Feedback request regarding design of a potential second Morphing

  • We are considering a potential enhancement ideally adressing a whole family of feature requests and asking for your educated feedback.


    - another pedal controller primarily for Delay Mix and Reverb Mix leaving Morphing for other tasks by Rig,

    - another pedal controller for Looper Volume,

    - potentially integrating the existing pedal controller for Monitor Output Volume into a broader concept.

    - ...


    - Looper Volume and Monitor Output Volume are global parameters and don't fit with the concept of Morphing as it is today.

    - What is really the exact purpose, when people are requesting additional pedal controllers for Delay Mix and Reverb Mix? Morphing allows to control the Delay Mixes and Reverb Mixes within any delay and reverb effect within any effect module individually or combined. Ranges can vary by parameter. Each Rig change resets Morphing to its base sound. Is this, what's also needed for a second Morphing?

    - Otherwise - if the pedal level would be maintained during Rig changes and overwrite the stored Delay and Reverb Mixes in the Rigs, should this affect all delay/reverb effects in all modules? So, for example all delays would run at n% Mix? Or how should the fixed pedal level be applied as stored effect locations, types and settings could vary by Rig?

    - Perhaps it might be more useful to establish two global offsets for Delay Mix and Reverb Mix, which would allow to reduce or increase all delay and reverb mixes across all Rigs and effect modules by a specified amount? Imagine you had a global controller for example to increase Delay Mix by +10% and to lower Reverb Mix by -5% across all Rigs and effect modules. Would this help and is a pedal then even needed or is this an adjustment you do once per gig/event manually?


    Imagine such global offsets would exist and we would introduce another Morphing limited to global parameters. Today's Morphing is restricted to Rig parameters. So there would be no overlap between both Morphings. There would be a new Global Morphing Pedal. And you could configure global continuous parameters like Looper Volume, Monitor Output Volume, any other output volume, output EQ settings,.... and the Delay Mix and Reverb offsets mentioned above individually or combined with individual ranges to that new pedal controller the same way as you practice it with Rig-specific parameters to the existing Morph Pedal today. These assignments of global parameters to the Global Morphing Pedal would also be global and not be stored by Rig. Would that cover the needs?

    Please think through the consequences and let us know!

  • Introducing morphing of the Rig parameters opened up a lot of possibilities at the time. I have always been waiting for a second morphing controller to manipulate a second set of rig parameters. Where one rig parameter can only be controlled by one morphing controller.

    Regardless the implementation, it is a great initiative involving the user community.


  • Just think of the second morphing as how you would want to control a wah. Morphing itself would be useless for controlling a wah so it needs real time control.

    That is how people with large Bradshaw systems have sometimes controlled delays and reverbs. They have total control over the output of the delay and reverb on a dedicated pedal.

    Look at some Lukather (his later Bradshaw systems) and EdgeU2 Bradshaw videos.
    There are loads of other players that wanted full control at anytime of reverb or delays while onstage.

  • Thinking of it, having independent control over some crucial parameters of signal wetness (e.g. delay or reverb mix) or of volume parameters like monitor or looper volume would be very useful.

    The idea of a global (non rig based) set of morph parameters is great.

  • Speaking only for my use case:

    Having global control of reverb parameters, etc. would be useful, but would not need to be controlled by an expression pedal.

    What I would like to see is a way to control the delay level, using the Kemper remote, with an expression pedal, in each slot of a performance, without having to use the existing morphing. As it stands now, I have to use morphing to control the delay level and; therefore, am not able to use morphing for anything else. And the delay level control needs to be tweakable for each rig or slot in each performance...and for each delay in a rig or performance (like it is now using morphing). Having expression pedal control of the delay level only would be great, and if the control could be extended to other delay parameters (the way it is currently is using morphing), that would be even better.

    Thank you for considering this.

    Be Thankful.

    Edited once, last by kevinduren (January 5, 2021 at 9:52 PM).

  • I think it would be great if you could have a secondary morph pedal to control possibly any single parameter, either delay mix or gain for example.

    I guess the implementation would then have to have the primary morph pedal ignore this particular parameter when using the primary morph function, ie; primary morph no longer affects gain or reverb mix or whatever parameter your secondary morph is attached to.

