Bank buttons

  • The Kemper power head and foot switch capabilities are amazing. That being said, there are always some gripes.

    My #2 gripe is you can't set the tuner to read 1/2 step down tuning (so when you pluck your "E" string tuned to D#, it reads E) (My 2007 1101 did this)

    My #1 biggest gripe is the bank buttons. I just CANNOT get my head around the left button being "forward" and the right button being "back" through banks/performances it drives me nuts. Most countries read from left to right and for most people going left is "back" and going right is "forwards" I wish you could switch them so that left is back and right is forward. It just makes sense. I guess I'll have to label mine. I've never seen a controller I liked so much but this drives me nuts and makes no sense whatsoever in this regard.

  • Hi, Dynochrome,

    No need to gripe.

    You can swap the operation of the Up/Down buttons.

    On the Profiler:

    1. Press the System button
    2. Navigate to page 12/18
    3. Press soft button 3 [Button Assignment]
    4. Press soft button 1 [Switch Up & Down]

    ✓The function of the Up/Down Buttons can be changed on the “Remote Buttons” page in System Settings, reached
    via “Button Assignment” on the Remote Settings page.

    Reference: Up/Down Buttons in the

    Kemper Manuals and Quick Start guides


    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (October 16, 2020 at 5:59 AM).

  • WHY WHY WHY did they do this?????

    They gave a logical explanation for this a while back. Their reasoning was something like, in a performance situation most people have their banks set up like a setlist and step upwards through the banks most of the time. Users are less likely to need to step down (backwards) during a set so they put the most frequently used button in the easiest place to access and the place where you are least likely to accidentally hit another button.

    They explained that they tried various button layouts before settling on this one. The thing the about Kemper is that they aren’t concerned about how most people in most countries currently do things. Their single driving factor is to try and find the best way to achieve a results and they aren’t afraid to think out of the box to do it rather than just follow the crowd. However, haveing said that, they also listen to users and as a result they added the option toreverse the button order if you want to.

  • They gave a logical explanation for this a while back. Their reasoning was something like, in a performance situation most people have their banks set up like a setlist and step upwards through the banks most of the time. Users are less likely to need to step down (backwards) during a set so they put the most frequently used button in the easiest place to access and the place where you are least likely to accidentally hit another button.

    They explained that they tried various button layouts before settling on this one. The thing the about Kemper is that they aren’t concerned about how most people in most countries currently do things. Their single driving factor is to try and find the best way to achieve a results and they aren’t afraid to think out of the box to do it rather than just follow the crowd. However, haveing said that, they also listen to users and as a result they added the option toreverse the button order if you want to.

    Mostly correct, though they added that it was so you could bank up with the toe and engage the first slot with your heel in one motion.

  • Hi, Dynochrome,

    No need to gripe.

    You can swap the operation of the Up/Down buttons.

    On the Profiler:

    1. Press the System button
    2. Navigate to page 12/18
    3. Press soft button 3 [Button Assignment]
    4. Press soft button 1 [Switch Up & Down]


    Once again I asked a question that was in the manual. :pinch:Thank you so much, I missed that (obviously) This is fantastic! Now I can take the label off! Even with the label It was always making me hesitate. I have had GCX ground controls, Control 2, and many others they either had vertical buttons (Up being up of course) or horizontal with left being back and right being forward, I sing lead, play lead in a 3 pc band and my foot is used to being pretty automatic coming out of a lead, starting a verse and switching all at the same time. I can't tap dance or be guessing. Thank you so much again I'm really impressed if they thought of being able to switch the buttons. I wouldn't have thought!

  • I just have to say that "backward" makes the more sense in every way to me. Choices can be good when people see things vastly different. No matter what Kemper was thinking when they did this, Backward is better for me here's why:

    1. As mentioned before, left to most usually means "back" or "reverse" and right means "forward" or "advance"

    2.Arrows make more sense too! ( I was worried about that at first until I realized flipping actually made them make sense too!) Instead of the orthodox(not flipped) up arrow meaning "advance" or "next" (odd), I see it just like the list of Performances in rig manager . They go from top to bottom right? Now with the "flipped" setting the up arrow goes up on the list and the down arrow goes down the list (makes sense huh?) PERFECT! This is one of the coolest things I have learned about the unit!! To each his own I guess but I couldn't be happier about this solved big gripe. I didn't even look for an answer as I was sure there wouldn't be a way to do this. and it's awesome Kemper gave us this choice for above reasons!!! Thank you again everyone!!! If you didn't know this before and wished for this, I hope you find this thread.

  • IIRC it was implemented following a very-detailed (and lengthy) discussion between Kemper and users here on the board, mate.

    So, it wasn't flippable, but to Kemper's credit it took users' points of view on board and acted on them, as it so often does. 8)

  • IIRC it was implemented following a very-detailed (and lengthy) discussion between Kemper and users here on the board, mate.

    So, it wasn't flippable, but to Kemper's credit it took users' points of view on board and acted on them, as it so often does. 8)

    I don't know why it had to be so lengthy...... Or detailed.....It's pretty obvious it was backwards! It would be like having a year long debate why the chicken crossed the road!

  • Now that kind members have led me to the solution for the footcontroller issue, (It seems like every gripe I had has has been quashed and the solution somewhere in the manual I missed) I was wondering if the up/down for the rig cross can be reversed as well. As I have went on adnauseum, I can't get used to up meaning advance and down meaning retreat through selections. Again you read a page from the top to the bottom and pressing down on the cross should go down to the next performance on the list just like you read them down in RM. I mean if you were thinking of the list in rig manager and wanted to go to a performance 3 lines down, you would press UP on the Cross. Doesn't make sense and I'd like to find a way to reverse that function too but I probably can't have everything.

  • On the home screen up is +1 and down is -1.

    On the browse list up goes up in the list which is descending order, down goes down the list ascending order. Your page logic only applies, if there is a page with a list.

    This is a very common standard around the globe with up and down buttons. For example check out your TV channel remote control buttons. While the channel list is open and while you normally watch TV.

  • I gave up using the standard location of the bank up and down on my stage as I hit it too often and it was switching me to other stored performances. I have 100 songs programmed in setlist order. I simply put tie wraps on the two switches and reprogrammed the TAP and LOOP buttons to be performance up and down. The problem is easily solved. With the tie wraps the buttons are locked. Tap and loop can be repgrammed in the system settings pages.

  • The Kemper power head and foot switch capabilities are amazing. That being said, there are always some gripes.

    My #2 gripe is you can't set the tuner to read 1/2 step down tuning (so when you pluck your "E" string tuned to D#, it reads E) (My 2007 1101 did this)

    My #1 biggest gripe is the bank buttons. I just CANNOT get my head around the left button being "forward" and the right button being "back" through banks/performances it drives me nuts. Most countries read from left to right and for most people going left is "back" and going right is "forwards" I wish you could switch them so that left is back and right is forward. It just makes sense. I guess I'll have to label mine. I've never seen a controller I liked so much but this drives me nuts and makes no sense whatsoever in this regard.

    Unless it's a software update since your post, I've not got any problems with the tuner displaying the correct note.