Prob Selling my Kemper.

  • Do a factory reset if your unit is 2nd hand.

    Also, if you're used to playing through a cab, you're going to be a bit disappointed with the sound of the Kemper. It's a mic'ed up sound, not an amp in the room sound. Although you can make tweaks to get it close.

    Go through the factory presets, theres some really good ones on there. Avoid the Rig Exchange for now. Get some good headphones and listen via the headphone out on the Kemper. To me this is the best sounding solution to jam through the Kemper. Turn up the 'Space' parameter a little bit once you've found a profile you like. That'll give it the amp in the room sound a little more.

    Tweak it a little bit. But only small amounts with the gain, bass, mid and treble controls.

    The Definition control is very powerful too.

  • Both Just know its a profiler not a muti effects Makes my Fender Twin 57 Twin Tweed.. Not sound good KJ

    I am guessing you do not natively speak english. I am not sure what you are trying to say here. I would like to offer any help I can but not sure what you need.

    The Kemper is a profiler AND multi effects unit.

    Your words sound like you are plugging the Kemper into your Fender amp? This will probably not sound good unless you put the Kemper in the effects loop. The Fender Pre Amp section will ruin what ever tone you are getting from the Kemper.

    Kemper is best thru a FRFR speaker system. It is designed to be plugged directly into a PA. which is basically a very large FRFR.

  • Plugging directly into the front of your Twin isn't going to sound good at all because you are layering the sound of another amp on top of your Twin's signature sound. The profiler is both an effects and amp all by itself and only needs a power amp to work.

  • Been 2 months. Im a player not a tweaker. Profiler never worked. Not a happy guy. Plug straight in ..make it happen KJ

    I'm 62 and always played through awesome amps I have been very lucky. I haven't found a way to make the Kemper feel like the real thing at high volume but in the studio for recording/practice through my Yamaha monitors its heaven. Morgan AC20 by rmpacheco is my favourite sound I play it for hours and hours every day, maybe it will work for you. I remember in the beginning I was spending more time playing the Kemper and less time playing guitar but now that the novelty has passed its back to business as usual. Good luck finding heaven, I did, I call it Kemper.

    PS. I still love playing through my guitar amplifiers but in the studio the Kemper wins for me.

  • Assuming you are not just making a statement and want some help, you need to give more information on the issue.

    In the absence of that, a couple of comments pointers from me:

    1) I am also not a tweaker and the Kemper does not need much tweaking in my opinion IF your monitor set up is OK and your profiles are good. My philosophy is try profiles of amps you know you like, try them, if don't sound any good, move on. Do not try to make a duff profile sound good.

    2) Monitoring - I do not believe in using the Kemper like an effects unit so I do not run it through a valve power amp or combo. This muddles the signal chain IMO. Some people do this successfully, but it could be part of the problem.

    3) The Kemper sounds great (not me saying that but countless professionals who I imagine are as discerning as you) so it's definitely something in your set up. Start with headphones to see if there are sounds that you like. If there aren't then yes the KPA might not be for you...

    Hope that is of some help.

  • Not a tweaker? Nor am I, but you can't treat the Profiler exactly as you would your tube amp. If that's how you're going to approach using it, then yeah....poor results. It does take a little time to sort out which controls do what you want.

  • My friend, Ive made one post here in the last year and it was to say how I’m a tube amp guy from way back and definitely like to keep it simple. I don’t tweak. I just put on the couple of effects I need and play. My post was to praise the Kemper for being the best guitar related product since electricity. I’m wouldn’t make a judgement this quickly and also don’t base your opinions on the factory presets. I was also underwhelmed at first but after finding the right profiles for me (MBritt in my case), I am getting the best, most consistent tones of my life and I’ve had some nice amps. I play live weekly and have for 20 years.
    I would say, it was a sizable investment. Don’t give up yet. Put a little time into it NOW and then you’ll enjoy the consistency of tone in the future. Good luck.

  • Great to hear! When I start to doubt the Kemper I just watch TV. Because most bands I see are using a Kemper. That tells me the thing works.

    Most of the problems people have is not Kemper related but how they are listening to the Kemper. Speakers and even clean amplifiers will change the sound. Running in the front of an amplifier will destroy the tone completely.

    I run my Kemper thru studio monitors and a stereo receiver. The nice flat receiver would change the tone depending on how hard I was driving the amp. Got a new receiver and now its sounds amazing.

    Cheers and good luck!

  • After reading comments Not giving up. Think Ill read the manual throughly do a factory reset and learn kj

    Just to reiterate, for me the Kemper isn't about endless tweaking. Get the base set up right and it should be plug and play - much closer to a regular amp than many other units.

    I do virtually no tweaking or tricksey stuff, just powered Kemper into Kabinet controlled by remote, mbritt/big hairy profiles, drizzle of effects and done.

    And just to add - its a total, and I mean total, revelation live. I plug 3 leads in, hit a chord, sound engineer goes " yep got it" and that's me set up and sound checked!

    So start simple is my advice.....