    I wouldn't want this as a global function though, per rig and not being activated until the pedal is used as the primary morph pedal operates would be my preference.

    While I'm putting out my wish list, would it be possible to have rigs saved with the option of having morph recalled at heel value or toe value on a per rig basis?

    Just my 2 cents, thanks for your consideration

  • Thanks for your feedback so far! Needs don't seem to be that congruent.

    I'd like to dig deeper into this Delay Mix Morphing approach. Our today's Morphing works like this - let's assume you have set up Slots in Performance Mode this way:

    Base Sound Morph Sound

    Slot 1 Delay Mix 0% 60%

    Slot 2 Delay Mix 10% 50%

    Slot 3 Delay Mix 20% 40%

    Slot 4 Delay Mix 30% 80%

    Slot 5 Delay Mix 40% 10%

    Each Slot gets loaded with the Base Sound values regardess of the current pedal position. As soon as the pedal gets moved it is soft catching the Delay Mix starting from these Base Sound values. Do you expect the same logical approach for a second Morphing layer or something else, and what would that be? From what I read before I got the impression, that people are looking for a way to adjust Delay Mix and Reverb Mix more permanently, than what Morphing does.

  • I agree. From what I've read, it seems that people ideally would like the morphing of delay and reverb to be akin to using the Lock function; switching between slots will ignore the base values and keep whatever the morphed values were at the time of switching.

  • Here is my idea:

    One or more morph parameters can be assigned to each performance switch (2nd click). So it is possible to control delay with switch 1, gain with switch 2, rig volume with switch 3 etc. In Stomp and FX-Module we can assign several stomps to on switch (I-IIII). For me it would be nice to transfer this idea to morph. So there will be the possiblity to morph several parameters on one click. The parameters must be assigned to the switch like it is in Stompmodule.

  • I agree. From what I've read, it seems that people ideally would like the morphing of delay and reverb to be akin to using the Lock function; switching between slots will ignore the base values and keep whatever the morphed values were at the time of switching.

    That could lead to a totally different solution. Something like Performance specific locking of effect modules e.g. DLY and REV. Global locking of effect modules does already exsist.

  • Exactly what I wished for so many times..

    One morph for gain,ODs,eq..the other for delay/reverb mix..

    I have some performances in which I use two of the same with only overdrive/od morphing and the other with only fx mix morphing..

    So yes..I am all in..

  • Here is my idea:

    One or more morph parameters can be assigned to each performance switch (2nd click). So it is possible to control delay with switch 1, gain with switch 2, rig volume with switch 3 etc. In Stomp and FX-Module we can assign several stomps to on switch (I-IIII). For me it would be nice to transfer this idea to morph. So there will be the possiblity to morph several parameters on one click. The parameters must be assigned to the switch like it is in Stompmodule.

    While Slot 1 is loaded, Rig Button 1 is ready for a second click, but the other four Rig Buttons 2-5 are ready for first clicks to load Slots 2-5. If these would switch parameters within Slot 1, how would you reach the other four Slots?

    The second click on Rig Button 1 does exactly what you describe "morph several parameters on one click", if Rig Button Morph is enabled. You can trigger Morphing via Rig Button or external momentary switches. Why do you need this functionality twice within one Rig?

    I don't understand the concrete "business case". Sometimes I have the impression people don't make effective use of the capability to memorize 625 complete signal chains in Performance Mode. If the target is to cover all possible sound permutations with just one to three Rigs, we might run out of buttons and pedals.

    So, please describe the scenario as concrete as possible for what you need a seperate (from Morphing) control of Delay Mix and Reverb Mix. And not from the perspective of how the feature should look like, but from the perspective of the need: "when this happens on stage I want to adjust Delay Mix and cannot use Morphing, because....". Based on this understanding we can consider the most effective approach to cover this need. Looper Volume is clear as this is not in scope of Morphing today.

  • While Slot 1 is loaded, Rig Button 1 is ready for a second click, but the other four Rig Buttons 2-5 are ready for first clicks to load Slots 2-5. If these would switch parameters within Slot 1, how would you reach the other four Slots?

