What would be your killer feature for a Kemper 2 ?

  • I wonder how many people actually buy a powered Kemper these days. There are a lot of bands using in ears and a silent stage. Maybe when the Stage came out, this showed us the trend by not including this option?


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I wonder how many people actually buy a powered Kemper these days. There are a lot of bands using in ears and a silent stage. Maybe when the Stage came out, this showed us the trend by not including this option?

    If I was buying new today I would still buy the Powered Kemper although I may opt for the rack version instead of my toaster (even though the toaster is a design classic in my eyes). I’m not a fan of the pedalboard form factor with all cabling and power to the front of stage.

  • If I was buying new today I would still buy the Powered Kemper although I may opt for the rack version instead of my toaster (even though the toaster is a design classic in my eyes). I’m not a fan of the pedalboard form factor with all cabling and power to the front of stage.

    The contradiction to that is the increase in festivals.

    For me its quicker with a power rack to use the provided cabs, even though I still go direct, but I agree there is less need as more venues get used to digital devices and therefore feeding guitars back via the monitors..

  • If I was buying new today I would still buy the Powered Kemper although I may opt for the rack version instead of my toaster (even though the toaster is a design classic in my eyes). I’m not a fan of the pedalboard form factor with all cabling and power to the front of stage.

    I agree with you on the design classic being the toaster, but I had to get a rack for touring.

    It would be interesting to know the percentage of powered Kemper sold in recent years and what the reasons were for not selling a powered Stage.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I agree with you on the design classic being the toaster, but I had to get a rack for touring.

    It would be interesting to know the percentage of powered Kemper sold in recent years and what the reasons were for not selling a powered Stage.

    I’m not sure about the numbers but a powered stage seems to make less sense to me than the other powered versions. The cabinet would normally be a reasonably large distance from the amp in that case. I would think that it is better to send balanced audio signals over the longer cable run rather than unshielded speaker level signals but I could be wrong.

  • I guess many will love a powered Stage in the Remote format with only basic controls like vol, gain, bas , mid treble (accepting that detailed tweaks can be made by phone/pc) and a larger looper (eg 60 min).

    This would very convenient and ultra portable/small for fly gigs and home users. The power should be sufficient for stage speaker/home speaker for monitoring (the rest via FOH).

    For power a nanotube like the Bluamp would be interesting to consider. This is small and we than can all dream of a M Britt like live set up in a flexible and very portable solution.

  • I guess many will love a powered Stage in the Remote format with only basic controls like vol, gain, bas , mid treble (accepting that detailed tweaks can be made by phone/pc) and a larger looper (eg 60 min).

    This would very convenient and ultra portable/small for fly gigs and home users. The power should be sufficient for stage speaker/home speaker for monitoring (the rest via FOH).

    For power a nanotube like the Bluamp would be interesting to consider. This is small and we than can all dream of a M Britt like live set up in a flexible and very portable solution.

    Hmm, for me they have it covered with the powered Kabinet.

    There seems little advantage of having the power amp in the stage/front of stage, better to be as close to the speaker cab as possible - hence built in to the powered Kabinet.

    I have bought the Blackstar Amped 3 for rehearsals and its great but I will have to try to source a long speaker cable, otherwise Im on top of the speaker!

  • Hmm, for me they have it covered with the powered Kabinet.

    There seems little advantage of having the power amp in the stage/front of stage, better to be as close to the speaker cab as possible - hence built in to the powered Kabinet.

    I have bought the Blackstar Amped 3 for rehearsals and its great but I will have to try to source a long speaker cable, otherwise Im on top of the speaker!

    My thoughts exactly.

    The powered Kabinet is specifically designed to sound good with the KPA. While you can easily get good sound from a power amp and a cab of choice (although the cab will likely color all your rigs to the point where specific rigs will be needed for each cab you use). Depending on the cab, you may get coloring that over-flavors your rigs. My VHT cabs (both the 2x12 fat bottom and 4x12 slant top) do this to such an extent that it makes all rigs have that specific "flavor" added.

    I could have worked to rid the setup from that "flavoring", but I found it easier to just use a FRFR speaker that accurately reproduced the KPA output (made this call in the first week of having my KPA in 2013). If I had it to do today, I would have purchased the powered Kabinet for my stage monitor for those times when I am not using my own systems IEM's OR I am jamming with another band that uses stage monitors vs IEM's.

    FWIW, I think you need a physical monitor on stage if you need resonant feedback. IEM's are find for your monitoring of what you are playing, but only air movement will get your strings resonating.

  • What I'd like to see:

    • Freedom to place fx slots before and after the Amp module;
    • Quantization on the looper
    • At least double capacity on looping time
    • An octaver to be applied on some strings only (other brands already do this)
    • A synth module
    • Clear specifications about a rig being Studio, DI, Merged, Liquid
    • More filtering options for the rigs, the amps and the cabs (Merged, DI, Studio, Liquid) in Browser mode

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • What I'd like to see:

    • Quantization on the looper

    All good ones for me too, but ESPECIALLY this one. Maybe you looper pro's can make a perfect loop on the first try, but for the rest of us, a little quantization would make it actually useable live.

    I can use it at home, in a situation where if I botch a loop, I can just start over; however, for a live application getting it right even 2 out of 3 isn't anywhere near close enough for a live performance (I might be able to live with 95 out of 100 for a live performance, but even then, not good).

    There is always the case for just shelling out the $$$ for the Boss RC600 (really only a little more expensive than the Kemper Remote), but I only want it for a 2 or 3 songs for solo performances, so I don't really want to deal with another large foot controller with a more complex live setup (love my KPA rack and FC for ease of live setup).

