Ideas for a Kemper 2 in the future.

  • 4. For the love of whatever deity, hire someone to put tool-tips to describe what every single parameter dial does in Rig Manager. Its text in software, like the cheapest thing. Junior programmer level.

    I have always had a textbox on my apps that shows quick help for whatever you are editing (bottom line). RM has space at the bottom for this also. They could expand it.

    Tool-Tips are nice but I get annoyed when you have a lot of controls and they are popping up all the time. So I dumb it down a little.

  • I would like an upgrade to the current version that stops these questions. Impossible, I know.

    CK is an inventor. Unless they come up with another major leap in digital amp technology, I’d guess hanging more or nicer doo-dads on the existing Profiler doesn’t really interest them.


  • I get it. It can be viewed as annoying. In my own defense, I DID search for “Kemper 2” in “topics” and found none, when I made my post.

    With that said. Yes, he’s an inventor for sure. But they’ve already put out several versions, that differs a bit from the first batch regarding certain possibilities. So apparently applying new thing to their already existing product is not an issue. How long would you think, that this will be their strategy? Small adds to their existing product? A power amp, wireless options, a floor version etc.

    When does it make sense to stop that and do a redesign that includes more? When does it make sense to say, “hey guys….we’re putting out a new Kemper 1 with “this small change”….wouldn’t it be smart of us to put a usb connection or whatever in, when we are doing a new version anyway?”. And from that to a complete redesign is not far as I see it.

    As technology improves and their competitors keep developing and embrace the future and customer demands, they will probably “lose” at some point. Perhaps that’s where they stop producing the units and are on to new endeavors. They have forever changing the industry. That’s for sure. I love my Kemper, but I’m not seeing myself using a Kemper in 10 years. Never say never, but in 10 years much has improved and I’m probably on to a new solution. I’ve had my Kemper since release. What’s that? 10 years or close to? I still love it and I’m happy. But in 10 years? What then? I would love a second version, so I could stay a loyal customer. They’ve been totally awesome to me as a customer and they’ve earned my loyalty a long time ago and also made this unit the most value-for-money ever. It’s insane. But once it breaks down, I might look at the competition at that time. I’m not gonna spend that amount of money on such old technology, when a lot of other good stuff is out there. So I am really hoping for a MKII.

  • I’m not gonna spend that amount of money on such old technology, when a lot of other good stuff is out there. So I am really hoping for a MKII.

    I am late to the Kemper party. When I was looking at the Kemper, I was very afraid to pull the trigger because I thought a Kemper 2 may come out at any time. I almost went with a Helix, just because it was newer.

    I think a new unit is something that really needs to be considered. They could be losing sales to people afraid to invest in something that may be obsolete any day now. And those poor people are getting stuck with sub par hardware out of fear 8) Do it for the children.

    I settled on the Stage because it was the newest hardware.

  • I am late to the Kemper party. When I was looking at the Kemper, I was very afraid to pull the trigger because I thought a Kemper 2 may come out at any time. I almost went with a Helix, just because it was newer.

    I think a new unit is something that really needs to be considered. They could be losing sales to people afraid to invest in something that may be obsolete any day now. And those poor people are getting stuck with sub par hardware out of fear 8) Do it for the children.

    I settled on the Stage because it was the newest hardware.

    I think that's partially the point. Some people want it because they need to feel they are up to date, nothing to do with sound quality.

    The KPA isn.t perfect but its the law of dimishing returns, its already very high quality and any changes become less groundbreaking to to the point of " are they worth the money".

    My fear is that CK has done as much as he can and will move onto something not guitar related....but I hope he doesn't.

  • Naaah, I don’t think CK is the kind of person who thinks he has «beaten the game» and it’s time to move on. That is not how a creative mind works. It’s a creative process, not an engineering one.

    That is why we haven’t seen a Kemper 2. Because the hardware has only ONE job: Be a platform for the really important stuff. The software.

