In ear monitors

  • I am relatively new to the kemper world and i know the answer is always …. Read the manual ! But when i hear my tone in my in ears it sounds terrible but sounds great through monitors kab or both … anyone got any ideas ? Its hard to throw down when you aint got your tone right

  • Dneufeld5150 We still need to understand the environment.

    Is any monitor mix from mixing desk involved fed into the Aux In of the PROFILER?

    Or are you monitoring your guitar signal straight via in ears plugged into HEADPHONE OUT?

    Or are you mixing both? Is the guitar also in the monitor mix returned by the mixing desk? This could introduce phase issues.

  • I want the Aux In function to be used to feed in a band monitor mix from a mixing desk, mix it locally with the guitar signal and, monitor the sum via in-ear monitors connected to the HEADPHONE output.

    Is there a way to EQ the headphone mix and not the MAIN out?

  • No. I do exactly what you are thinking. Do it 3 times a week. Headphone out goes to my in ear transmitter. Then using the Output > Aux In Level knob, I can back down or up the mix coming from the monitor has zero bass in the mix, as the bass comes internally from the Kemper of course.

    It works great. I just wish the Rack kemper had both duplicate input and headphone out jacks on the back...I have to run cables up front and down under the Kemper to get to the rear of the rack. When using all the ins and outs, there's no choice. A true input and headphone clone in the back would rule.

    I would LOVE another EQ to use just for the headphones. It would solve a problem I have with getting my in ears dialed in without touching the XLR out to the FOH or the Monitor out that goes to my stage amp. But I've learned to deal with it. I'm a bass player only, and I need some heavy bass in my ears to make me groove.

  • Guitars can sound REALLY good through an IEM system but you have to invest some serious money.

    While a Harley Benton cab with a Celestion V30 will sound pretty decent for a price of about 100 quid an IEM system (and I'm only speaking of the earphones, not the transmitter/receiver system which is yet another story) with a decent quality starts at about 500 quid upwards.

  • I agree with Ruefus and Ingolf - guitars can sound REALLY good through IEM. Better than outloud I dare say, and safer for your ears long term.

    I bought a Sennheiser IEM EW 300 G3 about a decade ago to hook up to my mixer, and it's been a reliable workhorse. My kid bought a $300 IEM system off Amazon recently, and it's really hard here to tell the difference in sound quality between the two. We all use $50 earbuds from Amazon that exceptional sounding for the price, and I sell them in my studio for musicians who come without their own earbuds.

    Of course an IEM is only a set of speakers ultimately, so how the sound is mixed going into the IEM is probably the most important thing ;) Mixing Kempers is not much different than mixing a mic'd isolated cab.

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  • TBH I have decent IEM's ( Ultimate ears pro 7's) and I struggle getting a great sound. The sound is certainly different and perhaps I need to look at e.q. but I think there is an element of they sound different and you have to get used to them..

  • I'm a bass player, and run a mono feed to our mixer. But I get full stereo in my IEM, and it sounds like a CD playing back (any of you young guns even know that sound? LOL). My guitar player uses a Fractal FM9 and before that a Boss whatever, and I get some huge sounding guitars. I went from Shure 535 stock in ears, to a set of fully custom Sensaphonics 3Max ($1300) and I'm loving it. Just using a stock Shure PSM300 system. I'm assuming most people use stereo? I had to use a mono feed once at practice and it was not nearly as good.

  • I have a set of cosmic ears which need a small adjustment to make the seal really close. If the seal is not right your in ears will not sound amazing. Our monitoring is in stereo from a Behringer X32 rack with adjustments for 5 stereo monitors. KPA has always sounded amazing but sometimes it’s like your ear is very close to the Center of the speaker cab. Funnily enough after 8 years, I played about with some impulse responses to great effect

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • I have a set of cosmic ears which need a small adjustment to make the seal really close. If the seal is not right your in ears will not sound amazing.

    This is right, the IEMs need to be absolutely sealed, otherwise nearly all mids and bass escape through the air. You have to push them in deep.

    I have InEar StageDiver SD4s and really like them.