    The second click on Rig Button 1 does exactly what you describe "morph several parameters on one click", if Rig Button Morph is enabled. You can trigger Morphing via Rig Button or external momentary switches. Why do you need this functionality twice within one Rig?

    I don't understand the concrete "business case". Sometimes I have the impression people don't make effective use of the capability to memorize 625 complete signal chains in Performance Mode. If the target is to cover all possible sound permutations with just one to three Rigs, we might run out of buttons and pedals.

    So, please describe the scenario as concrete as possible for what you need a seperate (from Morphing) control of Delay Mix and Reverb Mix. And not from the perspective of how the feature should look like, but from the perspective of the need: "when this happens on stage I want to adjust Delay Mix and cannot use Morphing, because....". Based on this understanding we can consider the most effective approach to cover this need. Looper Volume is clear as this is not in scope of Morphing today.

    You are right! I didn't think about the first click of the other Slots. My fault. Sometimes it is better to think twice before posting;)

  • While Slot 1 is loaded, Rig Button 1 is ready for a second click, but the other four Rig Buttons 2-5 are ready for first clicks to load Slots 2-5. If these would switch parameters within Slot 1, how would you reach the other four Slots?

    The second click on Rig Button 1 does exactly what you describe "morph several parameters on one click", if Rig Button Morph is enabled. You can trigger Morphing via Rig Button or external momentary switches. Why do you need this functionality twice within one Rig?

    I don't understand the concrete "business case". Sometimes I have the impression people don't make effective use of the capability to memorize 625 complete signal chains in Performance Mode. If the target is to cover all possible sound permutations with just one to three Rigs, we might run out of buttons and pedals.

    So, please describe the scenario as concrete as possible for what you need a seperate (from Morphing) control of Delay Mix and Reverb Mix. And not from the perspective of how the feature should look like, but from the perspective of the need: "when this happens on stage I want to adjust Delay Mix and cannot use Morphing, because....". Based on this understanding we can consider the most effective approach to cover this need. Looper Volume is clear as this is not in scope of Morphing today.

    In answer to your question, I honestly can't see an absolute need for a second morph to achieve something that isn't possible now by just creating/utilising extra performances, for me it's a desire to have more flexibility and control over what the pedals can currently do, and keeping it simple by not having to create near identical extra performances for minor tweaks. There's not much spontaneity if you always have to plan (and set up a new performance accordingly) what you're going to play before you play it.

    I guess what I'm asking is that if you're creating a second morph pedal function, personally I'd prefer if it wasn't limited to just delay/reverb mix.

    Sorry Burkhard, probably not the answer you're after, I feel like you guys are always handing out free candy and we keep asking for more!

  • When I am onstage, I have one expression pedal to control volume after the stack and before the delays and reverbs, like a master volume. I have one expression pedal to control the delay volumes, using Morph. I use two delays and use a button on the Remote to toggle between the two.

    Scenario 1 -- I would like to control the delay volume independently with an expression pedal and also be able to use Morph (either with a button, or ideally, with a 3rd expression pedal) to engage the Pure Booster, located before the Stack, and simultaneously bring the amp volume down the the level it was prior to engaging the Pure Booster.

    Senario 2 -- In another slot, I would like to use Morph to vary the mix level, volume, and tone of a Distortion while maintaining independent expression pedal control of delay level.

    Stated another way; I want to be able to control delay level, with an expression pedal, and also be able to use Morph. And yes, absolutely, I am trying to use one performance slot for similar/related sounds instead to changing to a different slot or performance.

    Be Thankful.

  • Here are couple example rigs (Timmons and Thorn) with "global" delay/reverb expression pedal. So they have programmed some presets, but have still additional 'master' wetness controller. Used through the gig and songs (ambience, effect).

    Not sure does the master mix get changed through preset changes. Most probably as it is possible to program Strymons with MIDI program changes. Or not if user so prefers. Such user selection would be nice to have with KPA also. So let the user decide.

    Maybe it would be possible also to select for each delay/reverb (or even any other pedal or continuous controlled parameter) whether the parameter should follow the current SLOT specific morph controller or another, global, one.

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