Yes, the idea would involve a good amount of heavy lifting to pull off. With the current RM a lot of pieces are already there to use. We already have a platform that allows the KPA to interact with the computer and allow what is going on to be heard, that piece right there would allow the process to use the computers resources. The application also allows us to interact with the various pieces of the signal chain like the amp. This would not be a case of a ground up design, there are pieces already in place.
As far as my comment about the Stage that is just one more thing they could have held back if a KPA2 was on the radar. Kemper has made itself one of the best units out there because they have not held their innovations back.
I am sure this has been discussed in house before and I have even scene threads requesting, putting it nicely, to have dual amps before. I just wanted to offer a suggestion on how it could be done instead of making noise that it isn't there.
I agree with you that the Kemper is an amazing tool. I have only been on board since 2019 but I love the convenience and amazing tone, even if I do gravitate to only a couple of patches (love the MBritt Dumble). I still check all the time for the newest update to see what new amzing things we are getting. I did think about trading it one time to get the QC but that only lasted a couple of minutes.
At this point I am not sure what else they could add to the Kemper as far as actual audible improvements, we have the fuzz, OD, modulation, tones , what ever it is I look forward to finding out.