  • A touch screen,

    built in class a/b solid state stereo power amp

    A blocked grid layout for advanced routing with option for simple signal chain layout and enough power to have at least 1 of every effect type

    This is exactly the problem for Kemper; everyone wants something different.

    I'd settle for no screen with just a volume control and Kemper logo on the front, which would bring down production costs. It could still have all the ins and outs on the back. That way we could get it into a 1u rack and control from a phone or computer.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • This is exactly the problem for Kemper; everyone wants something different.

    I'd settle for no screen with just a volume control and Kemper logo on the front, which would bring down production costs. It could still have all the ins and outs on the back. That way we could get it into a 1u rack and control from a phone or computer.

    I think a modular design could cater for many different wishes. It would also make it possible to change configuration along the way without replacing the entire unit. For rack-mount there could be a 1U main unit with a minimal display, I/O and a few knobs, then a 1U display-unit with a pop-out-fold-up larger touchscreen for editing and a separate 1U poweramp. The main unit would be the only mandatory component, everything else optional. I.e drop the screen-module if you use an external editor. Drop the power-amp if you have powered monitoring-gear.

    For me however the biggest reason to upgrade at this point would be more powerful hardware to enable near zero-latency switching (at least) within a performance and eliminate some of the sluggishness in the UI. Boot should be done in 5 sec max.

    Edited once, last by heldal (September 20, 2023 at 10:50 PM).

  • I think a modular design could cater for many different wishes. It would also make it possible to change configuration along the way without replacing the entire unit. For rack-mount there could be a 1U main unit with a minimal display, I/O and a few knobs, then a 1U display-unit with a pop-out-fold-up larger touchscreen for editing and a separate 1U poweramp. For me however the biggest reason to upgrade at this point would be more powerful hardware to enable near zero-latency switching (at least) within a performance and eliminate some of the sluggishness in the UI. Boot should be done in 5 sec max.

    Ahh, now...you see, that's the problem...even modular designs require development effort. I would argue that what you are requesting is exactly the opposite of what karlic was suggesting, which is less is more...in other words, I'd prefer a unit without pop up screens for a cheaper price or development effort put into better base sound rather than, say, dual amps....

    Really fast boot up times are great but not essential. It takes me longer to put my guitar on and hence a bit pointless IMO. I also have no issue with the current latency in switching, perfectly useable live...

    But we are all different :)

  • I use to turn on my amps 1/2 hour before gig time so the tubes would be nice and toasty. I really don't have a problem with how long Kemper takes to boot up.

    I would much rather see a tuner and a metronome included in rig manager than faster boot up times. I know I get all that in my daw. I think it would be a nice touch for the practicing musician.

  • I don't want to be nasty but the subject is about a Kemper 2, meaning : what would you buy it for ? What you would pay 1500€ for ?

    I'm in paradise with my stage and it's really tricky to answer this question....

    I see a lot of Rig manager/Profiler software requirements.... Kemper has proved that they can make evolved their product without creating a new one ( <3, my best regards sire Christophe :thumbup: ) , the only question is what will be the limit.

    Some want a new embelished one.... A new screen,etc... I bought my stage and since day one it was already old fashioned. :rolleyes: ?(

    But i like that, it makes me think of poeple who looks old when they're young , they seem to stay the same ^^ ....

    At the begining, i had to do all the settings on the device itself and Rig manager has evolved and we could do them on the PC, now i can do them on an ipad too (i'm really impatient to have it on android ;) )... If i want a beautifull touchscreen, i just have to buy a new 150/200€ tab....And i don't need to bend down to reach this hypothetic beautiful touch screen....

    I see two reasons to launch a new product :

    - A cheaper/lighter "Profiler" (the term should change cause, imo, one thing it won't be able to do is profiling), it could be a good thing to have a cheaper backup.....The question is what to get rid of ? I could be interested in this solution....I wondered if i should buy another used Profiler, but for my use, it would be a luxury backup solution just in case....

    - A much more complex solution ; two parallel paths, with 2 amps/cabs at the same time, 16 blocks pre and post Stack.... I won't buy it cause i don't need it but i can understand some could be interested in that. I don't want to see a so important solution coming on my stage cause i imagine the hardware ergomic will be very complex too....

  • I would like the device to communicate with the daw in order to recall profile settings later, or simply to export the 6kb (current state/settings) profile to the project folder.

    Anyhow, maybe off topic, but I think that after putting feelers out a couple of years ago, the CK team is quietly experimenting behind the scenes with new/extended morph implementation and it'll be one of those things where they drop it unexpectedly while everyone is clambering and whining about something completely different that they wish the Kemper would do, and of course the new morph blows everyone's minds.

    Sorry to be that guy, but ever since owning the Kemper, finally coming up on ten years (?!?!?) in December, recording gigging (earning back its full cost in the first week it arrived), and despite thinking of myself as a tone snob, I have basically rolled with what's been on offer on the device, and never had a problem with tones I wanted to get or reliability. The convenience versus my vintage or boutique gear has always been fantastic, with way less hiccups than the basically great traditional gear.

    I guess what I'm saying is .. ugggh .. the evolution of the device, based on ck and the rest of the company's inspirations fetishes discussions with insider pros etc etc.. has always delivered sweet old school tones combined with novel, musical, Kemper-centric advances that no one on the internet knew they needed or wanted before the device put it on the table.

    Kemper 2? Who knows, but if it happens, I'm hoping it's about a whole range of features that the internet peanut gallery (including me) never even thought of.