Ideas for a Kemper 2 in the future.

  • IOW, there's technically no overlap; never are two Profiles "running" simultaneously AFAIK.

    Hello Monkey_Man.

    I know it doesn't run the multiples. I was just suggesting that since each very small rig file must contain enough info for the system to figure out what to do, and rigs load pretty much instantaneously, maybe there could be some way for the system to internally figure out how to merge parts of each in a way to act like a morph crossfade. Probably a bit far-fetched, but then so is the Kemper.:)

  • Hey, not far-fetched at all, mate. I started a thread in which there was a deep discussion about this about 2 1/2 years ago.

    I remember asking for the ability to blend two Rigs to-taste. The idea was along the lines of what you're suggesting, where the "invisible" parameter values of two Profiles could be added or subtracted from one another en-masse, expressed as an overall percentage value of one Rig to another, adjusted to-taste and then saved as a new Profile and subsequently played.

    Not realtime. No RT Morphing involved, just offline combining of two Rigs' Profiles. There'd be a small delay after each adjustment of the percentage value due to said offline combination of data, so at-worst you'd think that that playing whilst adjusting might be a little "skippy".

    The discussion was quite-lengthy but unfortunately we didn't hear from Kemper.

    Just found the thread. Here's my OP. Link follows:

    We know the CPU can't render two Profiles at once. We know Profiles are only a few kb in size.

    Bearing these facts in mind, shouldn't it be possible to load two Profiles into the edit buffer and render a single resultant amp / cab or both based upon an interpolation of the raw (Profiled) data of each? IOW, you choose how much of each DI, Merged or Studio Rig you'd like to hear via a "blend" parameter, and this resultant set of parameters, which would be no different in size or scope than that of a single Rig, could be rendered through the Profile-playback engine... in realtime.

    Further possibilities employing the same principle spring to mind:

    Blending Cabs.

    Awesome possibilities of morph-pedal assignment. The mind boggles!

    Splitting the single blend parameter up into hitherto-unheard-of parameter sets that allow different characteristics of two amps or Cabs to be blended.

    [Insert plethora of imagined possibilities here]

    To recap:

    Profiles are small files that contain a specific set of parameter values determined during the Profiling process.

    I propose that the KPA should in theory be able to be programmed to allow morphing / blending between any two of these sets because it doesn't have to involve rendering two Profiles at once - just a basic, low-CPU-overhead, user-determined blend / interpolation / morph of the raw data that differentiates one Profile from another, just as morphing between two parameter sets within a single effect doesn't require two instances be calculated at the same time. The resultant data values could then be treated as if they represented a "regular" Profile.

    In theory. Unless the K-Team™ has a spanner to throw in the works...

    Amp & Cab Morphing Without the Impossible CPU Hit

    Lokasenna first proposed this, unbeknownst to me when I created that thread, back in 2014 here:

    First mention in 2014

  • ATT: Lightbox.

    I kinda get what you’re saying. But 3-4 processors to profile multiple at the same time and the other things I mention in my first post, hasn’t been done before. Multiple processors will open up for many crazy possibilities. And why not include the stuff, I mentioned instead of leaving them out?

    And then yes....there will be a part of the wishes, which others have made as well. Isn’t that okay to wish for? I mean....Kemper have knobs. Other gear has had knobs for decades. To get to the point....Kemper will also have to feature stuff, that now will be considered as the norm. Yes....phantom power and mic preamp profiles isn’t new as such, but it will be in a “complete machine” like the Kemper 2, has the potential to be. And that’s exactly what I aim at. The potential to be the ultimate recording machine. Like when the first Kemper arrived. It blew everyone away. If they have to do that again and not just find themselves among the masses, they need to take it one step further, if you ask me. The competition is now huge and will only be more intense in the future. So my goal is to get enough ideas pinned down and Kemper maybe looking and seeing the logic in that, the kinda need to take quantum steps to get ahead of their competitors. I believe that have to make “the ultimate machine” for recording next. And yes....that includes stuff that already has been proofed working and taking it a step further. And THAT I don’t see it the way, you do.

    ATT: Monkeyman.

    I didn’t find your post, when searching :/

    Edited once, last by b_ryan (February 9, 2021 at 8:27 AM).

  • If you mean after I posted here, the links follow the blue-highlighted text (the OP from that thread) in post #22.

    If you mean that you didn't see it when checking before creating this thread, that's understandable 'cause it was a specific feature request and titled accordingly.

    But 3-4 processors to profile multiple at the same time...