    And software development continues to this day. ;) And with software, sky is the limit. Engineering and hardware might be bumps on the road, but creativity is key. One is never «finished» when it comes to creativity. IMO. :saint:

  • I get it. It can be viewed as annoying. In my own defense, I DID search for “Kemper 2” in “topics” and found none, when I made my post.

    With that said. Yes, he’s an inventor for sure. But they’ve already put out several versions, that differs a bit from the first batch regarding certain possibilities. So apparently applying new thing to their already existing product is not an issue. How long would you think, that this will be their strategy? Small adds to their existing product? A power amp, wireless options, a floor version etc.

    When does it make sense to stop that and do a redesign that includes more? When does it make sense to say, “hey guys….we’re putting out a new Kemper 1 with “this small change”….wouldn’t it be smart of us to put a usb connection or whatever in, when we are doing a new version anyway?”. And from that to a complete redesign is not far as I see it.

    As technology improves and their competitors keep developing and embrace the future and customer demands, they will probably “lose” at some point. Perhaps that’s where they stop producing the units and are on to new endeavors. They have forever changing the industry. That’s for sure. I love my Kemper, but I’m not seeing myself using a Kemper in 10 years. Never say never, but in 10 years much has improved and I’m probably on to a new solution. I’ve had my Kemper since release. What’s that? 10 years or close to? I still love it and I’m happy. But in 10 years? What then? I would love a second version, so I could stay a loyal customer. They’ve been totally awesome to me as a customer and they’ve earned my loyalty a long time ago and also made this unit the most value-for-money ever. It’s insane. But once it breaks down, I might look at the competition at that time. I’m not gonna spend that amount of money on such old technology, when a lot of other good stuff is out there. So I am really hoping for a MKII.

    I don't understand your arguments,

    If you own a Kemper, you should like it to last the longer it is possible to. The day K2 will be launched ; used K1 will cost less....

    Other competitors improve(d) their devices with new hardwares (it changes (Line6)) the previous ones were hard to sell at a decent price... No reason to stay with such a brand IMO.....IMO, it's a difficult balance to do. If you launch/change too fast devices, customers won't trust in your sustainability (and will go away cause they fed up with wasting money). If you don't purpose improvments, customers think you don't care about them.

    Small changes ; they purpose 5 différent products following your needs. They've just made grown the product familly during years...

    The Stage is only 3 years and based on the same platform, i assume if a new Head/Rack is replaced (cause they can not do otherwise), they have to do it with the Stage too, no need to say how i/we would be disappointed to see a new stage 4/5 years after its launch....:/:rolleyes:

    Furthermore, the number and importance of great improvments during all these years (just only the 4 last ones) is just huge and gorgeous (and free ;) ). We have the best of both ; the hardware stays and the software evolves...

    I think (i can be wrong) that CK has launched a very well thought device that he gonna push to its limits.

  • That is why we haven’t seen a Kemper 2. Because the hardware has only ONE job: Be a platform for the really important stuff. The software.

    And software development continues to this day. ;) And with software, sky is the limit.

    well said. Obviously, this is true as long as the hardware is still able to run the new software. At some point, the software requirements may exceed the capacity of the hardware but CK has clearly stated many times that the hardware is FAR from reaching its limits. I expect to see many more updates to the existing platform before there is any sign of a KPA2

  • I think that's partially the point. Some people want it because they need to feel they are up to date, nothing to do with sound quality.

    The KPA isn.t perfect but its the law of dimishing returns, its already very high quality and any changes become less groundbreaking to to the point of " are they worth the money".

    My fear is that CK has done as much as he can and will move onto something not guitar related....but I hope he doesn't.

    I have been approaching this question with the same POV as you in the past; however, RosboneMako has a point.

    When consumers select a product in pro audio / musical equipment, they have multiple motivations:

    • Is it the best sounding product?
    • Is it a good value?
    • Will it continue to work?
    • Will it continue to be supported?
    • Does it work in my work flow?
    • Do I feel good using it?

