How many here play live vs. do not play live?

  • Do you play live / gig? 99

    1. Yes. (76) 77%
    2. No, I use the Kemper strictly for recording, home use, as a hobby, etc. (23) 23%

    Do you play live (or did you play live before the pandemic)? Or do you strictly record, play at home, are a hobbyist, etc? By "play live", I'm referring to people who've recently and regularly performed live, not someone who's played live a couple of times or used to play live years ago.

    Edited 2 times, last by ColdFrixion (February 28, 2021 at 9:32 AM).

  • For so many reasons, this poll will never give you a representative result. Not even a representative result of the forum members, let alone from Kemper owners in general.

    When I play live and not use the Kemper I can still vote yes?

    A pro studio owner has to vote in the "play at home, hobby" category, right? Even if some of his profiles are used live by others.

    If someone has played live (with or without Kemper?) a few years ago or has a small "gig" once a year - maybe he thinks he is a gigging artist ?

    What if just more live players feel addressed by the wording of your question?


    Edited 2 times, last by Ibot39 (February 28, 2021 at 9:21 AM).

  • I'm talking about people who've recently (and regularly) played live or had to stop playing live regularly due to the pandemic. I'm not talking about people who've played live once or twice or who used to play live regularly years ago. If you record but also regularly play live, then you still qualify as someone who plays live.

  • I use my stage live FOH as my only amp and effects as well as for recording and practice. Much easier to pack around... the older I get any trade off is worth not having to lug a ton a gear around (and I get more positive comments on my tone than ever).

  • I play almost exclusively live as a hobbyist ( i.e. I have another job to pay the bills).

    I also do a bit of home recording for fun but don;t use my KPA purely because of the hassle of getting it out,. I just use Amplitube ( which isn't great but good enough)...

  • Right now with the is actually not a very clever thing to ask..I know many (many,many) musicians which will react a little bit grumpy to this question dear ColdFrixion ..

    When ever this pandemic ends it will continue to remain a "tough question" about what societies will do with the last remaining "live events" and people coming together having just fun..for a long time.. so many places a closing down right now..and most of these will not reopen.

    Actually me personally and a lots of other folks I know..still trying to find a way to set up these online jamming/recording stuff.

    Is there hope that G5 will help with this?

  • Right now with the is actually not a very clever thing to ask..I know many (many,many) musicians which will react a little bit grumpy to this question dear ColdFrixion ..

    When ever this pandemic ends it will continue to remain a "tough question" about what societies will do with the last remaining "live events" and people coming together having just fun..for a long time.. so many places a closing down right now..and most of these will not reopen.

    Actually me personally and a lots of other folks I know..still trying to find a way to set up these online jamming/recording stuff.

    Is there hope that G5 will help with this?

    I think it does depend on where you the UK, there is hope that things are easing due to the vaccination programme and as a result venues and bands are starting to book gigs. We have gigs in the diary from about June this year...we even played some in October last year with social distancing rules/outside.

    I also think that things will recover, to me its not a question of "if" but "when". Venues are driven by demand. I would expect as some people have got out of the habit of going to see live bands that audiences might drop a bit the demand will still be there. We have lost venues but new ones will rise from the ashes...I'm convinced of this.

  • ColdFrixion

    We're into the 14 month my friend..and while our governments have decided that absolutely everything (and most of all banks which take 0% free trillions from the central banks to play it on the stock and financial markets) is more important and worth billions and trillions of €/$ there is not a cent for artists and arts in general.Not easy not to fall into "drama mode".S9 sorry for me sounding harsh on this..


    Things are not easy.It was already very difficult to be a "venue owner" since many years and all thus took heavy blows every few years but things went not to bad before the pandemic.Here were I live we had so many venues and small places to was not bad..

    But all these places did not pay anything during the lockdown(rent,tax etc) and from what I know most of these venues will or are already closed.

    For sure if this pandemic ends things will start again.Letsbhope for the best.

    Btw..5G..will it help for online stuff?Latency etc?

  • @V8

    Things are not easy.It was already very difficult to be a "venue owner" since many years and all thus took heavy blows every few years but things went not to bad before the pandemic.Here were I live we had so many venues and small places to was not bad..

    But all these places did not pay anything during the lockdown(rent,tax etc) and from what I know most of these venues will or are already closed.

    For sure if this pandemic ends things will start again.Letsbhope for the best.

    Btw..5G..will it help for online stuff?Latency etc?

    I totally hear you and not suggesting all is rosey.

    Whilst I think there has been a general decline in live music over the decades, year on year I think its cyclic and live music still has some pull with crowds. In the UK I've seen the increase in festivals, not just the big band festivals but lower level festivals for regular bands.]

    Definitely lost some venues and they have not had an easy time and venues and bands need to now work together. As one venue owner said to me, the days of "only blue M+M's" are over as bands are desperate to play and venues can't afford to pay big bucks.

    Market forces will play out...demand will create opportunities. I can;t see the demand will drop significantly as a result of lock down, once sanctions are eased. There will definitely be an initial blip increase in interest as people want to get back out.

    I'm optimistic that people will want to hear live music still. Online is not the same as standing in front of a sweaty, smelly, beer swilling band :)

    Keep the faith!

    5G - could help I suppose although its probably not about bandwidth but "hops" in any network probably has a bigger effect on latency?

  • ColdFrixion

    We're into the 14 month my friend..and while our governments have decided that absolutely everything (and most of all banks which take 0% free trillions from the central banks to play it on the stock and financial markets) is more important and worth billions and trillions of €/$ there is not a cent for artists and arts in general.Not easy not to fall into "drama mode".S9 sorry for me sounding harsh on this..

    Okay, but I'm simply specifying what I mean by "live". It's a reference to anyone who gigs or has gigged regularly during (or before) the pandemic.

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (April 1, 2021 at 1:24 PM).