What do yall do to keep it interesting?

  • *Not for those who are and have been happy with their tones that tend to stick with what they love.*

    I get bored sometimes and I will try all kinds of things to see if I can get new and exciting tones.

    What kind of things have you found that are different from the usual tight boosted high gain, overdriven edge of breakup, lightly compressed cleans, stacked overdives and fuzzes?

    Tube bias?

    Tube shape?

    Other amp parameters?


    Cab character?

  • For me it’s learning something new. Watching a Danny Gatton video and figuring out (as best one can) something that grabs me.

    Or something Alex Lifeson did in some obscure Rush track. His stuff is never boring.

    As for sounds….I find Profiles I like and tend to stick with them.

  • I like to play with modulation, exotic delays , trying other kind of profiles almost always end in going back to my favorite profiles. I had a lots of fun with octaved basses last month , and made an EP out of it.

    Best way to get out of getting bored is to play on my rhodes , arturia soft synths ( especially arpegiators , pads & leads ) , and go back to singing and backing vocals for a change.

    I also listen to the classics , Hendrix , Chet Baker , Joni Mitchell , these people are on such a spiritual level that it always get my confidence back into music, again.

    I'll attend to live shows as well to see real musicians on stage.

    I also get into theory once a month , to expand harmony possibilities and progress.

  • I normally have no time to get bored, if and when it happens, then I pick a sound that I would normally not use and try to build a track where it fits. Just to push myself outside the comfort zone.

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • I never get bored. But sometimes I get the stuck in a rut. Something that can happen to all of us. Doesn't happen very often. But be pragmatic and use whatever helps.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • dress up as a traffic warden and hide in the wardrobe... oops wrong forum..

    Glad to see another comedian on here even though your jokes are as flat as an unplugged EQ. ;)

    BTW, besides my first comment, looking at videos can be very inspiring. Anything like theory, practice techniques, tone chasing videos, etc are always helpful.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Since I enjoy making profiles a little more than playing, I do that 8) In fact I keep buying stuff so I can profile it. Just got a Katana in this week.

    But my thing to do is go nuts on the echo. Throw a ton of echo on it and envision myself on the edge of a cliff wailing away.

    Throw a lower octaver on there and now you have a whole rhythm section going to town.

    Since you mentioned profile tweaking I will play with:

    Clean-Breakup: Sag, Clarity, Comp Stomp before amp, treble Booster after amp.

    High Gain: GEQ before gate, Tube Shape, Clarity, Mix, OCD Pedal + Comp before amp,SEQ after amp, fast Verb for in the room sound.

    Watch a Guthrie Govan or Tim Henson video. Those guys will show you that you have spent too much time in the pentatonic world. I usually watch Herman Li on Twitch.

  • Sure, but why would anyone play the same notes the same way? The guitar is a nearly unlimited puzzle. Being bored kinda implies that one has it all figured out.

    Sorry to get off topic as the OP was about tone.

    Lemme ask you how long have you been playing guitar?

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Sure, but why would anyone play the same notes the same way? The guitar is a nearly unlimited puzzle. Being bored kinda implies that one has it all figured out.

    When you are learning a new song you play the same notes the same way over and over again until muscle memory kicks in. This can be boring. The same is true for playing a cover song over and over again. Very boring. Learning to do things differently, swapping up songs, techniques, etc. makes things exciting. I equate boredom as one being in their comfort zone. I am guilty of it too. Best to get uncomfortable and try something new. This could mean, for the OP, to try a setting he has never used and tweak it the opposite way everyone else does to see what happens.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited 2 times, last by BayouTexan (December 6, 2022 at 2:59 AM).