    I didn't say anything the first time you said this, so I will now that you mention it again:

    I don't get this. Profiling only takes 40 seconds or so, which doesn't afford much time to name the new Rig, let alone create appropriate tagging (metadata), before you move onto Profiling the next mic / EQ / gain position on the amp or whatever in a session.

    Profiling two separate entities would surely only serve to confuse IMHO. Just because it may be technically-possible doesn't mean it's a good idea.

    That said, I like that you're trying to come up with possible features. Good on ya mate.

  • I'm all for everything requested here, selfish or otherwise, as well as anything Kemper can think up that I couldn't imagine. It took me quite a while to convince myself to buy my powered Kemper, but I'm sure I'd be first in line for Kemper 2. I'd mainly be keen on stereo poweramp, parallel amps (novelty maybe?) and parallel cabs/kones (I occasionally play through my kones and HS8's at the same time and it can sound fearsome). If there's any more magic sauce for the profiling process that would be great also ?

  • My vision for the kemper 2 (or the next OS 9.0):

    Go beyond traditional guitar sounds

    My whishes:

    • a separate synth-section stomp or amp module (with footswichable and tapping controlled cutoff, LFOs, TVA, waveforms, arpeggiator e. g.)
    • a Mic in-Input and a real vocoder
    • a natural feedback generator

    In combination with the actual possibilities we could generate some unique sounds no one ever heard before.

    Engage ??

  • Short term (no need for Kemper 2) I'd like to see easily accessible list of presets for FX in the editor. Right now my workflow is opening two instances of the editor and dragging/dropping - not ideal.

    There is even an icon for it already in editor ;) (but it shows effects list instead of preset list for that effect)

    A "double" Kemper with more routing options could be nice.

    What I really want is some sort of profiling of amp's EQ stack, so it reacts close to profiled amp.

    Last but not least, a red version of the lunchbox :)

  • On a new physical Kemper unit for stage, I think having something like a 9v power out to power something like a Shure GLXD16 would be useful. No wall warts allowed on my pedalboards. Testing and using a Volto 3 at the moment. Working fine and does the job. Rather dispense with the need for that.

    Make it much more difficult to hit the up and down switches when selecting the 1 and 2 buttons.

    Software wise, Performance import and export from USB. Since cabin allowance has been reduced on flights, I no longer take my laptop.

    Much longer mono delay.

  • I meant prior to starting the topic. So it makes sense.

    I see your point. If you somehow can do a profiling and combine it with a new profiling and combine that with a new profiling. The amount of processors can be dramatically decreased. It would be a solution that is usable, but it will demand a lot more time to do. You can only hear the one mic at the time and you do a profile. Then you need another profile with another mic in another position and do a profile. By now you have to spend time to judge if it’s good or not. And if you want three mics on a cab (and thereby three profiles in one), then you have to do another profile and judge and see if it goes well with the two others. You might have to do this several times. Instead you can hear it instantly by placing the mics at the same time and a lot faster judge if the overall sound is what you want. And then you can nudge the profiles up and down and eq and what not. A lot easier than doing it one mic at the time. You don’t do that in the studio. This will get you closer to a real studio setup. I cannot see it not making sense. But will I settle for your solution, if the other one isn’t a possibility right now or if the kinda choose to leave something out for a third version in 20 years :D....yes, I would settle for that solution. But that’s not innovative enough imho.

  • Im not visionary enough to think of anything truely ground breaking, but these are my suggestions thinking a bit more out of the box:

    1) Ability to make a full profile of an amp - some how taking readings at all major points so tone controls etc act like the real amp

    2) Profile mics. We have amp profiles and speaker imprints, perhaps mike emulation and moving sound fields

    3) Kemper Amp - at the moment it has no real sound itself. Maybe Kemper create a palate of that contradicts taking the best amps and sounds but the KPA is partially limited by copying those amps. If it had its own sound? Could Kemper using its expertise in sound production create the ultimate Amp? Of course it would have its own controls but in this sense no limit! Its different to modelling which is of course also looking to replicate amps.

    4) Built in wireless option. I'm thinking of minimising set up hassle, plugs etc at gigs. Probably impractical as people have different needs but if they did a bug type ( a pack type as an option but I hate those with a passion!) digital wireless built in....oh mamma!! I love the one stop shop aspect of the KPA

    I know there are problems with those ideas but I think they could be realistic.

