGP and the Fractal page all with the same user name. The Fractal fanboys are the meanest I have seen. There are a few on here but they don't reach the level of toxicity that I see over there or TGP.

  • I don't know what the toxicity that you refer to is. I don't see it. Have you ever even logged in and posted there? I think you're letting your prejudices show.

    You can read messages without having an account. It was all over that thread...better reread. Communism and "zero integrity". It was closer to being a Ted Nugent forum.

    Before I bought the Kemper, I was 98% close to buying the Ultra model. I even convinced a friend to get it after I showed him the videos.

    Then, I saw/heard the Kemper and it was night and day difference in warmth. I have the financial means to buy the Axe III, but I stay with the Kemper as it still sounds better.

    I'm not pre-judging anything. I've done my research.

    That was the first time I've been to that forum in years. And nothing has changed as I see.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I got my Kemper almost 10 years ago, and it's still my preferred studio tool. Great update. Them doing stuff like this makes me totally ok with buying another updated hardware unit if there's ever a Kemper 2, because I'll trust them to design a great piece of hardware to last me as long as the original one, updates included. I don't really see the need though, I have pretty much all my bases covered by the current gen.

  • I got my Kemper almost 10 years ago, and it's still my preferred studio tool. Great update. Them doing stuff like this makes me totally ok with buying another updated hardware unit if there's ever a Kemper 2, because I'll trust them to design a great piece of hardware to last me as long as the original one, updates included. I don't really see the need though, I have pretty much all my bases covered by the current gen.

    True shit right there :thumbup:I too bought the Kemper, when it was released and I’ve had it ever since. I’ve never owned a piece of gear this long and on top of that still being amongst the best in the field. I too would trust the company and buying a hypothetical 2. edition in an instant. But will that ever happen? I’m uncertain.

  • I have a couple of Fractal units as well as a Kemper stage. I just don't get the fanboy anger. It is much more prevalent on that forum than it is on this one. It is okay to like what you like. I use these units for different purposes. I have likes and dislikes about all of them.

    I think it is just people needing to feel like they are part of something bigger or to justify what they spent their money on. I think if those people actually got out of the house and made some real friends instead of thinking people online are their real friends it would do them good.

    I don’t get the salt either? Theres very little bashing of other products on here like what's going on over there! As for the patent violation, after looking at that patent linked in here, its not remotely valid.

    Everyone has their own preferences, then theres the confirmation bias. I bought the Kemper without trying any of the others because i thought it suited me best, all the current offerings around the place sound great in a mix, any differences should be easily tuned out with minor eq tweaks. The overall feature set , build quality and support is what sold me on the Kemper and have all exceeded my expectations.

    I never rubbish any other units abilities because ive not used them, the only thing i will question is the build quality. Kemper build quality is outstanding, the floor remote should be registered as a deadly weapon its built so well!

  • Folks, it looks like to me that some of you are participating the same sort of fanboy anger that you are accusing the Fractal Forum members of. If Cliff believes that Kemper is infringing on his patent then it is within his rights to litigate it in a court of law. Kemper has the same rights. It has nothing to do with any of the end users of Fractal or Kemper whatsoever.

    This which is better nonsense should stop. I own Fractal, Kemper, and Helix gear and in the long run it doesn’t really make much difference. They are all good in their own way. Any of them are just another piece of hardware and patent issues between these companies shouldn’t matter to us one bit.

    Let it go; it isn’t worth all the angst and negativity.

    I agree but if he doesn't intend to actually litigate then his accusations are childish and not helpful.

  • I agree but if he doesn't intend to actually litigate then his accusations are childish and not helpful.

    Is it a real thing? Has the team behind Fractal said this publicly? And can Fractal own rights to modeling? It has been there from before, they did their first product. Line6, Boss and so on all did modeling way before Fractal. But I guess it’s a specific code or something, which differs from all other modeling codes like profiling apparently differs from modeling. But plenty seem to use the profiling procedure in their products as well. So it might be a difficult thing to claim apparently.

  • Is there any information about the "when"? No impatience here but man... these next update news make me want to dance.

    When is as vague as anything....."Soon..."

    I believe TJ suggested USB audio first, then others rolling out over a short period. Dropping all of the updates at once is a recipe for a lot of bugs (of which there always are) all at once.

  • I suspect we can see a TJ pack coming soon (in rig manager like the others) or perhaps he is the guniea-pig for the new market place. Makes sense that kemper and tonejunkie both benefit from this exclusive announcement.

    Btw, was he really christened “Haych Jay” :P ( anyone know what the H & J stand for?)

    Also (did anyone else think this)

    This also makes plausable reason why the EQ button was renedered useless several upgrades ago. They were holding out for the new tone stack, which i assume will go in the EQ slot

    Being an upside for all the Toaster and Rack Owners. Might be more fiddly for the stage owners to get access to this new feature.

    Is USB recording unilateral or am I able to use the high end headphone out of the KPA whilst recording? Problem is I do not own monitors so my focusrite would still be needed anyway and therefore I still could carry on using spidf…

  • Being an upside for all the Toaster and Rack Owners. Might be more fiddly for the stage owners to get access to this new feature.

    Is USB recording unilateral or am I able to use the high end headphone out of the KPA whilst recording? Problem is I do not own monitors so my focusrite would still be needed anyway and therefore I still could carry on using spidf…

    The KPA routes audio out from multiple outputs simultaneously - from the main XLRs, from the TS outputs, from SPDIF, from the headphone out and from the send(s) and you can set what volume each of these outputs gets and which mix in the Output section. I would expect that the USB output will just be additional digital outputs like SPDIF and you will be able to set what signals are sent and what levels.

  • Is USB recording unilateral or am I able to use the high end headphone out of the KPA whilst recording? Problem is I do not own monitors so my focusrite would still be needed anyway and therefore I still could carry on using spidf…

    I think it would go both ways, like a full audio interface.

    In any case, you would have the option of direct monitoring your guitar before it goes into the computer. But I assume you are asking about audio coming out of the computer, like the other tracks playing in your DAW.

    In the video, we saw four channels going from the Kemper into the computer. That would be an improvement in itself, as S/PDIF only provides two input channels so you can't combine a stereo signal with an additional DI signal. With four channels of USB audio, you wouldn't have to choose anymore.

    But Christoph Kemper also said in the video he uses the Kemper for recreational listening now, taking advantage of its excellent analog outputs. That would suggest the USB connection is able to receive and convert digital audio from a computer. So, both ways!

    All speculation of course, going from the video! 😀

  • I think it would go both ways, like a full audio interface.

    In any case, you would have the option of direct monitoring your guitar before it goes into the computer. But I assume you are asking about audio coming out of the computer, like the other tracks playing in your DAW.

    In the video, we saw four channels going from the Kemper into the computer. That would be an improvement in itself, as S/PDIF only provides two input channels so you can't combine a stereo signal with an additional DI signal. With four channels of USB audio, you wouldn't have to choose anymore.

    But Christoph Kemper also said in the video he uses the Kemper for recreational listening now, taking advantage of its excellent analog outputs. That would suggest the USB connection is able to receive and convert digital audio from a computer. So, both ways!

    All speculation of course, going from the video! 😀

    I would expect the same - this two way traffic on the USB interface is necessary for ReAmping via USB of course.