    While I agree that sounding great is a top priority, and that the current KPA does this in spades, one could argue that this has become standard equipment for higher end guitar processors (like power windows for cars).

    Some of the other items, people may be having second guesses with.

    long term support (LTS) is something all developers look for in hardware parts and software libraries/OS versions, etc. Consumers do to .... but almost no companies will let you know how much longer until they will no longer support a product. This isn't done until pretty late in the cycle. I believe a new release KPA2 would eliminate this fear for the foreseeable future and likely is a needed change.

    "Do I feel good using it"? is also a valid motivator. The super cool GUI on all the other guitar processors in this class are a disadvantage for Kemper. There are no 2 ways about it. A KPA2 with a cool color touch screen and some new modern looking buttons and knobs would go a long way to people thinking their KPA was "as cool or more than my buddies __________".

    Personally, I think @CK should leave the base architecture alone so he can continue to support the entire product line with a single release. This would prohibit some of the requests here, but most of them would still be possible. Maybe not n amps, but 2? Add 1 - 2 efx slots pre and post? That kind of thing.

    I personally wouldn't want KPA2 to try to be AxeFX 4, but a more modern look with a few feature upgrades could go a very long way IMO.

    What if a new KPA 2 was introduced

  • ok I got one that if done in their style would be a knockout I think

    Pickup and dirt box profiling that can satisfy fuzz nerds

    Integrate their Virus synth, maybe not full scale and maybe with the addition of unconvential emulated instruments sounds and in a way that doesn't need a special midi pickup or develop an optical midi pickup (I dunno Something like that)

    More effects, dual cabs and or amps blah blah

    Something Something touch screen, wireless Bluetooth built in stereo poweramp etc. Etc.

    Sure it could be pricey but if it can crush everything else then surely people would buy it or figure out how to save up for one even if it was only a couple hundred more than lets say an axe 3 turbo plus footswitch

  • So much we have seen lately regarding AI generated lyrics, music and so forth, i think that in a future kemper 5 or something there will be AI taking all the measurements, maybe not in the box but the kemper connected to AI via a rig manager of sorts.

    A profile made instant and indistiguisable from the original sound presented to the kemper.

    Also with a comment function that makes it capable of taking feedback from you regarding the tone and effects that you want either via text, speak or audio reference like a snippet from a song.

    The future will be interesting :)

    On a more near future note, a kemper 2 should have faster boot time, a choice of buing a profiler or just a smaller "stage" without the profiling capabilities.

    Even more accurate/faster profiling, some synth capabilities as someone mentioned, dual or more amp profiling/mixed profiles, better effects, wifi, and ofc an even more retro look like another old kitchen appliance, maybe a 50`s blender:)

  • I'm 72 , I hope if Kemper releases something, difinitively better, sooner then later. I feel I only have about 8 more yrs of "LIve Playing" left in me

    Here’s hoping that you will live to be the oldest gigging guitarist on earth. And that will live to beat your record eventually :)

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • -Bonjour ,la plus grande amelioration que vous pourier faire probablement sant trop d effort est de fabriquer un driver pour windows ou apple pour faire passer le son par usb comme une carte de son comme excuser-moi line6 helix cet le seul gros defaut de kemper beaucoup de personnes n achette pas kemper pour cette raison:)

  • I think we are saying the same thing, that there are other factors that influence purchase and the perception of buying something that is "old" will be a factor.

    So I think Kemper will need to release a Kemper 2 at some point ( assuming they stay in the market) and will need to respond to the need of "looks shiney" and/or significant sound improvement/functions else they will get accused of rehashing old tech.

    Would I buy it? Answer yes - notice I said that regardless of what it does...because I would fall into that category of wanting to feel I had the latest/best ...I admit, I can be a victim of marketing! More importantly, my view on the Kemper is I have the best so that I can't blame my gear. In other words I give myself the best chance of sounding good, knowing that the majority of sound comes from your fingers anyway!