    Then the obvious:

    • ability to run multiple profiles
    • More input options/ multi instrument, which could even help with switch guitars live
    • USB audio
    • Backwards compatability!!!!!
    • Wireless link to remote ( remote with built in rechargeable battery)
    • More effect slots pre and post
    • Stereo/dual output power amp

  • Software wise, Performance import and export from USB. Since cabin allowance has been reduced on flights, I no longer take my laptop.

    Wow, I've never noticed that you can only import/export Rigs and Presets but not Performances but just checked it and you are right ?(

    A backup to USB includes the performances though.

  • For adding :

    - XLR for vocal, with effects, mic and preamp profiling usable simultaneously with the amp and other profile section ;

    - At least, 4 parallel effect chains ;

    - Guitar sim or profiling section ;

    - At least, 3 profile sections in one unit ;

    - Overdrive stomp profiles ;

    - PEQ in the output ;

    - Effect like the Digitech freeout ;

    - Effect like the tc elec­tronic Mimiq Dou­bler;

    - Synth effect for guitar ;

    - More parameters to color amp profiles in the amp section ;

    - More colorful comp stomp ;

    - A color screen ;

    - A wider screen ;

    I know, it's a Chrismas list !

  • Kemper is already pretty close to perfection.
    What I'd want in a Kemper 2 is this:

    1.)ability to profile my stomp collection and use that along with my profiled amp in the same rig

    2.)Stereo Power Amp!!! (I run my powered KPA into two 2x12 or two 4x12's)

    3.)faster, snappier response (like the Kemper Stage, which is snappier than the KPA) - especially communication between Remote and KPA

    4.)more sturdy connection between KPA and remote (that flimsy Ethernet cable loves to get stripped)

    5.)USB-C port

    That's it, the Kemper is perfect otherwise! No need for anything else...

  • 1. Same F/X loop I/O and monitor out capabilities in the rack models as the stage model.

    2. Since the factory content 8.0, I am extremely pleased with my 2016 purchase of the Kemper rack. It has allowed me to repeatedly downsize my rig due to the powerful new stomps and effects. All I want now is another Gemini 2 to spread out the sound in wide stereo!

    3. Keep going in the same direction. The Kemper team and community are the best!

  • Probably going to go unnoticed. Big ideas (to me)

    1. Solve the Amp In A Room problem. I get that its different when outputting to recording. but the amp in a room inspires me to create in a major way. Let me hear (and feel) that and let the outputs to recording capture what I play. Like recording with amps.
    2. The interface, from the toaster to Rig Manager, is still techy and obtuse. Think Apple. The Kemper is by far the product I most have to research the manual or tech details. And I have an H9-Pro Max, a Boss RC-10R, etc.
    3. Headphones still don't sound great and I've tried so many high end ones and so many cab sim settings. I can still hear the digital, especially on single note lines. Create the best headphone cab sim and the home studio / home practice world would light on fire. If one could hear a convincing live amp in headphones at 11pm...who knows what people could create.
    4. For the love of whatever deity, hire someone to put tool-tips to describe what every single parameter dial does in Rig Manager. Its text in software, like the cheapest thing. Junior programmer level.

  • Probably going to go unnoticed. Big ideas (to me)

    1. Solve the Amp In A Room problem. I get that its different when outputting to recording. but the amp in a room inspires me to create in a major way. Let me hear (and feel) that and let the outputs to recording capture what I play. Like recording with amps.
    2. The interface, from the toaster to Rig Manager, is still techy and obtuse. Think Apple. The Kemper is by far the product I most have to research the manual or tech details. And I have an H9-Pro Max, a Boss RC-10R, etc.
    3. Headphones still don't sound great and I've tried so many high end ones and so many cab sim settings. I can still hear the digital, especially on single note lines. Create the best headphone cab sim and the home studio / home practice world would light on fire. If one could hear a convincing live amp in headphones at 11pm...who knows what people could create.
    4. For the love of whatever deity, hire someone to put tool-tips to describe what every single parameter dial does in Rig Manager. Its text in software, like the cheapest thing. Junior programmer level.

    1 - already done; Kemper Kone

    2- always room for improvement but they are constantly working on it and tweaking to make it better. Most of the limitations are probably there because the hardware was created before editors were a thing so the hardware was designed to be stand alone. Overlaying an editor often has limitations in these situations. Most of the competitors were all designed with an editor as part of the initial design.

    3 - I’m jot sure what you want here. Most of us find the Kemper headphone out to be one of (if not THE) best headphone sound available.

    4 - no issue with this as long as they can be turned off. Tool tips are annoying and distracting when they keep popping up while working.