I would like the sound gradualy move from the right to the left side of the stereo field and vice versa.
With what effect can i do this ? And how ?
I would like the sound gradualy move from the right to the left side of the stereo field and vice versa.
With what effect can i do this ? And how ?
What is clean compensation ?
Where are slicer and auto pan? It's really disappointing...
No need to have an auto pan, the tremolo stomp does this well.
Remote's switchs can be use to control morph parameter.
Can we set the morphing speed ?
That's it !
I modified all my rigs volumes one by one. - 5dB for each rig. 30 rigs.
What a joy !
I play with one performance per song, with sometime, 3, 4 or even 5 rigs in one song.
In rehearsal, i play one song, and after playing, i readjust if necessary the volume of such a rig, for the next rehearsal.
It works well like this.
I do the same thing after the second song.
But, by doing this, sound levels may drift upwards.
No, it's not the same utility.
The problem is that, if a rig is at the maximum volume and that it must be increased (an not the other), it's not possible to increase it.
You must to decrease all the rig volumes to be able to inscrease this one.
The master volume don't change the problem.
This is a problem often encountered in mixing situations. After several hours of mixing, it is not uncommon for the volume of tracks to increase overall. If certain faders are too high this poses a problem. The volume of these tracks can no longer be increased, even if necessary. The general volume will not change anything, you will have to lower all the tracks one by one.
In a live situation, in rehearsal, by adjusting and re-adjusting the rig volumes, the tendency is to increase all rig volumes. At the end, some rigs reach maximum volume.
This requires then lowering all the volumes, rig by rig. It is a tedious operation.
A function allowing you to adjust all rig volumes in a single operation, to lower them for example, would be really useful.
And another function to adjust all rig volumes for a particular performance in one go would also be very useful.
This is what we need !
Yes dfdfan, i didn't dare suggest a thing like this, but.... this is what we need !
I would be great, a Kemper guitar with guitar modeling and able to be drived by the Kemper performances.
Everything's in the title.
Like the acoustic sim, a guitar sim would be great.
Telecaster sim, Stratocaster sim, Lespaul sim, banjo sim, sitar sim ....
The amps sound great. The Widener's FX in the X slot don't work at all. The Double trackers still do.
Any of you experiencing this?
It's an issue with the new beta OS ?
Thank you Bayou Texan, it's a great news, this Liquid Profiles.
Any and all profiles can use a LP amp model. Kemper also includes new LP profiles in Rig Manager. Use your ears to find what is right for you.
It's a separate gain & eq profiles wich can add to any existing amp profiles ?
All my profiles can benefit from liquid functions or must i buy some profiles with this new format ?
Ok, thanks.
I didn't see.
Everything's in the title.